
(I want ring of three wishes in this deck. Add more Search, maybe more ramp. I wanna get some trample and unblockable in it too.)

Win quickly/one-shot through: Xenagos + Malignus and

-Siege Behemoth

-Mage Slayer

-Gruul Charm (If they have no fliers.)

-Rogue's Passage

The same can be done with a fat Savageborn Hydra.

Cool stuff together

-Vigor + Blasphemous Act = Destroy most of their creatures, lose Vigor but all other creatures you control get 13 +1/+1 counters.

-Where Ancients Tread/Warstorm Surge + Dragonlord Atarka/Flametongue Kavu = Extra burn.

-Quick Ramp + Deus of Calamity = Destroy lands before they ever get a chance to play anything big.

-Where Ancients Tread/Warstorm Surge + Giant Adephage = Constant burn and fatties.

Stuff I like

-Warstorm Surge: I like the flavour and damage this card brings. Essentially turns all my creatures into burn spells. With all of the fatties here it's better than Where Ancients Tread, though I like it too.

-Sylvan Library: I honestly would like this card better if it scried, and I don't really like the draw ability. If there's a card like it without the draw ability and around the same mana cost that would be nice.

-Giant Adephage: It's a big ass bug that can win the game with Xenagos out alone. When I try to imagine the essence of mono-green in one creature, two creatures come to mind; This and Garruk's Horde.

-Garruk's Horde: A deck focused around big, mean, aggressive creatures should always have this. It hits hard, has trample, and lets you play the top card of your deck if it's a creature. Great together with Oracle of Mul Daya.

-Oracle of Mul Daya: Obviously a good card. Saves me from a lot of dead draws, and with this, Sylvan Library, and Garruk's Horde out Domri Rade's ability is MUCH more useful.

-Domri Rade: So far he's been a good addition to the team. I've got a few cards in here that let me check the top card of my deck, so I find myself prepared for his effect which is nice.

-Highland Weald/Mossire Valley/Gruul Turf: Because it's pretty.

-Gruul Charm: Where I play, a lot of people like to take control of creatures. With this, I let them do it, then take my SH*T back.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 6 Rares

18 - 1 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.00
Tokens Copy Clone, Dragon 5/5 R, Emblem Domri Rade, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
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