Yeva Draw-Grow

Commander / EDH* Inkmoth

SCORE: 549 | 788 COMMENTS | 97300 VIEWS | IN 185 FOLDERS

CyborgAeon says... #1

Bonders' Enclave is spicy.

August 1, 2020 6:20 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #2

CyborgAeon: Yeah, I wish I could find a place for it. It would be another outlet/value engine with Seedborn Muse out.

I just don't see that as justification enough though :/

August 1, 2020 11:12 a.m. Edited.

Kamerot says... #3

Have you considered Arboria? I was going through posts on a Facebook group, saw it and immediately thought of your deck. I know at 4 cmc, it could be a little much, but fits your deck well.

August 3, 2020 12:41 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #4

Kamerot: The issue with this card is that not only is it too expensive manawise, we typically don't care about combat at all :/

A 4/4 is a good enough blocker most of the time as well.

August 3, 2020 1:43 a.m.

Kamerot says... #5

Fair enough.

August 3, 2020 1:45 a.m.

I run Hyrax Tower Scout. It is amazing. It often works like a ritual with a big mana dork, cascading into big plays after, even if I can't immediately go infinite. It is an additional copy of GOG, but at a different CMC than GOG, one that is often easier to cast or tutor for. Many times, untapping a single creature repeatedly gets us infinite mana, then we can just untap everything else anyways. I have not run Kogla yet, but I have one still sitting in my deck box ready to go when I decide. This would double up on the Temur Sabertooth effect, which happens to be the strongest card in the deck. Providing duplicates of this effect, especially at different CMC is a good idea.

I actually love the idea of Destiny Spinner as a way to turn Gaia's Cradle into a hastey dork! I run it, and had never thought of that. Thanks for the tip!

I have contemplated removing the Emerald Medallion many times, but mine is an OG old border one, and every time I have it in a flex spot, I keep it for that. Silly, but it has stayed simply for the style points it gets me. Probably best to put another card in it's place. I have also felt that not running Eldritch Evolution in here has been a problem, and I have run it in place of Natural Order at times. Both is probably better, and I probably won't miss the ramp from Emerald Medalion. The only thing that it ever does is make that Hyrax Tower Scout or GOG loop with Temur Sabertooth cost 1 less, and can make the difference between net 0 or infinite at times. Corner case, but an actual thing that comes up some.

I am curious about Tangle Wire. Before I changed my deck from mostly Wanderer's Song to almost Draw Grow, Tangle Wire was the only tapping stax piece that I had left in it before the change. It is a very good piece for slowing the game for a few turns, and with the inherent broken parity, I could see it turning equalizing this T3-4 deck with the turn 2-3 decks. I may try it, but was just curious about your experiences.

August 9, 2020 10:52 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #7

precociousapprentice: I'm a little confused by the end of your comment and I wanted to understand what list you're running and if I could see the list as well for clarification. My takeaway was that you're running your variation of her and I am absolutely honored :).

  • Hyrax Tower Scout: As I've mentioned in my last update, this card is just amazing and I wholeheartedly agree with your stance on it. I just need to come up with 2 slots that won't spike up my AVG cmc. So far, adding this and Kogla, the Titan Ape would definitely replace Cloudstone Curio as a more reliable contingency. I'm actively looking to slot this in, so stay tuned, the moment I figure it out it's going in. :)

  • Destiny Spinner: Before this card came out I would stay up at night trying to justify Elemental Uprising, Natural Affinity, or Sylvan Awakening just so I could animate the cradle lands during explosive Crop Rotation turns. At the end, those cards were deemed useless since they did nothing outside of animating cradle lands. Then Destiny Spinner was printed and it gave us everything we wanted out of Elemental Uprising, WHILE being a counter that can block Tymna the Weaver. So, I'm super happy I could put you on to its applications.

  • Emerald Medallion: I have to say, one of the selling points I got when it came to removing it was its uselessness during draw-out turns and BOY has that been a good selling point. I hate drawing this when I rather have a creature. I low-key miss it, but it hasn't crippled the deck in the slightest.

  • Eldritch Evolution/Natural Order: I've had this discussion before and these two are unfortunately non-negotiable, we love straight to the field tutors that can practically get us anything in the deck.

  • Tangle Wire: as you've stated, it's a perfect way to slow the game down to our level and to add to its inherent ability to break parity, the Flash mechanic puts us further ahead by allowing us to flash in spells during the tap trigger.

August 9, 2020 2:45 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #8

As much as I love kogla, it's no Cloudstone Curio. It's a big removal spell that hits hard and blows up annoying threats like Damping Spheres against our Gaea's Cradle and storm turns or a Cursed Totem shutting down our creatures.

It can combo with Hyrax Tower Scout, yes, but combos with no other card in the deck, it can't GOG or even properly survive many wipes and save your key pieces, because we run like only Karametra's Acolyte, Destiny Spinner, and a few other humans.

It's also twice the CMC, and so I'd go for curio for just comboing. If it's an anti-stax piece you want though, Kogla is a bomb.

August 9, 2020 3:25 p.m.

Agree SynergyBuild. That is why it sits in the deck box, not the deck.

As for my list Inkmoth, I don't have it in TappedOut. I have a deck in paper that I modify as I go, and I took cues from yours to make it. I think I may have at most half a dozen differences between mine and yours, mostly meta calls. A quick scan shows me that Collector Ouphe, Allosaurus Shepherd (can't bring myself to buy one yet at the current prices), Eldritch Evolution, Yavimaya Hollow, Mouth of Ronom (because I don't run snow lands due to my obsession with the Unglued forests), Root Maze, and Tangle Wire seem to be the only differences. I had Hyrax Tower Scout in I think before it showed up in your list, I still run Emerald Medallion, and I run Natural State, Autumn's Veil, and some others, obviously. Plays probably pretty similar, and the core is the same.

August 9, 2020 3:47 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #10

SynergyBuild: it's definitely not Cloudstone Curio and it's not what's up to get cut for Kogla. However, Kogla, the Titan Ape is a way better contingency plan with Hyrax Tower Scout, which would be the perfect candidate for the slot in just by being tutorable. The issue is finding a slot for the Ape himself. My recent spitball was Regal Force because:

  • One less; lowers curve (I know I'm reaching but I want this APE)

  • Eldritch can now search anything off of a Yeva sac

  • Selvala is LOADS stronger with it. Regal having only 5 power made domination lines impossible, so gog/bellower always.

  • Tutorable duplicant that deals with problem creatures I can't deal with if I don't draw Beast Within instant speed, or have Mouth of Ronom, or Ulvenwald Tracker w/o ss. Can be snuck out with Chord of Calling too :D

  • More artifact/enchantment removal!

  • Second Temur Sabertooth with Hyrax Tower Scout.

  • We have Hyrax Tower Scout and Eternal Witness, yes (which could get us an outlet). However, Karametra's Acolyte with Thousand-Year Elixir on the field can be bounced as well for infinite, niche I know, but mentionable. (Leave me alone, I know I'm reaching)

  • Con: I lose an average of 4-6 card draws for 7 Mana..... Why does this rip my heart to shreds? Help me please!!

At this point I'm gonna take out a land... Jk, idk maybe. Help. I need spoilers to stop thinking about the Kogla+Hyrax package.

precociousapprentice: Love it!!! I agree, the core of the deck is basically the same, I just love seeing the what people chose in place of other things to see different flavors. The Emerald Medallion is great! You don't have to remove it, as it doesn't hurt it :).

August 9, 2020 9:34 p.m.

So to continue the Kogla, the Titan Ape discussion, I also really want to include it, that is why it is in my deck box, just not the deck. I used to love both my Duplicant and my Somberwald Stag, and Kogla basically outclasses both, is easier to tutor for in this deck, and comes with other things the deck needs. It's also kinda silly that this is almost stapled to an Aura Shards effect AND a Temur Sabertooth effect. I keep asking myself why we wouldn't want this in the deck. The reason, I think, is that it is a little expensive, it is a little conditional and corner case, and just not quite enough to make this max power. For my deck, which is honestly not aiming at max power (hence not playing snow lands and Mouth of Ronom), Kogla may be super fun. For the most streamlined deck, it probably doesn't fit.

As for Regal Force, I can't tell you how many times that has kept me from stalling out. I have run a ton of green decks, and never run it. The mana cost was just too much for the expected benefit. I have to tell you, though, the benefit has been much greater than expected, and this deck can afford that cost. It always feels like a wheel when I play it. Your comment about lowering the average CMC by switching out for the Ape, well this switch won't get you anything meaningful, and the card draw often means the game for me.

I am actually currently trying to tune an Urza deck that I am taking cues from this deck for. You have basically put in every card that can act as a draw engine that does so when the deck is just doing it's thing, even if at first glance they don't look great. I am going to play cards like Trail of Evidence, since it gets me both ramp and card draw by just having that out and doing what the deck naturally does.

To be totally up front, my somewhat extensive exploration of mono-Green decks before settling on a variant of this Yeva deck was because I am on a quest to build all 5 monocolored decks. Each must be fun, borderline or fringe cEDH, have varied and interesting lines, be both quintessentially the color, while being both a well rounded deck despite color shortcomings and be surprising with the way it plays and wins. I have Krenko for red, Teshar for white, Yeva for green, I am building Urza for blue with a fallback of possibly Sai if Urza is not what I was expecting, and then Yawgmoth for black, with a fallback of K'rrick if it doesn't work out. Red was a perfect fit for Krenko. White was an exploration of Darien before moving to Teshar. Green took me from Omnath, to Ezuri, through Selvala and Marwyn, eventually to Yisan, and finally to Yeva, where I will likely be satisfied with mono-G forever. I have backup plans already for both Urza and Yawgmoth, just in case. Urza is coming close, and already goldfishes well.

August 9, 2020 10:36 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #12

precociousapprentice: Do you have a discord? Cause you legit blew me away with your comment and I am so freaking honored. Speechless even.

That seals it... Kogla is not viable over regal. I can rest easy.

Hmu, please! Inkmoth#4507

August 9, 2020 11:19 p.m.


August 11, 2020 5:45 p.m.

i dont know how to green but i do know some colorless ramp lands. Scorched Ruins might be good since your mono color and wouldnt mind sacrificing some colord lands.

August 11, 2020 5:50 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #15

casual_competitive: While I like the idea, this deck actually stalls out on lands after maybe the third one (that's on purpose). That, and we really need our forests for Quirion Ranger.

Thank you so much for the suggestion and the upvote!

August 11, 2020 6:31 p.m. Edited.

Inkmoth I'm a slacker and don't have a discord. I haven't moved there as a platform. I'm not opposed, just have other things going on and never went. I need to.

August 11, 2020 6:36 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #17

precociousapprentice: That's completely fair, it took me a while before I hopped on the train as well. I'm currently making a server for Yeva and you seem quite versed with the deck, so I wanted to see if I could bounce some ideas off of you.

August 11, 2020 7:32 p.m.

I like surprising decks. Unfortunately, my Queen Marchesa list is way out of date, but has been a surprise to many people I play it against that do not know ahead of time. Also unfortunately, it is tuned for a more casual meta. This Yeva deck has been my most favorite replacement of that deck in more competitive metas, and surprises just as many people. I really like it, and play it as my go-to deck at this point for highly tuned and competitive metas. I will probably get there with Discord, and maybe this is what I need to figure it out.

August 11, 2020 8:48 p.m.

Abzkaban says... #19


Your Marchesa deck was the inspiration for my own version and is now one of my favorite decks to pilot. You got a whole discord community started. I just know they’d love it if you found your way there.

August 12, 2020 12:23 a.m.

Interesting Abzkaban. I am checking out Discord. Do you have a link to the Marchesa discord?

August 12, 2020 6:05 a.m.

Abzkaban says... #21


This link expires in a day, so let me know if you need another.

August 12, 2020 8:25 a.m.

Abzkaban says... #22

Otherwise there’s a link on alexjustdoit’s primer here: [Primer] Political Subterfuge - Marchesa Aikido

August 12, 2020 8:43 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #24

Watch MTGNight with me on Twitch!

Hey guys!! I am playing Yeva with my pod tonight! Come join us. It's gonna be Urza, Kinnan, Curious Control, and Neheb.

August 29, 2020 9:34 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #25

Hmmmm, seems I hadn't upvoted this yet. Error corrected!

August 30, 2020 10:54 a.m.

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