This iteration replaced weaker cards with upgrades, and attempted a better focus on creatures. I tried replacing some Spectral Sailor and Cloudkin Seer for Faerie Miscreant. It would combo sometimes allowing me to cheaply draw and have a 1/1 flying, but more often I found myself with just 1 or 2 and needing a guaranteed draw.
4x Unsummon Replaced with an upgrade, and other similar spells.
4x Spectral Sailor. Being a cheap flyer to trigger parts of the deck and the draw was nice. With the extra cost to draw it could only really be used late game, when I would have many other ways to draw cards anyways.
2x Air Elemental. From recommendations I was able to find stronger options that cost the same mana.
1x Riddlemaster Sphinx. Same as above.
Replaced With...
3x Stern Dismissal An upgrade compared to Unsummon since it can target enchantments too.
1x Faerie Vandal for 4 total. Since I draw often, it is easy to trigger and stack counters.
4x Brazen Borrower The adventure is exactly the spell the deck needs for more field control, and at 3/1 the creature is an aggressive flyer to help kill the opponent faster.
3x Cavalier of Gales A strong flyer to beat down the opponent/block, that gives a dynamic draw 1. As a bonus it goes back in the deck if it dies.