
Our game plan is simple: amass a store of mana and blast your opponents into smithereens via good ol' fashioned burn.

Curses and good political skills will keep players from identifying you as the most threatening player so long as you're careful about not overextending. Ideally you'll want to assist others in knocking out the biggest threats first, waiting for the perfect turn to knock out two players at once.

The deck is a semi-budget deck and meant to be played at casual tables. You can insert any Rakdos manabase that suits your budget/competition level!

In addition to the mana rocks, dorks, and land-fetching cards, cards like Black Market and Braid of Fire will eventually give us massive amounts of mana to pump into Xantcha, Sleeper Agent's ability—not to mention the other, more generic burn effects.

Neheb, the Eternal can continue the fun post combat after a bit of pre-combat burning.

It's important to act like a soft threat in the early and mid game, giving you time to build your ramp package. If you go off too early, you'll catch a lot of hate from the table for playing such blatantly aggressive tactics—this includes deploying Xantcha before the time is right.

The Curse cards can help you off set some flack by identifying a better target for the table other than yourself. Otherwise, use your removal options (most of which double a burn) to help keep the pace of the game even.

Try to team up with one player to keep the early game threats in check, and you'll likely make it to the late game where you can go from zero to deadly with minimal effort.

Because your card draw has higher CMC, is chaotic, or tied to Xantcha, most cards in the deck need to pull double duty. Other than the mana-centric cards, the majority of the others simultaneously fulfill at least two of the following roles:
  • Control

  • Removal

  • Ping/Burn

  • Recursion

  • Politics/Pseudo-protection

Treason is a common theme in red that allows us to manipulate the board state a little more by expending our opponents' resources against them. When you pair it with Xantcha, however, it becomes even better. In addition to the normal advantages of temporarily stealing creatures, you always know your opponent is going to have a 5/5 you can steal and swing with thanks to Xantcha's treacherous nature. Note that it's best to do this switcheroo when most of the table is tapped out so they can't burn you with her activated ability. Additionally it's an aggressive and on-theme way of killing Xantcha off if you need to switch her to a more threatening player.
Add cards that double up effects like Fork and Bonus Round to more consistently close out games. I personally don't play this deck with these effects because Rakdos already has a giant target on its head, and I don't want my table to automatically delete me first every game.

Other forms of efficient burn, like Price of Progress and Acidic Soil, can replace some of your mana creatures. I'd recommend these efficient options if you want to speed up the deck into aggro-ish territory (if you do this cards like Braid of Fire and Black Market lose a little bit of value).

Any creature that you can sink mana into at instant speed is also a welcome addition. There are a ton of options here, but you'll want to include some of these (replacing the Extort creatures in the deck) so you have a choices when you don't want to activate Xantcha's ability (either from overdrawing or playing soft politics).

Your feedback is very welcome!


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #63 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.17
Tokens Gold, Morph 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders EDH, Commander Ideas, Xantcha
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