Let's Bounce: W/U (White Blue) Kaladesh

Standard* Rasanck


Rasanck says... #1

happygilmore511 And why on earth would I do that?

gleeson.token What would you replace to put it in?

TheEmgee What would you replace to put it in?

Gabe_The_Controller I think Thalia, Heretic Cathar is an overall better card than Authority of the Consuls.

Qolorful I don't own them but I can see them going in the deck.

September 30, 2016 2:10 p.m. Edited.

Rasanck says... #2

Qolorful I don't really use Dispel on my sideboard. What do you think about swapping two of them out for Avacyn that way when I'm playing against destructo-decks I can swap these in?

September 30, 2016 2:17 p.m.

Because the deck is called Let's Bounce and SoaD has the bounciest song ever. Called Bounce.

September 30, 2016 11:58 p.m.

Qolorful says... #4

Good idea

October 1, 2016 7:48 p.m.

Ropis says... #5

Have you given any thought to Drowner of Hope? Very synergistic with your current list, and brings a threat of infinite tokens, mana, and creature tapping if Eldrazi Displacer and Panharmonicon are on the board.

October 6, 2016 8:31 p.m.

Rasanck says... #6

Ropis what would you replace it with?

October 10, 2016 4:29 p.m.

Qolorful says... #7

if you were to use drowner of hope i'd say replace one copy of spell queller, because while it is a good card, it does still have a lot of drawbacks, so it would be nice to come across it slightly less often anyway

October 10, 2016 4:33 p.m.

Ropis says... #8

I think Qolorful is on the right track here, but I might go even farther than a single copy of Queller. It is an awesome card in the right build, but it asks a lot in return. You are very heavy in the 3 slot, and even assuming you have Queller in your hand turn 3, there is around a 75% chance you also have a Displacer or Ref Mage - playing either of which on curve seems to be powerful in your gameplan. Matchup dependent of course, but in general I don't think holding your mana open is where you want to be. I think you can easily go down to 2 in the main, and I would actually recommend dropping them all together.

October 10, 2016 5:15 p.m.

Blklasy says... #9

Hey check out my deck Kaladesh Blue white control v2

Been winning tournaments constantly with this build. Check it out. Pretty much what you are are doing just slightly different

October 10, 2016 7:13 p.m.

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