Yeva Draw-Grow

Commander / EDH* Inkmoth

SCORE: 549 | 788 COMMENTS | 97299 VIEWS | IN 185 FOLDERS

Inkmoth says... #1

Yeva becomes a Reach/Trample that hits an artifact/enchantment when Gemrazer mutates. How else can I repeat this? If I bounce Yeva, what happens?

Bounce and repeat sounds expensive, so I wanted to know what he had in mind.

September 7, 2020 4:16 p.m.

if you want to respond to someone, you need to tag them by linking their name the same way you would link a card. you also don't have to mutate onto yeva. mutate onto anything else. i think Kamerot was referring to your inclusion of Ashaya, Soul of the Wild. with ashaya out, anything that can bounce a land (such as a quirion ranger) can bounce the gemrazer and the creature its mutated on.

September 7, 2020 4:37 p.m.
September 7, 2020 4:37 p.m.

King_marchesa says... #4

If you mutate gemrazee onto yeva and then bounce it, both cards are bounced back to your hand. This allows you to repeatedly destroy artifact/enchantments though it does cost a lot of Mana.

September 7, 2020 4:54 p.m.

Kamerot says... #5

Yes, using ashaya as a tool for bouncing and repeating since all your creatures count as lands. Use Quirion Ranger or equivalent to bounce and repeat. Since you have so many lines to infinite mana. It should be pretty easy to pull off.

September 7, 2020 6:26 p.m.

Profet93 says... #6

Oakhame Adversary - Seems weak. If you actually get to keep a boardstate for 3-4 turns, then I'm surprised. No real synergy.

Ohran Frostfang - Fills a similar function to above, albeit costing more, gives you multiple draw triggers and everyone death touch

Kamahl, Fist of Krosa - Not needed but fun, Kamerot just reminded me :D

Shamanic Revelation - Draw? Fun with Kamahl

September 7, 2020 6:26 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #7

Okay, fully ran through preliminary tests. I'll hop on the discord, let's rumble.

September 7, 2020 6:32 p.m.

King_marchesa says... #8

Might you consider Master of the Wild Hunt for spot removal?

September 7, 2020 8:56 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #9

King_marchesa: Honestly, I like it, but it costs too much and it's a little slow... it's also a way worse Ulvenwald Tracker if you think about it.


September 7, 2020 10:02 p.m.

Basically, most competitive mono-Green decks have a common combo game plan that goes something like:

  1. Go infinite with a loopable untapping combo such as:
    • Plan A: Big Mana Dork + Temur Sabertooth + Untapper Creature
    • Plan B: Big Mana Dork + Cloudstone Curio + Untapper Creature
    • Plan C: Big Mana Dork + Umbral Mantle/Staff of Domination
  2. Draw/Tutor for a Wincon
    • Finale of Devastation Beats
    • Craterhoof Beats
    • For Yeva, Ulvenwald Tracker + Shaman of Forgotten Ways
    • For Yeva, Temur Sabertooth + Eternal Witness + Crop Rotation + Noxious Revival + Geier Reach Sanitarium

Some decks put the Big Mana Dork in the command zone (Selvala and Marwyn), some put the tutor in the command zone (Yisan), some put a wincon in the command zone (Ezuri, Omnath, Kamahl, Rhonas), some put a combo piece in the command zone (Kogla and now Ashaya), and some put some extra ability in the command zone that helps the rest of the strategy (Dosan and Yeva). I played a lot of these, and I came to realize that the overlapping strategies all made for similar game plans, but the commander changed how they were played out in pretty amazing ways, even if the main plan stays basically the same. The main issue with this game plan is that the above Plan B and Plan C are less reliable because artifacts are not easily tutorable and are hard to make difficult to disrupt with things like making them instant speed. We can do it, it is just convoluted and somewhat difficult.

I have been trying to bolster this general plan by adding a Plan B that is easier to put into play than the artifacts, since otherwise our Plan A becomes much easier to disrupt. Temur Sabertooth becomes the center of the deck. Kogla has been a consideration since it is almost a second copy. The biggest thing about Ashaya is that it is a viable Plan B that provides a layered combo potential with the others, and overlapping network synergy with untappers, our wincons, our draw, and our tutors makes it very appealing, and may make for a viable rival to Temur Sabertooth as the best card in the deck. It bolsters our Big Mana Dork lines, bolsters our Yisan lines, and provides a crossover between our land untapper and our dork untapper lines, in addition to providing some weird protection against things that affect nonland permanents, including some of the most played interaction in the game. The question is, what is the least useful part of our backup plans? Do we replace Plan B or Plan C?

September 8, 2020 9:51 p.m.

Btw, Magus of the Candelabra, and Big Mana Dork/Cradle/Shrine to Nyx all go infinite with Ashaya. At 1 CMC, I think this makes it better than Ley Weaver and Argothian Elder.

September 8, 2020 11:07 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #12

precociousapprentice: I just hate how dead it is outside of that :/

I like the bratpack being Ashaya/Temur/Curio/Staff, last two can be unlocked with Emergence Zone/Genesis Hydra. I'm really not starved for Kogla, as much I want him, so forcing it seems wrong.

Also, the Geier Reach line can also be done with Satyr untapping it. :)

September 9, 2020 12:40 a.m.

Profet93 says... #13


The above suggestion also works with ur 2 enchantments that attach onto lands for extra mana as well. The above user also reminds me....not sure if I suggested it before, but if you add a Maze of Ith, which is also useful against combat based commanders, you can produce infinite mana using Maze + Lay/Elder/Candelabra + Cradle/Nythk (I'm a bet inebriated so I hope that makes sense). This infinite mana can be used as you wish

September 9, 2020 12:41 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #14

precociousapprentice: Oh, I haven't made the update live yet, but if you didn't know:

September 9, 2020 12:48 a.m. Edited.

Inkmoth says... #15

Profet93: Perfect sense! Don't worry! However, most lines are aiming to produce 1-3 mana now, less critical mass intensive, and easier to sneak in combos. All thanks to Ashaya.

September 9, 2020 12:50 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #16

So, our main draw power comes from Glademuse, Heartwood Storyteller, Beast Whisperer, Oakhame Adversary, Sylvan Library, Regal Force, and some tutors that double up like Woodland Bellower or Shared Summons?

Also, the combo, now super resilient, with multiple pieces, basically is just Ashaya/Sabertooth+Untapper+Dork+Outlet?

September 9, 2020 1:26 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #17

SynergyBuild: Correct. Which is why things like The Great Henge and Guardian Project are being looked at. Also on the radar are Joraga Treespeaker and Elvish Archdruid in place of Karametra's Acolyte and Caustic Caterpillar. The deck is slowly morphing into a Faux Farm, FlashHulk, and IsoRev hybrid where we're trying to assemble a "2 card combo" with Ashaya, Soul of the Wild and one of the rangers (Quirion Ranger/Scryb Ranger) taking advantage of literally any dork under the right circumstance; a 2 mana producing one being the ideal choice, hence the Treespeaker consideration.

  • Rush a dork, draw, and/or stax
  • Cast Yeva, before our turn
  • assemble 2 card combo for 6/7 mana, wait on the prowl to shotgun blast the table.
  • NEVER shoot for win, just build while keeping options to win open once 6/7 is reached.
  • 4 creatures means free Allosaurus Shepherd with Chord of Calling or one mana with Summoner's Pact
  • Bonus points if you can create THE BUBBLE: Casting Veil of Summer into the obvious counter, storm off some more into Allosaurus Shepherd.

We have our pretection, we just need to look for the opening and streamline. Weigh in how easily it is to go infinite with Ashaya and NEED a mana sink or need a Glimpse effect.

September 9, 2020 2:23 a.m. Edited.

Inkmoth says... #18

Yeah Temur lines weren't affected in the slightest either, maaaaaaaaybe a little if Elvish Archdruid makes it in and misses the mark, which is 5 btw and that seems feasible. Elvish Archdruid can be Bellowered and help us dodge some Fire Covenant.

September 9, 2020 3:16 a.m.

Yeah, Kogla makes way less sense now, it was there as something I was trying because I didn't like the artifact centric lines.

As for what artifacts to keep, I am curious about your plan for Curio/Staff over Mantle. Staff is an outlet in addition to a combo piece, so even if it requires a larger Big Mana Dork to power it, it makes sense to keep it. I guess Curio can be used in combination with the Rangers to replay/loop them, so if we are using them as a central part of the deck, that makes sense. It is just a bit of an adjustment for me. Mantle has been a key piece of my deck since it was a Selvala Semi-Brostorm deck, and then every evolution of the deck retains a strong need for exactly what Mantle does, through each commander I have run. It will just be strange to possibly run a list without it. I almost feel like one of the weaker draw spells would be a better cut.

Thinking about how central Ashaya looks like it will be, I think that the risk/reward balance of Root Maze may be tipping toward too much risk. It definnitely puts in work agains faster decks, especially artifact ramp in stormy decks, but now all our creatures come into play tapped with Ashaya out. It may start slowing us enough that it is not worth it, even though untapping creatures is a big part of what the deck does.

Also, the possible inclusion of Joraga and Archdruid over Acolyte is fascinating to me. With Ashaya out both of those become slightly more powerful, but without Ashaya, neither gets you there as easily, especially Joraga. Acolyte is more expensive, but it works with every combo line, not just Ashaya. That is important.

September 9, 2020 6:02 a.m.

Thinking about it, if all you want for Ashaya is a 3 mana dork, why not consider Llanowar Tribe?

September 9, 2020 6:08 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #21

precociousapprentice: All valid points. Removing Umbral Mantle was certainly something I was against.... and since no changes have been absolutely final, I will be looking to keep it in. However, as it stands, it is the only sorc speed wincon which could lock us out of wins if it is all that Genesis Hydra flips. That and it gets hit by Collector Ouphe which is annoying.

Root Maze'still doesn't affect our game plan adversely. Only maybe shutting out Chord of Calling lines on storm turn, but the lands coming in tapped doesn't mean much, since nothing we cast can be immediately tapped for mana anyways.

Multiple dorks are being looked, I should be streaming and testing soon, so I will make sure to point out what works and what doesn't. I don't like Llanowar Tribe because it's fixed on three... for that I for sure should run Elvish Archdruid.

September 9, 2020 9:30 a.m.

I agree with the Llanowar Tribe assessment, I think there is more to it than getting 2+ mana from a dork. I honestly would put Joraga Treespeaker in the same category, only likely worse. The Elvish Archdruid is a much better plan. I'm just really not sure I like it better than Karametra's Acolyte. That card is often amazing. It basically never taps for less than 4, and usually much more. I don't think our elf density is high enough to make the Archdruid tap for that much consistently. This means a lot when you play Staff of Domination and/or Umbral Mantle. It also means a lot if Hyrax Tower Scout is part of your untapper package with Temur Sabertooth. You may not need as much for the Ashaya plan, but for consistency and resiliency, having braided, layered, or overlapping combo/synergies is what will make this deck better, not an all in on a single combo. The Ashaya plan is likely not fast enough to go all in, our plan should always be to win at instant speed over the top of someone else's win attempt.

September 9, 2020 10:57 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #23

precociousapprentice: You're totally right about not over committing to Ashaya, Soul of the Wild. Hoever, Ashaya is definitely looking like a "2 card" combo that would appreciate just about any kind of boardstate... Ideally one that includes a creature that can produce 2-3. Now, the elf count would move to 17 if Joraga makes it in... though for this spot, we might be looking at Marwyn, the Nurturer since it can go from neutral to infinite with one Quirion Ranger cast.

September 10, 2020 5:48 p.m.

I had been thinking about Marwyn, but I'm not sure that will be the right card. I played her as my commander at one point before Yeva. The addition of Ashaya may make a difference, but she needs to come down before the elves to make her good. She was nowhere near as consistent as Karametra's Acolyte. In my opinion, lowering the CMC of the dork from 4 to 3 because it still works as a wincon combo with Ashaya is not worth losing the consistency of the dork in going off with the other possible combo cards.

September 10, 2020 7:18 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #25


Considering Marwyn because of Wirewood and stuff.

Otherwise I agree it's not a huge difference.

September 10, 2020 7:23 p.m.

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