RubyOrzhov: Best. Comment. EVER, man! Hahahah <3
**FierceTierce: Hey! Yes, it is right where I want it. I have to test it with 3x or just 2x Green Sun's Zenith, but the rest is pretty much balanced. I am waiting for something interesting to come out in the next sets, though. Thanks for the love!
Also, you got that onion already! Don't you feel EMPOWERED?! HahahahAkinu: You are evil hahah
Xertious: Link your cards man! Nylea, God of the Hunt could indeed replace Avatar of the Resolute, although for that body and CMC, its slot may be that of Leatherback Baloth. I like the devotion I have, but this change would ultimately depend on the budget you have, and the choice of the pilot/brewer. Thanks for passing by!
Delta-117: I think it is overrated and not quite a good idea for this deck; he gives nothing that the other creatures already do give (Chancellor of the Tangle). But thanks for taking the time and comment :)
seshiro_of_the_orochi: Onion's dead. Sorry.
Mistcutter Hydra is indeed good, and can take the slot of Avatar of the Resolute. Absolutely sick against control-blue.
August 17, 2016 4:14 p.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #3
That makes me said ;)
Did you see Berserk being previewed for the new conspiracy? Could be fun in here :p
August 19, 2016 8:10 a.m.
freakingShane says... #5
Dang it. Just read the comment above, after typing this all out. Since I went through all that effort, I'm going to post it all the same...hahaha:
Also, it may not have a place for it it this deck (it is decently pricy to add any too), but what about adding Berserk?
Again, I know it would be pricy, and I wouldn't want to through off your card drawing/playing synergy, but it maaaaaybe could replace 1 Overwhelming Stampede and/or 1-2 Aspect of Hydra? Really, both of the cards I suggested to take out do a great job, but a Berserk or two could save on mana cost and bump one or two creatures through the roof, then you could play Stampede or Hydra and make them that much nastier.
Just food for thought and I love where your deck is already, so don't sweat it if you wanna pass on Berserk!
September 5, 2016 1:11 p.m.
Darthmidget says... #7
Great deck. Tightly built and great setup. As a recommendation have you considered Predator Ooze over Avatar of the Resolute?
September 30, 2016 12:14 p.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi & freakingShane: Berserk... yes. It's EXPENSIVE people. I'd have to sell some organs to get 2x or 3x (minimum amount of copies to make it worth the presence). But yes, in essence, having 2x could be useful but a little too risky. Overwhelming Stampede gets your creatures high and you can reuse them later... Berserk makes your move an "All in" play. Of course, paying 7 and casting Aspect of Hydra, Berserk and then Overwhelming Stampede would be GOLD, though... can't deny it hahahahah.
Cheers my people!Darthmidget: Thanks for the compliment man, much appreciated. I do have considered Predator Ooze, but in lieu of Leatherback Baloth, not in place of Avatar of the Resolute, but from the top of my head and replaying the last matches in my head, that might just screw a little with the curve. And also, having Reach helps a whole lot. I'll maybe set the count of the Avatars to 3x, but that's on the works now.
Thanks for the suggestion though, it's out of the box and I like that. I'll test it.jamesfiek: Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is awfully good in devotion decks, but in this particular one, where you have Utopia Sprawls that require forests, and Arbor Elf, it doesn't cut it in the tempo advantage the other combos give. This deck doesn't use spells, so in the late game, having 20 mana serves you no good.
Thanks for passing by man :)
To everybody who's reading this message, the visit of the other 4 decks is encouraged; you never know what inspiration you may find between the other lists! Cheers and thanks for reading :D
October 4, 2016 12:31 a.m.
- AshiokFromRavnica: You just wrought havoc to the onions. Thanks for the multi-deck love hahah
And yeah, I know right? This deck is NUTS. Got to balance the Green Sun's Zenith. 3x seems to be too much.
October 24, 2016 2:13 p.m.
I'd love to play that deck. Unfortunately my friends and I only play modern. Any idea to make a good modern version of it?
November 12, 2016 5 p.m.
demonicgrizzly says... #12
correct me if i am wrong but i think the only non-modern card is green sun zenith
November 12, 2016 5:18 p.m.
AmericanTitan says... #13
You are correct. Swap that bad boy out, and you have a nasty modern deck.
November 25, 2016 10:07 p.m.
joebrannan1 says... #14
How does this deck do against the current modern meta? Is it strongly competitive? Jund burn and Infect stand out as seeming like it might be an issue.
November 26, 2016 6:51 a.m.
GeneralHellkite says... #15
Dude, this deck is awesome! It kinda reminds me of a deck I made back in Theros standard. Also, if I may ask, what would you replace the Green Sun's Zenith with to make the deck modern legal? Cheers!
November 29, 2016 4:47 a.m.
I'm taking out Green Sun's Zenith for Genesis Wave and swapping Lightning Greaves and an Avatar of the Resolute for four Karametra's Acolytes. I might swap some forests for a few Nykthi? Nykthosi? I give up but you know what I mean.
December 1, 2016 9:16 p.m.
Also considering going for a full four nykwhatevers and adding some Strength of the Tajurus as well. Or is it strengthS of the tajuru? I guess I'm just really bad at pluralizing. Anyway, 500th upvote and the deck looks great.
December 1, 2016 9:19 p.m.
Hackbrett, demonicgrizzly, AmericanTitan: To modernize this, get the Green Sun's Zenith out and put 3x of something you like. Possibly Strength of the Tajuru or Genesis Wave could work.
OBDog11: Report how did those changes do in the field. I'd say Karametra's Acolyte is a little bit too much, but could work with Strength of the Tajuru. And yes, you suck at pluralizing hahahaha... Cheers my man!!
GeneralHellkite: As said before, Strength of the Tajuru or Genesis Wave is a nice change to make this modern instead of the GSZ.
Thanks for the love, always a pleasure to read ya'll! :D
January 9, 2017 2:40 p.m.
mean_green_machine says... #19
I think this deck would do better in modern than legacy, legacy is such a broken and fast format that a fair deck like this might not make it. Also, why you no Nykthos? It seems to me that it'd make crazy mana in a deck like this.
March 31, 2017 3:01 p.m.
We agree on the broken thing. But it fights, though. Holds its ground.
No Nykthos because of speed, price and availability where I live. Also it can't be untapped with the Elf. If you have it, you can use it... 1x or 2x can't hurt really.
March 31, 2017 3:09 p.m.
mean_green_machine says... #21
I'm sure it can kick the butt of other fair decks or value decks. But what does it do against combo decks like storm or reanimator or oath? Can it get through miracles? I'm just saying all you'd need to cut is green sun and it could be a modern deck and get a turn or two more to set up before broken things really start happening.
March 31, 2017 3:20 p.m.
This is the deck I use. For legal purposes it is classified as Legacy. It had no Sun and worked just as well. The sun was actually overkill from my part.
March 31, 2017 4:23 p.m.
Love this deck! I've tried a couple variants of it, been one of my absolute favorites to play with. Definitely sack an onion for me.
What about Mwonvuli Beast Tracker in lieu of GSZ? or even Fauna Shaman?
Akinu says... #1
33334th viewer, hue hue hue :D, sorry for ruining the nice number, just had to.
June 10, 2016 7:14 a.m.