Yeva Draw-Grow

Commander / EDH* Inkmoth

SCORE: 549 | 788 COMMENTS | 97300 VIEWS | IN 185 FOLDERS

RylandL says... #1

Ark bow does seem very good in this deck. I'm going to add that and Finale of Dev. as well and test them. They seem soooo good in our decks.

April 24, 2019 12:59 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #2

RylandL: I've been warming up to it, both Shaper and Soren have pitched it to me and I'm trying it out, but it's yet to come up during testing.

April 24, 2019 1:43 p.m.

RylandL says... #3

I can't wait to test it out in mine. You gonna be on cockatrice later tonight?

April 24, 2019 3:33 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #4

I'll let you know tonight. Life has been getting in the way of Magic, which saddens me deeply as it is my obsession.

April 24, 2019 3:45 p.m.

CyborgAeon says... #5

To be fair, getting the opinion of ShaperSavant is like a note from the author of a book; whereas having comments from others can often feel lackluster in comparison.

Sorry to hear about your issues in testing; I had no idea how much Mana Crypt had shot up in price, so I've just got around to buying one and a few cards (like Yeva) to actually start putting this list together. Current adjustments:

Marwyn => [[Viridian Joiner]]

Fierce empath => [[vivien's arkbow]]

Benefactor's draught => [[vitalize]]
Viridian Joiner as it's better with Umbral Mantle - I feel like giving it a shot.

Vivien's Arkbow is repeatable 'tutor' effects that in the worst case scenario function as ramp, turning dead draws into gas.

Vitalize I know draught draws cards, but it also untaps opposing dorks and I've too many of these in my meta.

Ravenous Slime I believe edh is a singleton format, and the name 'llanowar elves' means there's two of them... more importantly: vs flash-hulk this is a necessity.

April 26, 2019 6:23 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #6

CyborgAeon: I honestly love taking everyones' suggestions as seriously as possible. Deliberation is usually a task I take upon myself and when I'm really stumped on a decision, I consult ShaperSavant. For the most part, I spitball with Soren841 as he's followed the deck's progress up until and including its current state and is also one of the more versed players on the subject matter (seen it in action as well). He constantly challenges the build, which drives me further to keep improving it.

I believe some suggestions fall flat because they haven't put in the hours I have into playing it, so it's up to me to explain my reasoning for card choices.

As for testing, it has its lulls where cards I want to see never show up, but that's just the nature of EDH. I almost never see Sylvan Library , but we know damn sure that cards hella good and never leaving.

Now, to address your suggestions:

Viridian Joiner : this is strictly worse than Marwyn, the Nurturer , as they cost the same and have the same base power, whereas Marwyn has a way of buffing her self. It's easy to buff with minor bounce effects like Wirewood Symbiote and unfortunately Viridian Joiner is stuck unless you play Umbral Mantle or Great Oak Guardian . Umbral Mantle being the reason to consider it makes it a very narrow pairing that's unlikely to happen as much as you'd want it since it's reliant on drawing into it. Only other card that works with it is Great Oak Guardian and only makes it worth it while looping. Last but not least, it's feasibly possible to make Marwyn, the Nurturer storm off at instant speed or go infinite with Staff of Domination .

Vitalize : This was a preference thing, since Yeva needs card advantage from everywhere it could possibly get it. Feel free to swap if your meta benefits from draught. Lately my internal struggle has actually been my want for Emerald Charm as it can even untap Gaea's Cradle and destroy problem enchantments at one mana, but I digress, Vitalize works as well as you'd expect it to with its lower cost and asymmetrical effect.

Fierce Empath : This card is unbelievably integral to the deck to date, I can't stress this enough. It's a pseudo outlet that's ridiculously flexible and it being a creature can easily start tutor chains. Ex: Woodland Bellower , Fierce Empath , Regal Force , or Great Oak Guardian . You can also lead with Fierce Empath into Woodland Bellower into any three drop you could possibly need to keep the ball rolling. Tutors on a body in this context are ridiculously strong and not to be disregarded. Also an elf

Vivien's Arkbow : Now, despite making Fierce Empath a non-option as a swap for the bow, that's not to say I'm currently wracking my brain on what to remove for it (looking like Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip, though not definite). Both Shaper and Soren have told me to consider it as well and in my opinion, it's a hell of a card, especially since it doesn't reveal and my curve is so low. I will be posting a HUGE update soon, with a new kill line and improvements with deep implications to the deck, however, testing is everything and I vowed to never post some update with arbitrary changes unless it changes the deck fundamentally for the better. Expect the bow in the deck eventually.

Ravenous Slime : Is only run against known flash hulk decks, if I'm blindsided, I insert it after since it's so narrow in every other situation.

Thank you so much for contributing to this discussion, as alway your feedback is appreciated.

April 26, 2019 8:39 p.m. Edited.

CyborgAeon says... #7

Oh, absolutely, Inkmoth. The comment about input was like an aside, as I'm pretty sure we would all like Shaper's input from time to time. He often seems to be probably the most knowledgable about cedh fine tuning (in general), but it's fair that those with the time spent playing the deck's opinions are just as valid.

Card choices: I must admit I often overlook how key some cards can be within a deck;

looking at our difference between Marwyn & joiner, my initial response is "electrickery". No joke- mostly a meta thing, but I've been blown out by that card too many times in the last couple of weeks >.< - despite that, yes. In most other circumstances I think marwyn is probably better, as she is a diy engine that synergises similarly. A tough call. If I ever think to myself "I wish this tapped for one more mana" I would immediately make the swap.

I've very limited experience with draw-grow (though I adored the games I played, holding interaction feels so good), but despite that, in my games I was faced with not just an ill timed empath in hand, but rocks beneath kataki, war's wage. I was in a fix, where I would have loved a spin of arkbow, in order to outgrind the blood pod. Though survival would have worked far better, being able to pitch cards other than dudes would've been preferable.

I'm really surprised that you'd say itlimoc is a contender? I've had killer experiences with it, not just in the three games I've tested this, but across other builds too! I can see how it is 3 mana for an impulse that gives away vital info, but it's also... a cradle that swings your tempo from 0-100 real quick.

This isn't to say who's right - just to help you to understand my reasoning. I'll have to see if I can find an empath somewhere around, and I'll see if there's anything I'd rather swap over.

These were my observations over all, and just my personal take on things - which of course is hugely subjective, based on one's meta.

April 28, 2019 7:07 p.m.

Soren841 says... #8

Dang I'm offended

April 28, 2019 7:49 p.m.

CyborgAeon says... #9

If sarcasm, Soren841 then disregard this. Otherwise that's not the intention, and I apologise.

April 29, 2019 6:33 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #10

CyborgAeon: Yeah, Shaper is ridiculously good and has stumped me on multiple occasions. But yeah, I've crammed a lot of time into this deck to a point where you'd think it's solved, but it never is.

There's more to it than just that. I lack actual ways to buff Viridian Joiner . Generous Patron , Great Oak Guardian , and Umbral Mantle are the only ways to manipulate its power. Marwyn, the Nurturer benefits from those and off of every elf I play. Electrickery seems like a nuisance though, so I can understand why you'd be compelled to run it, but the one extra toughness for a narrower dork is detrimental to the strategy as a whole. My bigger problem is really Fire Covenant , which doesn't really care about toughness, but at least I can respond to it with an elf.

I can see how an ill-timed Fierce Empath could you put you off of the card, but I can assure you its downsides are greatly outweighed by its upsides. This isn't to say Vivien's Arkbow won't make it into the deck, I just haven't been able to narrow down what to actually take out for it, Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip flew on my radar because it's a 3 drop that doesn't do much early game and gives away information, but trust me, parting with this card would be a huge burden on my soul. I am currently working on the bow being a part of the deck, it just won't be replacing Fierce Empath .

Soren841: Don't be offended, bro. I wouldn't have anyone to constantly talk about this if it wasn't for you lol. You're the best and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. :D

April 29, 2019 12:46 p.m.

Soren841 says... #11

sHaPeR iSnT bEtTeR tHaN mE

April 29, 2019 12:47 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #12

Soren841 - "sHaPeR iSnT bEtTeR tHaN mE"

              Press X to doubt.
April 29, 2019 1:54 p.m.

l13199l says... #13

I've been following the deck for a few months now and I really like watching it progress. You inspired my own Yeva list that I'm working on for my more casual meta.

Root Maze is bonkers good and I love it, slows down so many decks.

May 4, 2019 12:49 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #14


I'm so glad to hear someone is keeping up with this bizarre deck. I'm going along for the ride as well, so I'm glad there's other passengers. This deck keeps me up at night, man. I keep thinking there's a locked door, but Yeva always has the key. There's so many loops that interwine just by being functioning parts to another line of another line etc. There's always a plan B. But I digress, I am gonna check out your deck and support it! I made this in hopes of people playing her, so I love to see what it has inspired.

And yes I've absolutely loved Root Maze and bonkers has been the exact thing I've said about it lol.

May 4, 2019 2:08 a.m.

Soren841 says... #15

Who suggested Root Maze.. hmmm..

May 4, 2019 9:11 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #16

Soren841: ShaperSavant, back in December.

May 4, 2019 9:32 a.m. Edited.
May 7, 2019 1:19 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #18

Monomanamaniac: It was never consistent enough, unfortunately :/ I even tried Birchlore Rangers and it just never works out.

It has been a while since I tried it and I have cut down on the elves since the, but I'll give it another go since it is an effect I really wish I had.

May 7, 2019 2:11 p.m.

Good point though, the druid rellies on elves. Joraga Warcaller would probably work well here, Elvish Piper isn't terrible and combos with Fauna Shaman pretty well. Heroic Intervention is one of the best cards printed in green. Overall it's a great deck though, I'm just a huge fan of elves in general and love seeing yava being represented.

May 7, 2019 2:29 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #20

Monomanamaniac: The issue with Joraga Warcaller is that it doesn't do anything the deck wants. We are never trying to win through combat because of how fragile it is in a competitive scene. With the exception of Selvala, Heart of the Wilds , Marwyn, the Nurturer , and perhaps Yeva, Nature's Herald herself (commander damage in a pinch?), I don't really care about the power and toughness of my creatures.

The deck's primary goal is two things: Get infinite mana and an outlet for that mana. Yeva enables the combos at instant speed to make them harder to interact with.

Elvish Piper : Beyond awesome and used to make my Great Oak Guardian and Temur Sabertooth lines cost 3 mana to go infinite. I also loved its ability to bring things out at instant speed without worrying about them being countered. As the deck became more and more optimized, Elvish Piper started feeling too narrow, so it inevitably didn't make the cut. It fell into the "fun card" category, but not optimized, so it ultimately had to be cut.

Heroic Intervention : I put it in every once in a while, but right now Autumn's Veil is in its slot as it stops everything my meta has shifted into.

  1. Fire Covenant
  2. Snuff Out
  3. Reality Shift
  4. Pongify / Rapid Hybridization
  5. All counters, for all spells

Heroic Intervention : is great for wrath effects, but the only wrath-like effects I encounter now are Cyclonic Rift and Toxic Deluge . However, the most important thing to note with this deck is that all Wrath effects are sorcery speed, beyond a couple rocks and dorks our field never looks menacing enough to boardwipe it, since we always play our pivotal combo pieces at the end of your opponent's turn. When we are boardwiped, I usually tap out all my dorks and float the mana, wait for priority to shift to me after it resolves and cast Yeva, which allows us outvalue sorcery speed wipes. This is also the reason my pod has moved away from wrath effects. The hexproof is as relevant as the Pro UB from Autumn's Veil .

May 7, 2019 3:23 p.m.

CyborgAeon says... #21

Not that this is doable, and most definitely not a suggestion. But the only way I've been able to counter a deluge was by fetching craterhoof from Yisan to out-pump the board. Aside from that & a pump or two from GoG there's little to no answer to it in mono green.

May 8, 2019 9:43 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #22

CyborgAeon: That's precisely why I ran Warping Wail in the original iteration of the deck. As the deck became more refined it became feasible to cut it in favor of Autumn's Veil .

But to be honest, Toxic Deluge is easy to play around. The only time I play into it is if I had to cast what was in my hand before the Deluge player takes his turn, which has happened before, though, I have to be in a corner for me to feel compelled to do that. Great Oak Guardian is my Craterhoof Behemoth and my untapper, so if I have a way to save my field with him, I go for it. Otherwise I accept my losses and float some mana if dorks are the ones to be killed and try to outvalue the boardwipe by bringing something out.

May 8, 2019 9:52 a.m. Edited.

CyborgAeon says... #23

It really is quite funny to crush somebody's smug deluge by saving your board with GoG. I know it's risky if they aren't tapped out, as you're putting a combo piece in harm's way - nice one nonetheless.

May 8, 2019 11:04 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #24

CyborgAeon: I've done it a few times, feelsgoodman.jpg

May 8, 2019 11:19 a.m.

lifemtg says... #25

Most Viviens would do some work in this deck. NIssa who shakes the world, works to.

May 17, 2019 6:10 p.m.

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