Y U NO LET ME PLAY!? 3 Turn kill...

Modern BrutalFear


MinscAndBoo says... #1

Brutal naya aggro!! +1

June 4, 2014 11:14 a.m.

Biomancer says... #2

love this deck +1 all the way

Love the idea, and i just freaking love speed decks

June 4, 2014 12:39 p.m.

Guydudeman says... #3

That is a really fast deck its an all or nothing deck but its pretty cool

June 4, 2014 12:51 p.m.

BrutalFear says... #4

Your right @Guydudman, it is all or nothing, but that is what defines a true aggro deck. I usually end up winning before my opponent can even play anything (most of the time), unless they get 1st turned Thoughtseize or they are on the play and drop a turn 2 removal before I can play Alpha Authority . Other than that I have a side bored that slows the deck down some but provides some more mid to late game consistency like Hammer of Purphoros . It allows me to play 3/3 token with haste by sacking lands I have no use for. Also, Warleader's Helix provides some balancing, Gods Willing provides more protection to lessen the threat of removal. I could go on and on. The issue, like I said, is that it slows the deck down too much on game 1 to main deck them.

June 4, 2014 4:50 p.m.

Pennywise399 says... #5

ill miss Ethereal Armor when it rotates out. nice build though

June 4, 2014 4:57 p.m.

awphutt says... #6

Just so I understand, you've kind of got to have a creature in your opening hand/ in the first few draws to win? Seems like broadening your creature base could help, because 12 out of 60 isn't great odds...

June 4, 2014 4:58 p.m.

BrutalFear says... #7

@awphutt you are correct, sometimes I just do not draw into creature in time. I was playing around with Akroan Skyguard at 4 for some additional creatures. The cool thing about this deck however is that I have a 39.9% chance for each creature to draw into it in my opening hand. This adds up to 119.7% chance to open up with 1 of my 12 creatures. I only need 1 of them to win on turn 3. Also, if need be, I can mulligan down to 5 and still be able to win on turn 3.

June 4, 2014 5:12 p.m.

bluerong says... #8

Nice aggressive deck. I love Madcap Skills !

Can you explain your math? I'm having trouble following.

June 4, 2014 5:24 p.m.

awphutt says... #9

Your math is off. Insanely off. Over 100% does not exist. All I'm saying is, your deck is a 1 trick pony, if you want to be more competetive, I'd suggest either diversifying or swapping out pump spells for creatures.

June 4, 2014 5:24 p.m.

Blarzam says... #10

Madcap Skills together with Alpha Authority is a dirty trick! I love it.

June 4, 2014 6 p.m.

MADreams says... #11

Why not play Hopeful Eidolon and gain some life until you can do lethal. Or what if they have two creatures to chump because get away with lethal doesn't fly with an opponent that can respond with removal or blockers. You can also add in Ajani, Caller of the Pride as another insurance for double strike, except you're flying on turn 3. which usually has less answers. then there's always the stupid probability that you Turn 3 win with:
T1: White source + Hopeful Eidolon .
T2; White source + Ethereal Armor + Ethereal Armor , attack for 7.
T3: Mana + Ajani, Caller of the Pride (-3), attack for 14. Lethal.
Then on the off chance this bs doesn't work your life total is now at 41.You also have a ton of combinations for T4 wins, the probabilty that your opponent can begin to respond fast enough also increases insanely by T4.

June 4, 2014 6:05 p.m.

Energycore says... #12

May i suggest Ordeal of Purphoros instead of Dragon Mantle - you won't be activating the mantle's ability much. That said the cantrip is juicy.

June 4, 2014 6:09 p.m.

Dremi says... #13

Banishing Light on Alpha Authority no more hexproof

June 4, 2014 6:21 p.m.

Energycore says... #14

The thing is, the banishing light is a 3 mana spell at sorcery speed. This deck is too fast for that. You'll be consistenly beating control players before they can resolve a Supreme Verdict (!), making them have to keep hands with Charm and even pop Revelations for 1-2.

Black removal is about the best thing to deal with a deck like this. I like its chances as a tournament deck if it wasn't for Black Devotion and B/W Midrange running multiples of Ultimate Price , Doom Blade or Devour Flesh .

June 4, 2014 6:44 p.m.

BrutalFear says... #15

@awphutt If you click on card odds and look at the percentages, all I did was add up 39.9% for Favored Hoplite , 39.9% for Satyr Hoplite , and 39.9% for Lagonna-Band Trailblazer . I am not aware of how to do the calculations for that but there is still a very high chance to draw into 1 of the 12 monsters on turn 1 or mulligan to get 1. I believe it is Riemann sum from n = 0 to 5 where (12/(60-x)). This equates to 1.04 * 100 = 104%.

Click here to check my math at Wolfram Alpha

@ReaperOfTheWilds I like idea however it is not going to be consistent since that combo requires multiple Ethereal Armor to work.

@Energycore I do run Ordeal of Purphoros in other deck builds similar to this one but the issue is speed. Dragon Mantle is there for the card draw and the fire breathing if I do not have the cards to win on turn 3. It also works well as Ethereal Armor fuel. On turn 2 I really need to be dropping Madcap Skills or Alpha Authority . I will have to do the math and see if Ordeal of Purphoros will help me 3tk (I will get back to you). Also, Black is an issue that I am aware of and have sided for. Gods Willing is a fast answer for those turn 2 creature hate cards. Hammer of Purphoros acts as token generator against heavy removal decks such as black.

June 5, 2014 10:20 a.m.

MADreams says... #16

Consistent? I thought this was suppose to be a fun deck
I don't understand your reasoning? It is just an additional combo to the deck, and you're already playsetting ethereal armor. dragon mantle and alpha authority are cute but play test the same deck except remove those 8 and replace with 4x eidolons and that ajani. you can even bestow the eidolon. I playtested this a bunch your way and the way i just mentioned. Guess which was more consistent? but stay free friend, it's still a cute deck, already got my +1.

June 5, 2014 10:37 a.m.

BrutalFear says... #17

@ReaperOfTheWilds calm down bro, I'm play testing it now. I'll let you know what I think.

June 5, 2014 12:05 p.m.

awphutt says... #18

Okay, so to get the percentage chance of getting a creature in your opening hand isn't done by addition. You find the chances of getting 1 particular card in an opening hand (Which is 1.667) and then multiply that by 12 (the number of creatures in the deck) which comes to 20% as the chance to draw one as your first card. The chances get consistently better from there, but the chance of getting it as your 7th card is still only 21.053%. Not great odds.

June 5, 2014 12:14 p.m.

BrutalFear says... #19

@awphutt I am not sure I understand how you get 21.053% of drawing 1 of 12 cards when you have a 39.9% chance of drawing 1 of 4 Favored Hoplite on turn 1. Click Card Odds and scroll to the bottom. That is just the odds for 4 out of 60 cards in my deck. If you triple the number of monsters to 12 out of 60, it should triple the odds. Either way, I still do not have any issues drawing into one.

June 5, 2014 12:30 p.m.

rsloan1996 says... #20

why not cut the green, just to tighten up your mana base?

it doesn't seem to contribute massively to any part of your strategy anyways

June 8, 2014 9:03 p.m.

rsloan1996 says... #21

also, is Soldier of the Pantheon not just better than the 0/4?

June 8, 2014 9:06 p.m.

Skraz1265 says... #22

I would try Soldier of the Pantheon and Gladecover Scout , instead of two of the others, just because they both have evasion, which will help you be a little more consistent against removal.

June 8, 2014 9:45 p.m.

BrutalFear says... #23

@rsloan1996 I do run a version of this deck that uses Gods Willing instead of Alpha Authority that turns this deck back to Boros. Soldier of the Pantheon is good card and it may see my side deck for game 2. Lagonna-Band Trailblazer does not stay 0/4 for very long. He can deal lethal damage by turn 3 which is the point of the deck.

@Skraz1265 I like your idea for using Gladecover Scout . I think I am going to change my side deck to morph on game 2 to a more evasive build.

June 9, 2014 9:45 a.m.

BrutalFear says... #24

@Shmu Haha yeah I never noticed that until now. I used to have some rares and mythics but they all were eventually taken out. I will say the deck runs very nicely regardless of the lack of rares. Thank you for the +1

June 9, 2014 12:34 p.m.

Infamousjohn says... #25

I want to find something wrong with this deck....but I just can't! well done! +1

June 9, 2014 1:37 p.m.

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