Yawgs Win cEDH

Commander / EDH shadowmage

SCORE: 78 | 111 COMMENTS | 40777 VIEWS | IN 46 FOLDERS

Midwest says... #1

How good are Bitterblossom and Dreadhorde Invasion in this deck? It appears to be fast enough that I'm not sure they're providing you much advantage, considering you have to wait a whole turn for them to do their thing. I've not played the deck though, so maybe I'm overestimating your common win turn. Carnival of Souls costs life and is also symmetrical, which can be rough, but it does help you generate additional mana on the pivotal combo turn. When you're doing your Undying combo, for example, it adds mana every time a creature comes back in from the graveyard. This allows you to cast all of the cards your drawing to gain more life and keep going off or even opens up another alternate win condition like Exsanguinate . And again, Exsanguinate doesn't have to necessarily even be lethal to be good because it gain a ton of life without winning the game to let you draw more cards.

June 16, 2019 12:59 p.m.

Hissp says... #2

When I was fishing I found myself wishing for Mike a lot. Thoughts?

June 16, 2019 1:07 p.m.

shadowmage says... #3

Midwest I really like carnival of souls in the deck however when you are comboing off you probably cant afford to loose 2 life per loop rather than 1 life, you would have to have 2 of the life enabler cards. the other problem is that it is a universal card so you loose life and get mana on an opponents turn also which can just kill you. I personally think its a card card but maybe only if you drop it the turn youre comboing ; I think its just too limited

June 18, 2019 10:42 a.m.

shadowmage says... #4

Midwest instead of exsanguinate I have gray merchant because you can loop it with reanimation spells to have it trigger multiple times where exsanguinate is more of a one shot deal 99% of the time

June 18, 2019 10:44 a.m.

shadowmage says... #5

Hissp I dont like mikaeus in the build. He doesnt provide any card advantage and at 6 mana he costs too much. I had mike/trike as a backup combo but the issue is that it relies on the GY just like yawgmoth so you dont want your backup plan to also get stifled the same way as your main win, it needs to rely on a different axis of winning so you dont get stuck twice.

June 18, 2019 10:45 a.m.

Mjordan887 says... #6

What are your SB targets for Karn? Cursed totem? Grafdiggers cage? Meteor golem?

June 18, 2019 8:10 p.m.

shadowmage says... #7

Mjordan887 there is no sideboard in edh. Karn is there to turn off the blue players and also you can use his negative to get back one of your artifacts if it happens to get exiled. You can also use karns plus ability to kill opposing zero cost mana rocks

June 19, 2019 4:23 p.m.

Mjordan887 says... #8

June 19, 2019 5 p.m.

Mjordan887 says... #9

Thoughts on stacks cards like tagle wire, and smokestack, or something like contamination? And how good is paradox engine here?

June 19, 2019 5:02 p.m.

shadowmage says... #10

Mjordan887 I removed paradox engine combo because it was too unwieldy in this deck and didnt fit after many playtesting sessions

for stax cards, contamination is going to be the best choice. tanglewire and smokestack are good also but that would be a whole different build focusing on stax. this build is fast combo

June 21, 2019 1:44 p.m.

Mjordan887 says... #11

Do you feel like cabal therapist could be good here?

June 21, 2019 8:54 p.m.

shadowmage says... #12

Mjordan887 I dont think it would really fit into our strategy. Creatures in this deck need to either draw cards, be free, or make other creatures for cheap

June 22, 2019 5:12 p.m.

Mjordan887 says... #13

Fair enough lol I'm just struggling against some of the counter heavy blue decks and feel like the single duress isn't enough somethimes. Any tips?

June 22, 2019 5:18 p.m.

BigBooy says... #14

Karn is an interesting inclusion. Is a 4 mana assymetrical null rod really where you want to be for this deck, considering that you're going for fast combo? Same for Gilded lotus, wouldn't Fellwar Stone be more appropriate?

Also, how come you run Duress over Thoughtsieze? I realise the life is relevant, but is it worth missing Faerie Macabre?

I haven't tested Force of Despair yet, but my gut says that it won't be better than Slaughter Pact or Snuff Out.

Why Cruel Tutor over Grim? Or hell, even Beseech the Queen? I get that it has Bolas's Citadel synergy but eh? Is that really worth it?

June 23, 2019 7:25 p.m.

shadowmage says... #15


Karn is another way to stop the blue decks; In addition it’s another way for us to kill artifacts for instance let’s say there is an opposing Grafdigger's Cage preventing us from comboing off, we can use karns +1 ability to turn it into a creature and then kill it with Yawgmoth

Duress is good enough 99% of the time and yes it’s used to try and minimize the life loss a bit

Force of despair allows you to bust up things like hulk lines or other cheaty type situations where someone “goes off” our can just stop them even if you’re tapped out. I may add snuff out at some point but it hasn’t been needed yet

Grim definitely belongs here not sure how I missed that one

June 24, 2019 7:26 p.m.

shadowmage says... #16

BigBooy oh yea also abt gilded lotus ; it’s for the games where you have a crazy t1/2 ramp situation, playing it on t1 or 2 gets you multiple turns worth of mana ahead vs a ‘fair’ fellwar stone that is just incremental advantage. Except for the moxes, all the ramp here makes multiple mana

June 24, 2019 7:32 p.m.

Enral says... #17

I think you should definitely consider Lion's Eye Diamond since you truly go infinite with 2 undying + blood artist. I think this is a more compact win package and is easy enough to assemble. I tune my deck towards a more optimized (non-cEDH) meta so there are cards that would not work as well in cEDH like yours. Feel free to check my list out!

June 26, 2019 12:51 p.m.

shadowmage says... #18

Enral I’m not really seeing how lions eye diamond does anything here

Nice list !

June 26, 2019 1:09 p.m.

Ramos_Lomas says... #19

Nice deck! Really looking forward to see the evolution of the list Isn't Hangarback Walker better than the either of the 2 mana sac fodder creatures?

June 27, 2019 10:19 a.m.

shadowmage says... #20

@ramos_lomos thank you! Hangarback is pretty good also and may deserve a spot.

June 28, 2019 7:51 a.m.

This list is fantastic!!

I’m using it as a starting point for my own deck...but I’m probably going to power down a little for my meta and to include some of my favorite black cards.

June 28, 2019 11:36 p.m.

Nawg says... #22

Just curious (I'm just starting edh) why not include Phyrexian Arena for card draw? Seems like a better option than Dark Confidant?

Also if you wouldn't mind taking a look at might slightly more budget build I would really appreciate it. I'm wondering what are the next things to prioritize. I'm happy to credit you.

Things I need: Vampiric Tutor Scroll Rack Fetch Lands Mana Crypt

Thanks a lot, this the deck is awesome.

July 2, 2019 9:34 p.m.

ToffMcSoft says... #23

Addition to the maybe board? Shadows of the Past

July 3, 2019 4 p.m.

shadowmage says... #24

ToffMcSoft oooohh that is scpicy I like it

July 4, 2019 3:28 p.m.

shadowmage says... #25

Nawg phyrexian arena is just a dead card often. at least dark confidant can both attack and block and can be sacrificed to yawgmoth to draw another card and distribute a -1 counter

out of the cards you listed vampiric tutor is def the #1 card to get followed by mana crypt, scroll rack and lastly the fetches. the fetches help with your senseis top and bolas citadel activations so they are still very important and they help remove lands from your deck so you can get to your action cards

July 4, 2019 3:32 p.m.

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