Snakes need wheels, they don’t have feet *Primer*

Commander / EDH Pikobyte

SCORE: 175 | 171 COMMENTS | 22542 VIEWS | IN 62 FOLDERS

Pikobyte says... #1

Lotus petal is mainly in there to get some extra free mana when you wheel into it to get your wheel chain going @MessiahComplex. It’s great too to get out Xyris early. But it already happened that I played it 4 times in one turn just by reshuffling my grave and drawing it again.

Also played nekusar some time ago and didn’t like it too much. Maybe it was the grixis colors or maybe the massive hate, no clue about that. But I’m totally happy with Xyris

May 6, 2021 4:09 p.m.

TriusMalarky says... #2

On the topic of Petal, Simian Spirit Guide and Elvish Spirit Guide do something similar -- they won't be shuffled back in, but they should put in a lot of work.

May 6, 2021 4:25 p.m.

Pikobyte says... #3

Thats True @TriusMalarky. Out of them, simian is prob the best since it can pay the red mana for wheels. It’s prob a very good replacement for lurid petal but petal still can pay for your blue wheels too or for important green cards

May 6, 2021 4:47 p.m.

Muggatu says... #5


Fellow Xyris player! My deck is not quite as powerful as yours as I have my fast mana elsewhere but what about Veil of Summer? maybe a decent swap for counterspell on the turn you go off? It is a bit more reactive?

May 13, 2021 11:48 a.m.

Pikobyte says... #6

That’s quite a good idea @Muggatu. Counterspells don’t work well with wheels and I could cast veil just before I play the next wheel. I’ll give it a try and see how it performs. But first i have to find a card to cut for Guardian Augmenter . Thx for that suggestion

May 13, 2021 1:41 p.m.

MessiahComplex says... #7

Snapcaster Mage versus Spellseeker ?

Perhaps the added protection of Guardian Augmenter could be swapped out for Beastmaster Ascension ; sure we lose bigger snakes (which could impact our Skullclamp negatively), but we still have Shared Animosity to draw in the big attack numbers should we need it.

May 14, 2021 10:10 a.m.

Pikobyte says... #8

Spellseeker sadly can’t find any wheels @MessiahComplex. Best target would prob be pongify and that’s not really worth the slot. Currently testing guardian augmenter as a replacement for locust god. It’s doing pretty well so far and I think locust god might be the card I cut for it

May 14, 2021 10:21 a.m.

MessiahComplex says... #9

Spellseeker finds:

Gamble , Winds of Change , Minds Aglow , Mystical Tutor , Worldly Tutor , Cyclonic Rift , and most of any of the Counterspells, and finally Battle Hymn should you need more Red Mana in the moment.

May 14, 2021 10:28 a.m.

Pikobyte says... #10

Still not worth it imho @MessiahComplex. I think snapcaster is superior here. Spellseeker finding a wheel doesn’t do anything if I already got a wheel in hand. Finding mystical tutor and tutoring a wheel on top of my library works only if I got a discard wheel in my hand but not with any of the shuffle wheels like Winds of Change etc. Snapcaster can give a wheel flashback until end of turn. Now you can play wheels from your hand and once you didn’t draw into another one you can still flashback the one from your grave. I totally agree that Spellseeker is a good card here. But since tutoring isn’t an issue and the list is tight already I don’t think it’s worth cutting a card.

May 14, 2021 12:23 p.m.

Diosamblet says... #11

Hi Pikobyte, since you aren't relying on counterspells for much, how about changing Counterspell for Muddle the Mixture? It would let you tutor for Earthcraft

May 19, 2021 3:13 a.m.

Pikobyte says... #12

Not a bad idea Diosamblet. But I’m currently testing Veil of Summer instead of counterspell and I’m pretty happy with it so far. It’s 1 cheaper, can be used as a pseudo-counter and I can cast it in advance before I wheel to my my stuff uncounterable for the whole turn. After some more testing i will prob make it a permanent change and update the list. Same is true for Guardian Augmenter , it will most likely replace locust god after some more testing. I like the idea of being able to tutor for earthcraft but I’m not sure if I really need it. Got plenty of ways to tutor for phyrexian altar and so far that works really well. Do you play Xyris too?

May 19, 2021 11:15 a.m.

Diosamblet says... #13

Ah, fair enough! I started playing Xyris last week. Your decklist, primer and comments were super useful in teaching me how the deck works. Our group's power level isn't as high, so I have Cryptolith Rite and Ashnod's Altar instead, and fewer wheels. Another player already has Purphoros and Impact Tremors in his Krenko deck, so I decided to go for mill and Strixhaven Stadium as my wincons.

Looking forward to seeing how your deck evolves!

May 19, 2021 7:58 p.m.

Pikobyte says... #14

Rite is great with haste but a bit slow without. I’m glad I could help you a bit Diosamblet, sadly I can’t see your decklist. Xyris Mill sounds fun, I play Muldrotha for my mill deck.

Sadly I think the deck won’t evolve too much more beside the 2 cards I’m currently testing, unless new cool stuff is printed. Got a few hundred games with it now and it’s pretty well tuned already, but I’m always looking for improvements :-)

May 19, 2021 8:56 p.m.

Pikobyte- I notice you don’t run Crucible of Worlds or Ramunap Excavator. I would think with all the wheeling you’re going to have a lot of land cards hit the graveyard. Has that been an issue?

You built a wild deck. It was very inspirational while constructing mine. I’m still waiting on a few cards to show up before I can play test it.

August 20, 2021 7:04 p.m.

Pikobyte says... #16

Heya Dangerwillrobinson79!

Not running ramunap or crucible has never been an issue. Those cards would only slow me down by eating up mana and take up slots for more important cards. With all the wheels I get enough lands to my hand, so there’s no need to play one from my grave. Also quite a few of my wheels reshuffle my grave into my library, so they’re not lost once they hit the grave. With the deck aiming to storm off and win turn 4-5, the 3 mana for ramunap or crucible is just too much of a downside. Any wheel I play instead gives me a land too, while also creating tokens and more mana.

Im glad my list did help you a bit with yours. Just took a look and it looks pretty sweet for that budget. Let me know how it performs once it’s finished :-)

August 20, 2021 8:33 p.m.

Hi Pikobyte! Just checking in -- has the most recent set added anything to this? Maybe moved some new cards into your view? I'm always looking to find improvements, didn't know if you have seen anything.

February 23, 2022 4:11 p.m.

Pikobyte says... #18

Hey there MessiahComplex. I actually didn’t look into the new set at all. I’m currently really busy with a lot of changes in my live. I have to take a look and catch up on that soon

February 23, 2022 11:12 p.m.

Pikobyte says... #20

Hey there glhfJKiHax, I missclicked and accidentally removed your comment, sry for that.

As you noticed, the list is really tight and every cut hurts. I got several problems with LED there: first is that I only have 1 and play it in my Muldrotha deck. But honestly I don’t think it’s worth it anyways. It is outside of the combo pretty much a dead Card, since discarding your hand before you can cast anything is not what you want to do. It’s also quite risky since your opponents just have to counter whatever you want to cast with the mana from LED to completely stop you. So I don’t think it’s worth the cut. If you want to include brainfreeze you could do that without LED too. The loop of Battle Hymn and any red discard wheel sooner or later brings both brainfreeze and lotus petal into your grave so you could finish the game with that. That’s only useful however if you got the combo but don’t have your commander on the field. with your commander on the table, a goblin bombardment will do the trick too. So I’m again not sure if it’s worth the cut for that since it would be a dead card in most cases. You could just test it and see if it works for you. From my experience with the deck I just don’t see the need of adding led and brainfreeze, imho it will hurt the deck more than helping it

May 23, 2022 8:42 p.m. Edited.

enpc says... #21

Have you thought about Malevolent Hermit  Flip for the list? It's a nice counterspell but since you're wheeling a bunch the disturb effect becomes really useful.

May 24, 2022 12:01 a.m.

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