Xenagos Savageborn EDH

Commander / EDH* NiTRoBoX


NiTRoBoX says... #2

hackerheck thanks, :) it helped, took some of those you suggested.

I also swapped few cards, added:
Twinflame - Can be great to copy Big creatures :D
Relentless Assault - another card that give 2 battle phases :D
I did took 2 lands out, checking other Xenagos EDH decks they all have around that number of lands,
as of the mana ramp cards.

I'm not sure about Strionic Resonator :/ what do you think about the deck now?

July 10, 2015 12:28 p.m.

hackerheck says... #3

I like it a lot! Those are both great additions and while I haven't played with it Strionic Resonator sounds like it would be awesome. I might have to pick one up for my Xenagos deck.

July 10, 2015 12:50 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #4

hackerheck heh.. I read the rules of Strionic Resonator again and now I know it is a must have in this deck, as Xenagos, God of Revels ability is a triggered ability :D so for 2 mana you will have another creature with haste and double attack power = a must have in this deck.

I'm waiting for some cards to arrive, but its should be hell of a budget deck. :)

July 11, 2015 6:07 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #5

Need to find the best way to put in:
Lurking Predators
and maybe even Drumhunter for more draw.. any help will be appreciated :p!

July 11, 2015 4:17 p.m.

DJMintEFresh says... #6

July 18, 2015 3:38 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #7

DJMintEFresh yes :) I will get one, thanks.

although maybe I should get only lands that not come to play tapped for the tempo. will need to try out.

July 18, 2015 4:58 p.m.

JohnnyBaggins says... #8

Gruul Ragebeast, Stoic Resonator and Mage Slayer are amazing in this deck. Thanks for the inspiration, I didn't know the thing. I know, it's a bit above price but Aggravated Assault is so stupidly good with Xenagosm not to mention paired with the Savage Ventmaw. Other than that, I found cards like Mana Flare, Heartbeat of Spring and Zhur-Taa Ancient to be greatly beneficial for "our" deck. I run a very similar one: Cult of Xenagos

July 19, 2015 9:37 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #9

Alpinisth thank you for the comment suggestions and up vote :)
I'm using Dictate of Karametra in my Xenagos Modern deck, as its really risky to give your opponent double mana income :P so with Dictate of Karametra at least you can make sure you are the first to use it.

At first I've included it in this deck along with Zhur-Taa Ancient (p.s. thank you for suggesting Mana Flare, Heartbeat of Spring didn't know they existed! might use it in modern) but then I thought that it will be too risky. So took it out and put cards with different ways to get mana\lands.

Aggravated Assault is a beast! and worth every penny, but the price quite high for me as it's not my main deck I won't buy it atm.. thought will keep in mind and get it eventually :P

There is also this card Seize the Day would love to have it but the shop I buy from don't have it.. :/

Savage Ventmaw interesting card, does it mean you can make a 'storage' of mana an use as much as u need from it each turn? without getting damage?
Gruul Ragebeast I have it but don't sure I should use it hmm will need to test out and see.
sorry for long reply :P!

July 19, 2015 10:03 a.m.

JohnnyBaggins says... #10

Mana flare probably isn't Modern Legal. The most "recent" print is from Fifth Edition... :D But Heartbeat is. I'm not a fan of Dictate - yes, it has flash, but I argue this way: Dictate is a five-drop. I want to use my turn of the five-drop to play Xenagos. Of course, you might argue that leaving mana up, flashing Dictate and then dropping Xenagos and a beater in the next turn is valid, but I don't like that. I just hate risking this flash having my Dictate countered. When Xenagos is on the board already, Dictate adds nothing really, that's where Ancient shines - you drop it, you have the effect and you get a 14/12 beater with Xenagos. Flare and Heartbeat are way cheaper and don't concurrent with the Xenagos drop. Yea, sure - having the first use can be relevant (I can only imagine the wet dreams of a control deck being able to Turn 5 Omniscience) but usually I found that our (I'll refer to the Xenagos-Beatdown deck as our deck) benefits the greatest. Usually, control can't use it all that much, they still need to HAVE the counters and other decks may profit, but not the way we do. Other decks may have an easier time dropping their stuff, but all in all, we still get the biggest piece of the cake. And, most of all, don't forget that these abilities profit the player with the most lands. You deck doesn't run as much ramp as mine, but when we have eight lands through ramp and they have four or five, they may gain four to five mana, we still gain eight. And lastly: Even if be benefit the same way and everyone suddenly drops 7/7 beasts - our 7/7 beasts have haste and become 14/14. I felt like I'm always favoured when stuff like that came down. Yea sure. I had my oppoents perform a madness show based on my Ancient just to then have him (it? her?) being hit by Pongify leaving me with a frustrated smile, but that's that.

Yea I can understand. 10 bucks is no fun for a single card. Hate it. But you can't do anything after all...
The combination of Savage Ventmaw and the Assault works as follows: Have both on the board, go to combat. Make Ventmaw a 12/12 with Xenagos, attack. Ventmaw triggers, with 5 of the 6 mana you can now pay the Assault. Untap everything, go to combat, make Ventmaw a 24/24. Attack, Ventmaw triggers. With 5 of the mana, pay Assault. Untap, go to Combat, make ventmaw a 48/48, attack, pay, 86/86, attack, pack, 164/164... you get the point. As it's infinte and mana doesn't empty from your pool that turn, even if they have something to keep your Ventmaw from killing them, you store 1 mana each attack, so you can essentially reach infite mana. That mana can be used for something like Crater's Claws, Banefire or Fireball. You won't be able to store mana throughout your turns though. But once you're at infinite, unless they have spot removal or a Deathtouch blocker, game usually is over. I'd not play Ventmaw without Aggrevated Assault, there's a lot of cards that are a lot better.

Uh, Seize the Day is neat. Anything that gives me additional combats is neat with Xenagos, as a matter of fact. Scourge of the Throne is such a bomb. But he's also damn expansive in monetary values. And I love the Ragebeast. Removing stuff is tough enough in Red Green. This thing really helps.

Don't ever be sorry for a long answer! We're here to talk magic, right?

July 19, 2015 10:50 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #11

Alpinisth Indeed we are :P
My modern deck uses a lot of X cost creatures so Dictate of Karametra is useful for me each turn and as I put all the extra mana in the X I can make sure I benefit much more then the opponent.. :P
Amazing combo the Savage Ventmaw and the Aggravated Assault! I've made this deck though for a casual play with friends at my place and I want them to remain my friends hh so I will skip this combo for now though I will get them for my local store EDH events for sure >:3!
I've bought on ebay Seize the Day and Gratuitous Violence so I took out Breath of Fury and Tin Street Hooligan (Hooligan is nice tool but its like little kid that interfering the grownups not much use of it after it had been played. What do you think about this change?

I also like your Elemental Bond but not sure I have a place for it I like Cream of the Crop more as its great scry tool.. hmm

Scourge of the Throne pure gold T_T will add it to the maybe list along with assault for future investments hh..

about the X cards hmm I will see if they can work better then the one I have already thanks :)

July 19, 2015 11:22 a.m.

JohnnyBaggins says... #12

For more casual magic, especially if you run Gratuitous Violence, think about Berserkers' Onslaught. It really does the trick when you want to go REALLY big. It won't help your 18/18 through the 1/1 chump blocker, but still. BAM! As I said, it's basically win more, but it impresses. Other than that, this type of deck is hard to figure out. I decided I want some stuff that's hard to counter. So, some uncounterable stuff went in. That lead to the entire power level dropping. So I did some re-adjustments and it went ever on. It's hard to figure. Same with removal. How much ramp is right? There's a bunch load of primers on so many commanders, but I feel like Xenagos is not only unknown but also underrated. All the gods got somehow the image of being mediocre to bad commanders, but with Xenagos and Purphoros, I disagree. So, yea. Maybe we should write a primer. Run numbers or something. I don't know. Sure, Xenagos won't ever be doing the absurd stuff Animar or Sharuun does, but he wins with raw, brutal power. No combos needed! (Even though, we can have some, right?)

July 19, 2015 12:55 p.m.

Euanbrown520 says... #13

add atarka , the world render in and combined with xenagos you can swing for 12 with double strike and xenagos's ability makes it 24 damage

July 21, 2015 8:58 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #14

Alpinisth I will think about Berserkers' Onslaught :) thanks.And yes I agree that gods usually aren't the best commanders.. Although I do use [Athreos, God of Passage] in my Black\White commander, hard to find good B\W commander.. and one of my friends uses [Iroas, God of Victory], and it does work for our table meta heh :P

Euanbrown520 Atarka, World Render yes this is a good card for this deck, indeed, I will add it later on as atm I've finished all my orders :) ty!

July 22, 2015 8:38 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #15

Made few changes, still need to take one card out, and I guess I won't have friends after playing with this deck xD
can't wait to play this deck hell seems more fun then my main deck Glissa Return

July 22, 2015 3:20 p.m. Edited.

NiTRoBoX says... #16

Still need to decide what card to take out, as I put Aggravated Assault in.
I think on one of the two:

Relentless Assault or Overwhelming Stampede both are good and both are there for a reason, so really hard to choose. Or maybe take out Soulblast just thought it could be a good finishing card, but I guess Relentless Assault or Overwhelming Stampede are more vital for the decks tactics..
Although Soulblast is good to cast the sec there is a board wipe.. baah..
Would appreciate any help with this..

July 24, 2015 12:01 a.m.

Euanbrown520 says... #17

Add a Card called triumph of the hordes so you can pump and swing for infect

July 24, 2015 7:11 a.m.

JohnnyBaggins says... #18

Would take out Soulblast. I'm not a big fan of having to sacrifice Xenagos.

July 27, 2015 6 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #19

Alpinisth yes that is exactly what I did yesterday :)
Triumph of the Hordes is an interesting card thanks for mentioning it Euanbrown520 I will think about it! giving a fat creatures that was boost with Xenagos infect and trample can be deadly >:3

July 27, 2015 6:16 a.m. Edited.

NiTRoBoX says... #20

Made the deck more dragon themed, added cards like:
Dragonlord's Servant, Dragonspeaker Shaman, Sarkhan's Triumph, Crucible of Fire, Coat of Arms.

Added Taurean Mauler as it is a shapeshifter it will benefit from the above cards. And work well with Coat of Arms + any other creature.

Not sure about Emerald Medallion and Ruby Medallion, can help but don't know if that efficient..

Any help appreciated!

October 11, 2015 7:34 a.m.

JohnnyBaggins says... #21

Hey man, just for reference, here's my current Iteration of Xenagos: Fires over Theros: The Cult of Xenagos. I have played "our" deck a lot by now, a hundred times maybe. A lot of Multiplayer Matches, too.

Here's what I'd say to you from my experience:
If you want to ramp into Dragons, sure, do that. Dragonlord's Servant, however, is a horrible card. I'd much rather run cards like Nature's Lore and Rampant Growth. They essentially do the same thing as Servant, only that they don't die to boardwipes and reduce anything's cost by 1 (virtually). Servant doesnt help you cast your other good cards (Including Xenagos), these do.
Balefire Dragon is, more or less, a must-include. It's a targeted boardwipe.
Garruk, Caller of Beasts is broken as hell in this deck. First turn he comes down, he'll draw you 1-2 creatures, then, after a Xenagos triggers, he easily draws you 10-20 cards.
Other than that, I'd think about running Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker if you want to force the dragon theme. Stormbreath Dragon isn't bad either, its Monstrous can swing a lot of damage around the table.

Now for a number of cards I don't like in you deck:
Crucible of Fire is a fun little tool, but paying 5 mana for that effect is just not good enough. It does not only do nothing if you have no creatures, it's even not doing anything if you don't have any dragons. If you want an effect like that, I'd much rather play Beastmaster Ascension. Elemental Bond is not that great. I used to run it a long time, but it's bah. Even if you get to trigger it often, it's not impressive at all. If you're short on creatures already, it's an awful topdeck. I'd much rather run Garruk, Caller of Beasts, Greater Good or maybe even Soul's Majesty of Momentous Fall. Another card that does virtually nothing without creatures is Mage Slayer. I'd also get away from creature based ramp. Relying on that is horrible. It hurts so much if an opponent pulls the trigger on Wrath of God. Losing 50% of your Mana base as a casualty in a Board Wipe is just sad. You're not running Skyshroud Claim, Tempt with Discovery, Nature's Lore, Rampant Growth, Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf or Three Visits, all of which are really sweet hay makers in ramping, none of which dies to sweepers.

Have a good one!

October 11, 2015 1:34 p.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #22

JohnnyBaggins thank you for the help man time after time :)
Sorry took me sometime to reply.
Dragonlord's Servant - see your point about this card, and not so sure about the Emerald Medallion and Ruby Medallion..I've obtained Dragonmaster Outcast might be a good alternative.
Stormbreath Dragon got one not sure what to take out for it to have a place.
Added Quicksilver Amulet and as you suggested got Beastmaster Ascension though I love this card in Green + White decks on tokens when you have 7 creatures you cast it and get the +5/+5 same turn. Not giving your opponent time to find a way to get rid of it, it is better then casting it and making a use of it after 2-3 (or more) turns.. so not sure about it ..

Wanted to get one of Skyshroud Claim but it was out of stock in my store.
Soul's Majesty is inside already :)
Added: Rancor, Beastcaller Savant, Decimate. Need to take out 7 cards or so, will need to think about it good or maybe I will just try few options and see how it goes, thought with commander it isn't that easy as with modern\standard where you need 3-4 games to see if something working or not.. heh..
thanks for the help again, I always put a lot of thinking in what you (and other too) suggest me. And appreciate the help :)!

October 16, 2015 9:37 a.m.

r_type_one says... #23

Vexing Shusher gets things done.

November 12, 2015 1:04 a.m.

NiTRoBoX says... #24

r_type_one I didn't know this card thanks, can be a good side board card along with Spellbreaker Behemoth :)

November 13, 2015 11:54 p.m.

r_type_one says... #25

Indeed! I'm glad you found it useful.

November 14, 2015 1:52 a.m.

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