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Yasova Control Shenanigans copy

Commander / EDH*




9 card advantage (11.1 draws)

12 control (8.33 draws)

36 lands (2.77 draws)

8 early ramp (12.5 draws) 3 mid ramp (33 draws) total 11 (9 draws)

6 yasova outlet early (16 draws) 5 yasova outlet mid (20 draws) total 11 (9 draws)

6 yasova stats (16 draws)

8 yasova backups (12.5 draws)

--------------GENERAL THOUGHTS------------------------

Card advantage. The total number is fine, but specific cards are spotty, Rishkar's Expertise is normally decent, but the deck is low creature and hase few cards that buff stuff, so if yasova is dead or doesn't have stats... at that point you need card draw the most, but this does the least. Shamanic revelations is even less reliable.

A solid number of control cards. Most decks skimp out on this, nicely done.

Ramp is low. A lil less than a 50% chance of getting an early ramp card in your starting hand. Bounty is surprisingly awkward to use (but has good flavor). Traverse the Outlands is awkward just like Rishkar's.

Yasova outlets. Reliably getting one of these and a stat buff is basically the core of the deck. You only average 1 every 9 draws with no tutors....

Yasova stats. Same as above except 1 out of every 16

yasova backups. Solid.

Get more tutors. Fit in as you can stomach. Tutors and sift cards Ponder Preordain are the backbone of decks with multiple necessary parts. Biggest thing should be reliably getting ((yasova + stats) or (some other steal engine)) + (a sac outlet).

Get more mana. Especially 1-2 drop mana. Yasova is a flaming mana whore. Getting a ramp out before you start leaking 3 mana a turn is huge.

Double down on creatures and +stats to keep all the Traverse the Outlands and whatnot, or don't and don't.

Wincons. There are surprisingly few. Mob Rule is solid, but Avenger of Zendikar and Insurrection will be shaky with so few ramp cards (take ages most games to get 7-8 mana). Kalonian Hydra is better. Forgotten Ancient is also nifty.

Dominus of Fealty. It's a really, really cool card. But also a bitch. You need 5 blue/red mana. If you draw a single forest he is going to 'require' 6 mana. If you draw a High Market also, he's going to 'require' 7. It's also a bit annoying that he is slow, he only steals something next turn.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

50 - 6 Rares

20 - 2 Uncommons

11 - 4 Commons

Cards 103
Avg. CMC 3.61
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Goat 0/1 W, Morph 2/2 C, Plant 0/1 G
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