Keyword Deck no. 16 - Horsemanship
Yes, Horsemanship.
That long forgotten keyword will allow us to use the same advantage as Shadow, without its downside of not being able to block the opponent.
The main issue is that not much of these cards were really good, and they were mostly overpriced. And this deck is the first WUBRG deck of the series.
So I took a couple of the best Horsemen for each colour, and thrown Birds of Paradise to ramp mana of any colour. Then here comes the big advantage of these creatures : every creature in this deck (besides the Birds, and Metallic Mimic which is colorless) are Humans and Soldiers. This make totally viable the use of Cavern of Souls and Unclaimed Territory to get any colour of mana. Finally, Daru Warchief will reduce the cost of your other Soldiers.
With some luck, it is possible to cast any card by turn 3.
Wu Scout allows you to know opponents' hand by turn 2
Wei Night Raiders will make opponent discards while Lu Xun, Scholar General is your draw engine
Lady Zhurong, Warrior Queen is a nice unblockable 4/3.
You can boardsweep with Rolling Earthquake to keep only your own creatures, or remove with Coordinated Barrage.