This deck focuses on getting small damage in through unblockables, benefiting from effects that trigger when the enemy is dealt combat damage, and tapping down the enemy's creatures.
Decisions for each card:Azorius Charm - Good utility. Mainly for the bounce or the lifelink, depending on what I need.
Azorius Herald
- 4 of 12 unblockables. Comes in with life, which is nice.
Ethereal Armor - Buffs up an unblockable and powers up my Sphere of Safety.
Hidden Strings - One of the meaner components. Taps down two of the opponent's creatures every time I do combat damage to them, which is every turn.
Invisible Stalker - Another unblockable, plus hexproof.
Sigiled Starfish
- Decent body, and you can't beat fixing your draws every turn.
Sphere of Safety - Once again, slow down opponent's strategy by making them pay a lot of mana to attack, if they have things still untapped.
Triton Shorestalker - Vanilla unblockable.
Voyage's End
- More bounces are always good.
I need help deciding what few last cards to cut, and other suggestions are always welcome.
I have a question: How do you all feel about switching my Wall of Frost with the Frost Lynx from M15?