Yo dawg, I heard you like agrro...

Modern* SkyeLachlan


gtcooke94 says... #1

Everyone always says to take the Mentor, but he really isn't as good as people think when you are using lords. The lords effects happen before Mentor's ability triggers, so to trigger mentor you could only have 1 automaton or mayor out, and the creature would have to be a 1/1. I find Lead the Stampede to be a very good replacement for Mentor, and Spare from Evil is a great win condition against a non-human deck, so I sideboard it. Also, for personal preference, I would rather an Elite Vanguard than a Doomed Traveler , because I just don't think it is very good. I'm making a budget version of this deck by the way, because I'm cheap. I would really appreciate some tips for it, especially since you've played yours at FNM.

January 8, 2012 5:14 p.m.

SkyeLachlan says... #2

i run traveler over vanguard because noone blocks him, if he dies he becomes better, plus i can chump block a fat ass flyer with him.

January 8, 2012 7:19 p.m.

gtcooke94 says... #3

Also, why no removal on the mainboard? it's an interesting choice that could be really effective, I'm really interested in your reasoning behind it.

January 8, 2012 7:25 p.m.

SkyeLachlan says... #4

i used to run o rings and fiend hunters and what not, liked them a whole lot but i felt like i wanted a really heavy aggro deck and to do that the removal card had to be subbed out for aggro cards. it seems like a horrible choice and i get grief over it all the time but i do good in tournaments. usually play 3rd or 4rth out of 20 ppl or so

January 8, 2012 7:32 p.m.

gtcooke94 says... #5

I guess with the bonehoard your removal is killing their creature by them blocking your you attacking, since you have 0 shortage of creatures. What do you do if they get out a big guy though? I guess you could always block with skinshifter, or just attack and let a guy die each turn. The Fiend Hunters would give you the creature and removal though, I would definitely sideboard them at least.

January 8, 2012 7:37 p.m.

SkyeLachlan says... #6

bonehoards also my answer to day of judgement. for the big guys, chump block of double block sometime triple if i have to. theres plent creatures to spare. champion of parish gets big fast to contend with big guys of mirran crusader, hes pro green and black which alot of ppl run. automaton and mayor make ppl big fast to

January 8, 2012 7:51 p.m.

gordoman0329 says... #7

How do you deal with removing creatures? depending on a creature vs creature basis? Also, that single Skinshifter feels out of place. Might be just me though. Good deck +1

January 8, 2012 9:54 p.m.

SkyeLachlan says... #8

used to be 3 skinshifters, im debating on replacing him and maybe another card with a shrine of loyal legions or 2. as for removal...its usually not a problem cause i can win fast. if it comes down to it i just double or triple block to kill, ive got plenty of creatures. mirran crusaders pro green and black makes for blocking alot of creatures easy as well, they may be bigger but not one damage is gettin through, unless theyre fyling...in which case im screwed. for the flyers i usually try my hardest to get my doomed traveler killed so i can get the 1/1 flying spirit and chump block with till i win. and bonehoard is very awesome with my deck. wheh he comes in to play, he usually comes in at no less than a 10/10 germ. running no removal s very risky so ihave to win fast. this deck doesnt really have a problem with that. by turn 5 i have a shit ton of ppl on the field ad most are overwhelmed. the mayor, automaton, hamlet captain, champion, and mirran, work so well together with all the counters and +1/+1s and with mirrans double strike.

January 9, 2012 8:53 a.m.

shmojoe says... #9

You might want to thing about an Elder of Laurels he's pretty OP once he has all of your other creatures around him.

January 11, 2012 12:06 p.m.

SkyeLachlan says... #10

ive got two but i just never decided on who to take out. im very happy with the way my deck runs

January 11, 2012 1:07 p.m.

shmojoe says... #11

Maybe the Skinshifter . the Elder would allow you to use the excess mana after you drop all of the cheap creatures, but that's just an idea and I like the deck anyways.

January 11, 2012 1:14 p.m.

SkyeLachlan says... #12

i dunno, skinshifter is amazing. I have two more that need to go in somewhere. and thx lol

January 12, 2012 1:52 a.m.

Sainted says... #13

i feel like you would have an empty hand by turn 5....imma play test it

January 16, 2012 10:08 p.m.

SkyeLachlan says... #14

yeah that happens lol... so i added back in lead the stampede and mentor of the meek

January 17, 2012 2:38 a.m.

masalo says... #15

Very nice deck. You do fine with no removal such as Oblivion RingMTG Card: Oblivion Ring or Fiend HunterMTG Card: Fiend Hunter?

January 21, 2012 10:37 p.m.

SkyeLachlan says... #16

sometimes lol, its a fast winner. i usually place high but running no control does haunt me at times lol. did ya playtest it? thx for the +1

January 21, 2012 11:19 p.m.

leprechuan says... #17

i would take out 2 Doomed TravelerMTG Card: Doomed Travelers and add in 2 Fiend HunterMTG Card: Fiend Hunters and also somehow add in 2 more Mentor of the MeekMTG Card: Mentor of the Meeks because by turn 5 you are usually top-decking

January 22, 2012 10:57 p.m.

SkyeLachlan says... #18

cant let the travelers go lol, as far as fiend hunters, they are good but im all out aggro and chose no control. lead the stampede helps bunches with the top deck problem. this deck flows good

January 22, 2012 11:04 p.m.

SkyeLachlan says... #19

cant let the travelers go lol, as far as fiend hunters, they are good but im all out aggro and chose no control. lead the stampede helps bunches with the top deck problem. this deck flows good

January 22, 2012 11:04 p.m.

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