Yeva Draw-Grow

Commander / EDH* Inkmoth

SCORE: 549 | 788 COMMENTS | 97299 VIEWS | IN 185 FOLDERS

Dango says... #1

To be fair, you're only really using Brutalizer during an infinite mana loop, and it's more condensed/mana efficient than the aforementioned Beast Within/Eternal Witness line would be.

March 19, 2019 12:39 p.m.

Soren841 says... #2

But all the pieces for ewit lines are auto includes already

March 19, 2019 12:40 p.m.

CyborgAeon says... #3

Surely the fact that the card is also redundant is also what makes it bad? The cost is the first hurdle, but secondly it's important to have backups - but in mono green there's so many overlapping opportunities that it's solid enough. Potentially some protection: Ezuri, Renegade Leader lets you regenerate a large portion of your combo pieces & value cards, while also offering a win-condition with abundant mana.

March 19, 2019 12:43 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #4

I think this list running Vitalize , Ravenous Slime , Scryb Ranger , Grafdigger's Cage , and Shimmer Myr would make it better. Maybe even Skullwinder , or with a different take on the landbase; Early Harvest .

This would let the deck go off at instant speed much easier

Question is what to drop... Skullclamp needs more than 15 creatures that would die with it IMO, and Umbral Mantle may be too slow at sorcery speed. I think it is worse than staff because it doesn't draw cards, but I may be wrong in that assessment. One or the other could get dropped I think. Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip I think is too slow, but I'd need testing on that. Otherwise Blighted Woodland ? It doesn't seem like it belongs.

March 19, 2019 1:05 p.m.

Soren841 says... #5

I've told him 90% of that in pms like 3 times

March 19, 2019 1:14 p.m. Edited.

SynergyBuild says... #6

Rly? We've been chatting in pms about this exact thing too...

March 19, 2019 1:17 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #7

Wait did you also want to test Shimmer Myr ?

March 19, 2019 1:17 p.m.

Soren841 says... #8

Not Shimmer Myr but I did suggest Reservoir bc Yeva reminds me of Shimmer Zur

March 19, 2019 1:19 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #9

I think this deck has enough wincons, but it is an option that deserves testing for sure!

March 19, 2019 1:23 p.m.

Inkmoth says... #10

CyborgAeon: I wouldn't want Soul of the Harvest or Primordial Sage . That's way too much for something that starts yielding after it's in play. So I have to agree with Soren841 the cost is an issue and E-wit/beast within is already in the deck regardless of direction.

Dango: Your point is exactly why it's still in the deck, but lately the lines of winning are more definitive whereas Exarch is more for more attrition based wins.

This might warrant revisiting Skullwinder , perhaps?

As for Ezuri, Renegade Leader ,slightly enticing but it only really stops Fire Covenant in my meta.

March 19, 2019 1:43 p.m.

CyborgAeon says... #11

@SynergyBuild smooth idea using shimmer lines - that's a solid way to gain access to more combos at instant speed & increase the potency of hate-cards.

March 19, 2019 8:14 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #12

Been testing it out, and it is a good tutor target, however going off at instant speed uses too much mana IMO.

Also Seedborn Muse =godly

March 20, 2019 8:47 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #13

SynergyBuild: Yeah, Seedborn is usually game ending. Nothing like having Prophet of Kruphix back in EDH :D

March 20, 2019 8:54 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #14

Inkmoth Ikr...

Anyway, I think this deck needs a more efficient landbase, the current one uses too many utility lands. Not just Blighted Woodland either. Geier Reach Sanitarium , Deserted Temple , Yavimaya Hollow , all could be dropped, despite their utility.

Going off at instant speed, abusing fast mana, and Yeva overall is the goal, and a lot of this deck strays away into mono-green goodstuff. I am not a fan of that overall. I think the 'lands' untapping/big mana effects are too slow for cEDH, and too clunky overall too, and I think more fast-mana storm cards, such as Grim Monolith , whilst abusing Shimmer Myr and Paradox Engine allows this deck to do a ton more.

March 20, 2019 8:59 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #15

SynergyBuild: That's the downside of having an enabler in the Command Zone. She lacks CA and is entirely reliant on the deck to provide every line of play with her enabling them at instant speed.

Unless we cram in way more relevant artifacts in a deck that won't be able to facilitate them (monogreen), the Shimmer Myr line would definitely be a shoehorned strategy, especially when we can't reliably get Paradox Engine out of the deck. Implementing it will yield nothing but another line of play that'll serve to deviate from the core strategy.

Going off at instant speed, abusing fast mana, and Yeva overall is the goal

While this is mostly right, the core strategy is actually making sure a big mana dork sticks past summoning sickness. Something Shimmer does very little in facilitating aside from the occasional instant speed Thousand-Year Elixir . This line is especially moot when Genesis Hydra lets us cheat out artifacts at instant speed already while remaining a relevant outlet.

As stated in my disclaimer, it's borderline impossible for the deck to ever become a cEDH deck since it will never do anything aside from having flash and providing it, so if the deck doesn't give you gas you durdle.

Geier Reach Sanitarium : While seemingly a utility, it's also win con while also making sure we can always get the right noncreature card out on the field at instant speed.

Yavimaya Hollow : Very relevant in my meta, so it could be swapped for the pilots' preferred land.

Deserted Temple : This one might actually be worth cutting, it's only helped me like 5 times in the last like 200 games.

March 20, 2019 9:33 a.m.

Soren841 says... #16

Keep Temple

March 20, 2019 9:35 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #17

Soren841: That was probably going to be my course of action, I haven't actually had as much trouble with my mana despite everyone's concern for it.

March 20, 2019 10:13 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #18

Inkmoth - Have a non-card advantage engine in the Command Zone isn't that big, and many players would vouch that Vedalken Orrery with flash would be broken, which Yeva (while not being that exactly, due to only flashing out green creatures, isn't too far away from), so I'd make the argument that you are underestimating Yeva a fair bit.

Also, my line is experimental, but it isn't like paying 7 mana hoping for a Paradox Engine off the top when you cast your x=5 Genesis Hydra , if you have artifacts it hand, it lets you do dumb things, it doesn't make you pray there are stuff on top.

I want to spend some time to test out a variant of this without the heavy interaction suite or massive wincon suite. Without those, just trying to go off at instant speed, all in combo.

I want to see if it can do that " Reset / High Tide storm combo" at all, if it can't, I won't pursue it. If It only barely can, I won't pursue it. If the pieces align and everything works as intended, simply without interaction to protect it or stop opponents, I will see how much of the combo cards we can drop for interaction or more wincons.

If it ends up successful, we may have Yeva up a tier. Who knows.

Soren841 mind explaining why?

March 20, 2019 10:19 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #19

SynergyBuild; Let me know what you come up with, I'm all for making Yeva stronger. At the end of the day, that's my goal, to make Yeva the strongest she could possibly be. If your strategy proves to be viable, I will modify accordingly after testing it myself.

March 20, 2019 10:24 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #20

Fair, still working out a list.

March 20, 2019 10:36 a.m.

Soren841 says... #21

Because Temple and Cradle

March 20, 2019 10:53 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #22

Don't forget Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx . :D

March 20, 2019 10:56 a.m.

CyborgAeon says... #23

So I'm really into the idea of the artifact-storm brew - utilizing shimmer myr. While the lines are cool they require you to hold shimmer-myr, a cheap untapping artifact and have a thicc-dork in play. That's a fair few variables to consider, plus it requires 10 mana for staff; Umbral mantle doesn't work, Not to mention that it doesn't work with curio lines...

There's some cool stuff that can be done - but after some thinking I can't see it making an immediate positive impact. Currently these factors mean that the deck would need a fair bit of redesign to become a shimmer-list - but it could be cool to see it happen. I look forward to your list, SynergyBuild

March 22, 2019 5:12 a.m.

Inkmoth says... #24

CyborgAeon: Yeah, once the Shimmer line was presented I created a copy of the deck and started taking it apart to implement it and my findings have pretty much spelled out what you said. I found myself cutting a lot of interaction for what seemed like a lack luster line of play and the loss of curio really limits the decks ability to pop off. So, I am super excited for SynergyBuild's take on it and hopefully as a result I can implement it, cause it sounds cool as hell.

March 22, 2019 8:55 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #25

I haven't had more than about 6 hours of testing and brewing, over the weekend I can do more. As is I can't seem to make it work. Sadly, there isn't enough consistency in the list. More ramp and card draw is required, but the deck just can't support that.

I'll try to rethink it over the weekend. Until then I am just gonna ponder it at FNM.

March 22, 2019 10:44 a.m.

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