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Yasova Anakin. I have the high ground!

Commander / EDH RUG (Temur) Theft


We don't underestimate our opponent's power. In fact, we turn it against them!

Pretty straightforward. Steal opponents creatures, beat them up, then keep or sac those creatures. Few bounce effects to keep re-using our stealy creatures.

Put this together with what I had at home, so there are a few filler cards that are valuable but admittedly aren't the best. Please let me know if there is anything that could help this deck out!

As always, may the (Brute) Force be with you!


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91% Casual


Revision 2 See all

(11 months ago)

-1 Arachnogenesis main
+1 Bloodforged Battle-Axe main
+1 Command Tower main
-1 Cryptoplasm main
-1 Evil Twin main
+1 Greater Good main
+1 Hero's Blade main
-1 Nacatl War-Pride main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #19 position overall 11 months ago
  • Achieved #16 position in Commander / EDH 11 months ago
Date added 11 months
Last updated 11 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.68
Tokens Copy Clone, Ooze */* G, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B
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