Would you believe there is a tribe that has lords that give trample, deathtouch, haste and First Strike aka the sickest combination of keywords 'round the block? Well, there is one. And you better not insult them, because otherwise, you'll be stomped right into the ground by the united power of their herd.

Which tribe I'm talking about, you wanna know? Minotaurs, madafaka!

There is not a single one drop creature in the deck, and it isn't necessary either. Both our two drops are above the curve with just a minor drawback: Deathbellow Raider and Bloodrage Brawler are powerhouses. Our turn three seems a little crowded, but let's be honest: The deck has three Ragemonger to power out your very hand on turn four, just to then follow this by a turn five Kragma Warcaller. Sick!

The new turn 4 is the new Labyrinth Adversary. It's roughly on curve, tramples and helps the cows to get through by preventing a potential blocker from doing so. Fine new card for the tribe.

Our lords are Rageblood Shaman, Felhide Petrifier, Neheb, the Worthy and the aforementioned Kragma Warcaller. These guys ain't no jokes, and said keyword-combination is just ridiculous. As we power out our hand pretty fast, Neheb's power boost will happen in no time, so very soon, our opponent will be taking all the damage. Sethron, Hurloon General is a new addition that still has to prove itself, but putting out an additional minotaur everytime another one enters the field seems very powerful. That mana sink is pretty impressive, as well.

Our removal suite consists Lightning Bolt and Terminate for the creatures that really don't wanna die. And if we need some more cows to power out, Sign in Blood does a decent job.

Do you like the deck? Feel free to leave a comment and/or +1, and I also really appreciate suggestions on how to improve the list. In the meantime: Enjoy your milk, because, as my raging cows demonstrate pretty impressively, it makes you become big and strong.

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...better know as a great new legendary minotaur. Sethron, Hurloon General is an incredibly powerful minotaur legend, and I'll definitely try to get some copies for the deck.

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Revision 2 See all

(7 months ago)

-2 Fanatic of Mogis main
+3 Labyrinth Adversary main
-1 Lightning Bolt main
Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 months

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.87
Tokens Minotaur 2/3 R
Folders Just a collection, 60 card "Commanders", Decks to try, Awesome Deck Builds!, Decks I've Bought, Cool stuff, Wut wut in the butt, Stuff, Themed, Minotaurs
Ignored suggestions
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