Yeva Draw-Grow

Commander / EDH* Inkmoth

SCORE: 549 | 788 COMMENTS | 97300 VIEWS | IN 185 FOLDERS

Inkmoth says... #1

SynergyBuild: You weren't entirely wrong though. lol

March 29, 2019 8:38 a.m.

smack80 says... #2

Arboria was made for Yeva 25 years ago.

March 29, 2019 11:58 a.m. Edited.

Inkmoth says... #3

smack80: How so?

March 29, 2019 12:06 p.m.

Soren841 says... #4

Because u dont do things on ur turn, so they cant attack u ig

March 29, 2019 12:08 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #5

Gotcha, I mean, I could try it in a heavily combat oriented meta, but I rarely care about my health or combat for that matter.

March 29, 2019 12:10 p.m.

Magraal says... #6

Argothian Elder goes infinite with Maze of Ith during combat, or Wirewood Lodge + either Nykthos or Cradle outside of combat.

Elvish Guidance turns any land into a Cradle, which goes great with Arbor Elf .

Copperhorn Scout gives a mana boost mid-combat, allowing you to drop a surprise Craterhoof Behemoth .

Eladamri, Lord of Leaves can be held in the hand until the moment someone tries to kill your elves, then dropped at instant speed to counter the spell/ability. Note that this shuts off Wirewood Lodge so Temur Sabertooth can be necessary to get him back off the field. Heroic Intervention provides a similar effect for the same cost, but only once (unless you have ewit shenanigans ready).

Elvish Harbinger is one of the best tutors going for elfball decks.

Ezuri, Renegade Leader is another infinite mana outlet that wins games.

Heritage Druid gives you the ability to tap elves for mana on the turn they come down, and pairs up with Lys Alana Huntmaster really well.

Joraga Warcaller can be played early as a minor lord to keep your weenies alives, then bounced and re-played later when you have a surplus of mana.

Krosan Restorer is a far better version of Voyaging Satyr even though it costs 1 more.

Loaming Shaman is great grave-hate that can also double up as recursion if you've got the draw engine started.

Nullmage Shepherd will make artifact / enchantment based decks scoop on the spot.

Patron of the Orochi untaps itself every turn along with every other creature you control (but also every green creature and forest at the table).

Realm Seekers often comes down as a huge beater, and tutors up any land at instant speed.

Skyshroud Poacher will win you the game unless it is immediately removed. Best elf tutor ever printed.

Treefolk Harbinger topdecks you a forest on turn 1, also tutors up Lignify if necessary.

Ulvenwald Tracker removes nasty threats, especially in conjunction with Vigor .

March 31, 2019 3:39 p.m.

Soren841 says... #7

A lot of these suggestions either aren't good in cEDH, are overcosted, or are just unneeded imo

March 31, 2019 5:19 p.m.

Magraal says... #8

Depends on whether you're playing multiplayer or 1v1, and also on your meta. Some cards fare better in certain groups than others, and some of them have drawbacks, as mentioned. As for overcosted, nothing is overcosted in mono-green, where you can easily produce 15+ mana on turn 3~4, if you haven't already gone infinite. The real problem for a mono-green deck is being interactive rather than just glass cannon, where one boardwipe or popping the right dorks will remove you from the game entirely. The big advantage to Yeva as a commander is that she forces the more consistent late-game blue decks to leave mana open to try and stop you from setting up an explosive turn during their end step, or going off in response to them initiating their combo. My Yeva deck was primarily multiplayer oriented, against a meta with heavy graveyard and/or artifact themes (blood pod, teferi turns, jace high tide, etc), in which all of these cards performed admirably. For 1v1 you're actually better off building a more combat-oriented deck as it is far easier for elfball to get in lethal damage by turn 4 than it is to go infinite, in which case some of the cards I suggested would not be as useful.

March 31, 2019 6:04 p.m.

Soren841 says... #9

Well it's multiplayer. And yes things are overcosted :)

March 31, 2019 6:10 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #10

Soren841 is right on all accounts. I mean Ulvenwald Tracker , Nullmage Shepherd , and Heritage Druid aren't bad cards, they are however bad in a list like this. I think some stax lists have and can run the first two, and some elfball lists run the last.

March 31, 2019 7:27 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #11

Magraal: I appreciate the time you took to suggest these cards and thanks to your comment and others alike, I will include an "Honorable Mentions" section in my guide. As harsh as he put it, Soren841 and SynergyBuild is totally right. If you feel like this response is a cop out, eventually a breakdown of why none of your suggestions were considered will be fleshed out in the new section. Give me while as well, cause I would like to touch upon each of your suggestions and a bunch of other cards that seem like good fits, but never make the cut. It's usually stuff that unfortunately falls in the "fun to play" category but not entirely practical.

This is strictly a multiplayer deck, and this deck fails in a 1v1 match up unless heavily geared differently and probably lenient on a resolving Craterhoof Behemoth

March 31, 2019 7:38 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #12

Magraal As a side note, most of these were in the deck at one point or another and they performed poorly in my meta.

March 31, 2019 7:49 p.m.

CyborgAeon says... #13

I'd been tossing around some interactive green cards & noticed Tribute to the Wild I only know your local wondgrace deck as part of the meta, Inkmoth, but if you also play against any other staxy decks - they'll often push an early rule of law / rhystic study.

At best this removes 3 issues at 2 mana. At worst you're in your opponent's first upkeep and nobody has any permanents in play bar you with Gemstone Caverns (definitely exiling ESG for maximum t0 impact). A more realistic way this pans out is removing 1 stax piece & 2 mana rocks. Let me know what you think.

March 31, 2019 8:46 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #14

@CyborgAeon: whoa... I actually like it a lot, wtf. At first I thought it was a Naturalize -edict, but then I saw "each opponent". Holy crap, I want this in the deck so bad.

March 31, 2019 9:10 p.m.

Soren841 says... #15

March 31, 2019 9:15 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #16

That too. 99 is too little.

March 31, 2019 9:24 p.m.

CyborgAeon says... #17

Not immediately a priority; but at 3 mana a redundant engine for duskwatch recruiter the card Vivien's grizzly fills nigh the same purpose in this build, as a static version that doesn't care about opponents casting spells.

This is only a spoiler (but I'm personally going to test it in yisan so I don't have to spend my 2-drop slot on a combo piece)

April 1, 2019 6:34 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #18

Soren841 actually pitched it to me, but we both came to terms that it is a worse Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip. If Yisan were that centric, I would consider it.

April 1, 2019 7:24 p.m.

Soren841 says... #19

I pitched many things o.o I could play baseball

April 1, 2019 7:28 p.m.

CyborgAeon says... #20

Glad we're all on the same page.

April 1, 2019 7:35 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #21


April 1, 2019 8 p.m.

CyborgAeon says... #22

I noted that this is excluded & I'm sure there's good reasoning for it: Defense of the Heart . Though this card is vulnerable it fetches a busted level of advantage, is tutor for two permanents and puts them into play. A sweet value option could be Seedborn Muse & Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip / Great Oak Guardian & cat to close a game.

Also - a note: you use the Quirion Ranger tact, but no Burgeoning ? On it's own is ok - providing that early game fast mana for your powerful t2, and in conjunction with bouncers that untap you can gain great mana advantage without sacrificing speed.

April 2, 2019 9:17 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #23

CyborgAeon: My issue with Defense of the Heart is that it's too easy to play around in my Meta, so it will end up being 4 mana for an easily telegraphed tutor. The deck also doesn't win outright with any two creatures, so this would be to set up a combo that won't mean much of summoning sickness is an issue.

Quirion Ranger : It's honestly amazing and I've been tinkering with the idea of trying out Elvish Pioneer for that reason, so I can make it infinite. Burgeoning is pretty dead unless I have Quirion Ranger out, since I only have 31 lands. I would consider it more if Scryb Ranger was in the list.

April 2, 2019 9:41 a.m.

CyborgAeon says... #24

Elvish Pioneer , eh? That's terrible outside of the combo xD; but if you feel like it - please let me know how it goes.

I'm personally gathering pieces for this list so I can test it out at my LGS. Goldfishing is one thing, but often it's nothing the same as a game (especially in a reactive list).

I was thinking of sliding in a Treefolk Harbinger to tutor for Lignify / Great Oak Guardian as there's often plenty of things that need to become seed (plus I found one in a box of random cards).

April 2, 2019 10:27 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #25

Yeah, Goldfishing this deck is pretty annoying when its premise hinges on what other people do. However, I am delighted to hear you're trying it out. Please keep us posted on your results!!

But yeah, Pioneer is pretty bad. I just wanted to see what it would yield because any card that brings out a land would also remove Blighted Woodland from the deck, which I am working on getting rid of without closing a window. Let me know how Treefolk Harbinger works out, I used to have him in Yisan and he was great there.

Let us know if you struggle in a particular match up and what was it that hurt you the most.

April 2, 2019 10:49 a.m.

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