Yosemite National Park - NOW WITH A GIFT STORE
Thank you for the help,
I didn't know about clutch so thank you for that and it will be going in, but what should i take out, i will take out 1 Pyroclasm but other than that what?
Yes Remand is good but very pricey, i am keeping the deck budget, i already have the shocks and a lot of the other cards, so i can get the deck for just over 80, but if i can get my hand on some remands i will.
i see what you mean about Telling Time but when you cast it at the end of their turn you just get an extra draw and set your next draw, and i doubt that i will shuffle in between our turns, but it is a valid point.
my playgroup are not pro and there aren't any lilis so for the moment i will stick with thrag mainboard, but if i went to a GP or PTQ i would defounately swap them out, and what would you fill in the sideboard gap with?
Both of those decks are good, but i am trying to blend them together, i know it may not be as strong, but it seems to work alright for the moment i like the balance of aggro and control.
September 29, 2013 10:01 a.m.
Thanks PriestessKikyo1 i accidently dropped the 2x dissipate, not really sure how but oh well, thanks for noticing that and thanks for the +1 :P
September 30, 2013 11:38 a.m.
Terra Eternal is not worth playing. Only 1-2 decks run any land D (America Control and the rock). The rest of the time it is a dead card.
Cards I would consider taking out. Loxodon Smiter , Terra Eternal , the white splash basically. Weakens the mana base, Smiter is a bit meh unless you are curving out with it, where as at least Baloths gains you life and can be discarded.
You want 4 STE. It blocks, it ramps, it is a key card, same for prime titan.
2-3 boardwipes main should be enough. I would take out 1 Gods, add in another search for tommorow.
Serum should be 4 of, or none of really, cause you want them early to set up draws, but even then I don't think it is great.
Remand over Dissipate. You are a combo deck, and it just buys you a turn and cantrips, so you can keep your hand full.
And just because you wanna combo faster, doesn't mean you are an aggro deck.
October 3, 2013 6:39 a.m.
I really like the combo but I think you need more lands with the type mountain. I would think that you would want to have 6 or 7 mountains left in your deck when you cast scape shift. I would consider going down to one or two Valakuts and replace them with mountains. Valakut is most relevant when you cast Scape Shift which conveniently can find Valakut. You may also want to consider playing some off shock lands to improve your ability to search up enough mountains as well.
Getting your mountain count up will also make make prismatic omen less relevant, opening two spots up. I would consider Explore or a nice landfall card that can supplement Valkuts damage like Zektar Shrine Expedition or Cosi's Ravager for these spots.
October 29, 2013 5:10 p.m.
gage77, there are 15 mountain type lands in the deck, which means i always have enough, and i would agree with you about Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle but with so much land destruction in meta i like to run three. and the reason i run Prismatic Omen is because when someone Slaughter Games Scapeshift i still need to be able to win, and playing any land does three damage, so it is good and will be staying in.
October 29, 2013 5:17 p.m.
*sorry gage77 11 not 15, i miss counted! but it is still enough, i don't search for them before the Scapeshift or if i do i will only get 1 because there aren't many things that need red.
October 29, 2013 5:19 p.m.
Very nice, +1! The idea of this deck is very cool.
After how many turns can you win (in average, not depending what you draw)?
October 29, 2013 6:02 p.m.
well you need 7 lands to go off, if you T1 suspend Search for Tomorrow T2 Farseek T3 Search for Tomorrow + Farseek /Sakura-Tribe Elder T4 Scapeshift and win
but normally turn 5 or 6 id there are no disruptions to the plan :P
October 29, 2013 6:26 p.m.
Paul.The.Firewood.Salesman says... #12
Very unique design for a deck. I never thought of a land/sorcery combo before. That's creativity at it's finest! I would suggest a card or two, but I honestly think it seems like a solid deck as is.
November 2, 2013 6:44 p.m.
I live next door to yosemite, in Mariposa, so you get a +1 just for that. nice deck tho.
November 2, 2013 10:24 p.m.
infinitemana says... #14
Prismatic Omen seems a little unnessesary. You can always search up enough mountains for the win, and I think it could be replaced with a better card like Lightning Bolt , which should probably be a four of. These are my suggested changes: -2 Prismatic Omen , -1 Farseek , -1 Island , +4 Lightning Bolt
November 11, 2013 8:20 p.m.
richardparker says... #15
Nice scapeshift deck. I have one a little like this. But you need prismatic omen. And the control version is just better
November 17, 2013 9:35 p.m.
Just a friendly note, usually the Scapeshift lists that run Cryptic Command are called "Scapeshift," and the ones that run Primeval Titan and Prismatic Omen are called "Valakut."
As for Thundermaw Hellkite , I like it. I've been running Stormbreath Dragon in my Scapeshift list for awhile and it is pretty good. Before that I ran 1x Wurmcoil Engine mainboard, and before that Batterskull . All three have been good for me.
There have been more and more of the "Tempo Scapeshift" lists popping up, which play the standard Scapeshift package along with Tarmogoyf , Snapcaster Mage and Vendilion Clique . You might look into that if your meta has a lot of stuff like Jund.
April 30, 2014 1:18 p.m.
thanks dominicd, the main reason i chose Thundermaw Hellkite over the others is that we have a soul sisters and a black white tokens in my meta so its ETB does alot.
I've seen the tempo scapeshift lists but by tempo is from a different direction, they are trying to win the game and have the combo as a late game threat that your opponent always has on their mind, just like tarmo-twin, but mine threatens to cobo of within the first 4-6 turns almost every game, so it approaches the same outcome just from different directions. also Tarmogoyf is just to expensive!
May 22, 2014 5:23 a.m.
Hey, I saw your post on my Scapeshift deck and I thought I'd test out your version. I like it a lot, getting Primeval Titan on turn 3 is always awesome. My suggestions through playtesting it would be to drop Chandra, Pyromaster and Courser of Kruphix . Now I have only playtested it a few times so your experience of said cards can be different. However I found that they didn't do enough for me. I suggest running more Peer Through Depths or Serum Visions in their place. My reason for that is because I couldn't find scapeshift when playtesting it which costed me a few games. But that is just my two cents. Great deck all around. +1
September 4, 2014 9:29 a.m.
ye thanks man, changing Courser of Kruphix to Peer Through Depths has been on the agenda for a while, i think i would still run 1 courser on sideboard, because it is very good against fast decks, (affinity and zoo especially) i quite like chandra, it kills alot and can draw a card, but i do see what you mean, i will change the coursers and then go from there,
thanks LioAME3
September 4, 2014 12:59 p.m.
LtMiller117 says... #20
This looks like a solid build and has probably won you quite a few wins I'm certain. Was curious to see if you would be willing to help with my budget version of scapeshift. Would definitely appreciate it.
September 9, 2014 9:28 a.m.
Just wonder how you feel about Dig Through Time as I see this being the exact deck where it would shine the most.
October 24, 2014 4:55 a.m.
Ye, I've got a modern tournament tonight, and was just on the way to trading into them :P i think i will swap the Treasure Cruise and the Peer Through Depths for them. what do you think Baltec?
October 24, 2014 5:28 a.m.
Yeah, I think that Dig does more for you than Treasure Cruise and has more value than Peer Through Depths . Overall I think it is the perfect card for this deck.
MollyMab says... #1
sniff sniff I smell...Scapeshift!
I'm personally not sold on the Black splash for Slaughter Games/Deathrite. They are awesome but don't feel it is worth weakening the mana base, unless you are playing Clutch of the Undercity .
I also think you have better options for a lot of these cards. For example, there is no need for 4 Pyroclasm type effects, generally 3 is enough. I also think Baloth is much better than Thragtusk because it fights the Lili rich current meta.
Dissolve can be replaced by Remand and Telling Time is OK, but I found it kinda weak when you shuffle so often.
I've been playing Scapeshift since Valakut got unbanned and these are my versions. And Boom Goes the Volcano! (RUG Scapeshift) is my more controlly RUG version. Prime Titan Scapeshift is my Prime Titan/Omen version.
September 29, 2013 6:40 a.m.