Yea we've got that

Modern rckclimber777


rckclimber777 says... #1

hmm.... thats a good question. When I first built the deck I had considered armada wurm, but left him out for the same reason I left out the angel of serenity (didn't have a copy). The deck has run very well without both of those. Whether it will get better with them certainly is a possibility. The craterhoof I hadn't considered. Its definitely an interesting suggestion. Could definitely be fun as a one-of at the very least. I'll add both to the maybe board. Thanks for the feedback and the +1

November 8, 2012 12:21 p.m.

colossusgb says... #2

In regards to Trostani being in your maybe board....I've been playtesting a deck that runs Trostani, Deadeye, and Restoration Angel and managed to get them all onto the field at the same time. It was a stupid amount of lifegain. The interaction between Restoration Angel and Deadeye is awesome. Resto Angel (4 Life), Deadeye (5 Life) and you can do that multiple times per turn if you have enough mana.

November 8, 2012 12:38 p.m.

topshelf7710 says... #3

What about Rhox Faithmender ? Instead of gaining 10 life off of blinking Thraggy, you could be gaining 20. Pretty insurmountable advantage to build against most decks.

I like this. It's not my normal style, but I like it.


If you don't mind, take a look at my deck that I'm trying to test for Star City Columbus Open in January, Azorius Arrest Warrant. Thanks!

November 10, 2012 10:28 a.m.

ricelee97 says... #4

Have you tried this at FNM?

November 10, 2012 4:45 p.m.

CallMeCrazy says... #5

Just wondering how do you permanently exile cards with Fiend Hunter ?

November 10, 2012 8:52 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #6

Cast Fiend Hunter , its ETB (enter the battlefield) effect triggers and goes on the stack, then before that resolves you flicker it with either Ghostly Flicker , Cloudshift or the navigator. It leaves the battlefield and the LTB (leave the battlefield) effect goes on the stack. Remember that the ETB still hasn't resolved and is still on the stack. The Fiend Hunter enters the battlefield and is regarded as a new object thus its ETB effect targets something else. It goes ahead and exiles temporarily some creature then its LTB resolves, since nothing was exiled at this point by its first appearance on the battlefield it simply fizzles and does nothing. Then the first ETB effect resolves exiling a creature. Since the Fiend hunter responsible for that is already off the field, there will never be an instance for that fiend hunter to leave the battlefield again and thus the LTB will never trigger again. So it permanently exiles a creature.

In the case of the deadeye navigator you can do this a lot since everytime you flicker it, you can flicker it again with the trigger on the stack, rinse and repeat you'll have a string of ETB effects under LTB effects thus permanently exiling several different creatures. this can also be done with the Angel of serenity in the same manner.At ricelee97. I would love to, but I unfortunately work on Friday nights so that would be rather difficult to do.

November 10, 2012 9:56 p.m.

CallMeCrazy says... #7

mind = blown

November 10, 2012 10:56 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #8

:) yea my old Sundial of the Infinite deck used to abuse that strategy by bouncing the fiend hunter or O-ring and then ending the turn with the LTB still on the stack. This is actually a lot easier in general.

November 10, 2012 11:06 p.m.

CallMeCrazy says... #9

That alone makes me want to build this deck, oh and +1 this deck looks really solid

November 11, 2012 1:14 a.m.

rckclimber777 says... #10

Thanks for the feedback and the +1. Glad you like it.

November 11, 2012 11:38 a.m.

NickX says... #11

A similar deck played at my GPT and used Angel of Serenity as the go-to card for when creatures occasionally found their way into the grave. Thragtusks just kept on coming back and back again.....he got up to 100+ Life (vs a 4C Reanimator, going back and forth with Angel of Serenity battles) without Trostani, So I am thinking that Trostani would be overkill really.

November 11, 2012 6:44 p.m.

CallMeCrazy says... #12

I think Lyev Skyknight might work well here

November 12, 2012 5:08 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #13

yea it was in the first iteration of the deck. I later replaced it with Centaur Healer . It did very well as long as I could bounce it routinely, but part of the problem was that swinging with him was almost never an option. The reason why is that he has to be bounced in order for things not to have the ability to block but it has summoning sickness whenever it comes back in. He's definitely still an option and may still find its way in here, but dying to thundermaw is a downside for it.

November 12, 2012 5:36 p.m.

megaskywalker says... #14

Hi, this is super sweet deck - I'm running something very similar to yours with Angel of Serenity in main as it combos well with Restoration Angel in long game.

+1 :)

November 13, 2012 1:26 p.m.

ricelee97 says... #15

Would you consider main boarding Detention Sphere ? Great deck btw, +1

November 13, 2012 2:42 p.m.

dantares25 says... #16

card:Conjurer's Closet?

November 14, 2012 2:15 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #17

The closet really doesn't do anything for the deck. It is a nice thing for the end of turn, but the problem is that I can't use it to save a creature, that's one of the most important uses for the flicker mechanic.

I may move detention sphere in as it can target permanents in general which beats fiend hunter, but I like the bounciness of fiend hunter.

AoS is going in the deck. I've made it trade to get one so I'll have at least one in the deck. If I can pick up another, then I'll have two in there.

Thanks guys. And for the +1s

November 14, 2012 3:02 p.m.

ricelee97 says... #18

What about Geist-Honored Monk ? Or Captain of the Watch ? I know they're both expensive, but they could be an alternate way to way to win, because after some play testing I saw that if someone completely eliminated all of the Thragtusk s i.e. with Slaughter Games . I was kinda stuck :/ Just some observations, and would love to hear your thoughts on this.

November 14, 2012 9:48 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #19

While Slaughter Games is a concern whenever you're running thrag, its very rare that its in the MB of most decks. So I don't think I would add those to the MB. They could see play in the SB, especially the geist. The thing that concerns me is that Thragtusk while being a decent beater, isn't necessarily the only win-con. Don't get me wrong, he hits the battlefield and then its pretty hard to come back from. The main idea of the deck is to provide enough answers to everything your opponent does. For instance against a B/R deck you're gonna run into burn. The main thing to do there is to bounce Centaur Healer . That gives you plenty of lifegain that they really can't come back from. The flying restos should be enough to take care of it. The navigator also serves as a good beater when you lose thragtusk. I do think I will be adding AoS which should help as well being a 5/6 creature. Thanks for the suggestion and the playtesting.

November 14, 2012 10:18 p.m.

yousquiddinme says... #20

Agree here, don't be too dependent on an individual card (Thragtusk )

I would put in some alternate win conditions like what he mentioned, or Angel of Serenity .

Still, great deck.

November 14, 2012 10:21 p.m.

ricelee97 says... #21

Do you think you'll ever try this a out your local FNM?

November 15, 2012 10:22 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #22

I would really like to. One place has thursday night standard or draft. Once my class ends on thursdays, I should be able to get to that at least a couple times. But friday nights I work so I can't really go to that. I may try taking it down to SCG Baltimore and play some side events or something with it.

November 15, 2012 11:11 p.m.

ricelee97 says... #23

Awesome. Please update on your results if you get the chance, I'd love to see the results in real-play. I'll be rooting for you! :D

November 15, 2012 11:13 p.m.

megaskywalker says... #24

2x Angel of Serenity works really well in here.. was thinking about putting one more Acidic Slime as it's mental.

November 16, 2012 6:09 a.m.

ricelee97 says... #25

After more playtesting, found that mana 3/4 times would come up too often, and I would have 6 draws in a row of only mana. Maybe cut down one of every dual land, then you'll have room for Angel of Serenity and a possible Armada Wurm Or any other suggested card previously stated. i.e. card:Conjurer's Closet

November 16, 2012 9:25 p.m.

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