Xenagos, God of Corruption

Commander / EDH Squirrel_of_War


MegaMatt13 says... #1

Very nice deck! +1

A couple questions for you:

Do you feel you have enough creatures overall in your deck? It's rare for a Xenagos deck to have less than 20-25 creatures. This isn't meant as a criticism. I'm sincerely curious. In my deck I run over 30 creatures because I want constant backups if they die to removal spells. I'd be happy to get away with fewer creatures in the deck though.

Do you feel like your deck has enough ramp? Your overall CMC is low. My deck relies more on big hitters so it definitely needs ramp. Even with your low CMC deck, ramp spells could help you get Xenagos out a turn or two faster. Low CMC ramp spells like Nature's Lore or Rampant Growth or some mana dorks like Birds of Paradise or Somberwald Sage could help speed up the deck.

June 28, 2016 7:40 p.m.

@ MegaMatt13: Honestly as far as creature count goes, I'm out of options. There are eight more infect creatures in these colors I could play but most are not very good. Because of the low creature count I'm running some tutors and the majority of my ramp will get me 2 lands so I can thin the deck a little to hopefully draw into my creatures. I might add more draw power though. Thanks for the comment and +1!

June 30, 2016 12:42 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #3

I understand you are short on infect options: maybe a few non-infect creatures that have some utility and can at least still hammer your opponents. Soul of the Harvest provides card draw. Savage Ventmaw provides extra mana. Balefire Dragon as a board wipe. Moldgraf Monstrosity allows you to recur a couple creatures. Terastodon for spot removal of pesky permanents. Atarka, World Render as a nasty flyer with trample and double strike

June 30, 2016 3:36 p.m.

F3A5t says... #4

So dirty I like it!!

October 28, 2016 10:14 p.m.

Thanks! I'm like the 'bad guy' of my play group. Everyone knows I'm going to try to win in some crazy ass way. Last time i played this deck I killed three other players at once by casting Phyrexian Juggernaut going to combat phase targeting it with Xenagos' ability to make it a 10/10, swing in to kill 1 person then Chandra's Ignition for the win.

October 28, 2016 10:21 p.m.

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