Greetings Summoners!
I was watching some tournament matches lately and saw that awesome deck Gerry Thompson was running. Thought to myself, let's rebuild it, but just do it better. :)
So the credits for this deck actually go to Gerry Thompson and his Team, but i made some noteworthy changes.
About this deck:
This is a control deck which can respond to almost everything your opponent's casting. Against Boros or Naya Aggro, you have good defensive creatures like Restoration Angel and of course Boros Reckoner, but also some removals like
Searing Spear
Supreme Verdict
. Searing Spear can easily deal with cards like [[Thragtusk, Boros Reckoner or Frontline Medic.
Card advantage is the keyword with this deck. A lot of spells can give you an early card advantage. Azorius Charm,
Augur of Bolas
or Sphinx's Revelation are some great examples.
Snapcaster Mage is the last of 4 creatures this deck contains. He's perfect with all the Instant cards you wanna play. Flashback Boros Charm and
Searing Spear
which both do some nice damage to your opponent.
Against other controll decks, you cast some counterspells like Counterflux and especially Rewind, which I think is quite a good card here, if you have 4 mana, because if you can counter target spell and untap 4 Lands, you can play some of your 2 drop combos also in the same turn (Snapcaster Mage + Charm or even a Restoration Angel).
Thought Scour is just another cheap card drawing spell. The milling is ancillary here.
I think I don't have to say how well Jace, Memory Adept works with this game.. primary you wanna play the +1 and -7 ability, the milling for 0 is very, very strong, but it dont give you that card advantage as the first or of course the last ability can get you, and as I said, card advantage is winning you the game.
The sideboard, as you can see, contains another set of great counter spells, such as Essence Scatter or Negate.
Detention Sphere is important to have, because it can give you the board advantage after you already have the card advantage.
Last but not least Planar Cleansing. It's there, because it also deals with enchantments, artifacts and planeswalkers - other than
Supreme Verdict
. The triple white mana makes it worthless to play main, but in the sideboard it seems like a nice option to have.
How to play this deck:
What you don't wanna do is attack active. Of course, its your main win condition, but you don't want to loose creatures in battle, in no possible case.
Swing in with your Boros Reckoner or your Restoration Angel whenever you're sure, you can get some damage through. But mainly, you wanna sit back and just respond to everything your opponent does. Whether it's playing cards or attacking, you can counter the action.
What's also important is to always hold some mana back if possible. You want to be able to draw cards or deal damage in your opponents end step. Just always remember: Cardadvantage wins you the game!!
Thanks for any improvement on the deck.I would appreciate some comments thoug!
Thanks for having a look at my deck.Simon