8/11 fnm top 8's and counting, usually top 4, almost always goes 4-1 or better, worst is usually 3-2. White weenie enchantment aggro. This deck is pretty balanced. If you re-distribute between games, it should be surprisingly consistent. It's basically 1/3rd creatures, 1/3rd pieces of protection, and 1/3rd "umph." Distribute like so: Creature, piece of protection, buff. Then put one land down after every two cards and shuffle.
Questions you may already have: Q: Why aren't you sideboarding the new O-ring?
A: If you need something gone with this deck, then you need EVERYTHING gone. Banishing Light, Brain Maggot, Chained to the Rock, Detention Sphere are usually large parts of the problem. Planar Cleansing is this deck's best late game card advantage.
Q: Why Hopeful Eidolon over Favored Hoplite?
A: Early game life gain, late game life gain. It also buffs Ethereal Armor without being bestowed, which makes it more useful than a late game dud of a Hoplite.
Q: Why not Brimaz/Launch the Fleet/Blind Obedience/whatever?
A: Because over 65% of the time, those things lose to this thing in the mirror match and those decks don't perform as well against the meta.
Q: Why 61 cards, noob?
A: It runs better with that 20th land and it runs worse with 1 less anything else.
Sideboarding for control: Pull the double strike and most of the enchantments (except ethereal armor) for spirit, aegis, brave, and board wipes as well as possibly Chariot of Victory. Trample!
Sideboarding for stuff with pro-white or intimidate: Pull some useless creatures for Bronze Sable and Pillar of War. Useless artifact creatures.. til you grant them flying, life link, doublestrike and +6+6. Suck it, Stormbreath.
Sideboarding for white: Pull some enchantments and/or protection for Aegis of the Gods and maybe other creatures. Against white, Chariot of Victory shines.
Sideboarding for black: Aegist + Spirit, maybe Planar Cleansing.
Sideboarding for green, blue and red: should keep them busy between matches. You, maybe not so much.