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W/U/B Spirits

Casual Ramp Spirits




Bottom line is this: get 1/1 Spirits in great abundance, make them huge and Hexproof with Drogskol Captain + Phantasmal Image as well as Shared Triumph and Intangible Virtue, and then beat the living sh*t out of your opponent with a torrent of pissed-off flying souls.

Mana curve is slow, but draw power helps speed things along. For the most part, due to its slower speed (and a lot of my friends playing decks that kill by like, T5), I haven't tested this deck too terribly much. However, it was able to keep tempo against a reasonably strong control deck, so it seems promising.

My sideboard is probably what needs the most work - counterspells like Negate may be in order to try and deal with my Drogskol Captains getting nerfed before they even hit the board.

Either way, however, this deck does a great job of making a huge army that can start to get out of hand by T4 if everything goes my way. Lots of fun to play!


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Streamlined the land base, removed one Phantasmal Image so I wasn't drawing it so damn much (4 Drogskol Captain and 4 Phantasmal Image can get a little too out of hand, it seems), dropped Favorable Winds in favor of Shared Triumph, and Think Twice in favor of Preordain.

The deck will hopefully perform; the mana curve of 3 is a little daunting, but hopefully I'll be alright with 23 lands. Moorland Haunt is on shaky ground currently; not as something to remove completely, but maybe to drop one and put in another basic land.

Needs lots of playtesting.

I also need to reconsider my sideboard - what I have now is alright to establish more control, but what about the potential of counterspells? Hexproof is pretty cool and all, but this deck is definitely sensitive to board wipes.

3-4 Tormented Soul + 2 Swamps seems like a superior choice to Spectral Rider; 2 white is too much. I should probably also consider those for the main board, speeding up the early damage buildup, making for coasting into T3 a little smoother.

Seems fairly stong, just hopefully adaptable to unsual circumstances.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 1 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 12 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.55
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Spirit 1/1 W, Spirit 1/1 WB
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