
Boros Voltron

Got the bug for some new commander decks. Got the Aesi and Wyleth bundle pretty cheap and then upgraded this deck slightly.

Wyleth, Soul of Steel is a great card draw engine. He is also low cmc and can be utilized early to get the cards flowing.

Lots of equipment attached to a creature that can take advantage of it.

Comments, suggestions, or upvotes are welcome!

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My Commander Decks

5 Color Dragon Tribal - Tiamat, Mother of Dragons
Niv Mizzet Combo - Niv-Mizzet, Wheel of Pings
Atraxa +1/+1 Counters - Atraxa, Queen of Counters
Zombie Combo - Wilhelt, the Zombie Tsunami
Big Creatures and Lands Matter - Aesi, Value Snek
Boros Voltron - Wyleth, Boros Voltron
Mono Red Haste and Chaos - Etali, Primal Chaos
Food tokens - Lots of food and fellowship
Azorius X-Spells - Will, Scion of X Spells
Rakdos X-Spells - Rowan, Scion of X Spells
ETB Doubling - Yarok, it's doublin' time
Copy Spells - Kalamax, Sire of the Spells
Mana Dorks Attack - Raggadragga, Revenge of the Dorks


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94% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 12 hours
Exclude colors UBG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

30 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.71
Tokens Elephant 3/3 G, Plant 0/2 G, Treasure
Folders Edh
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