pie chart

YOU and YOU get a Hippo! EVERYONE gets a Hippo!

Commander / EDH*



Enchantment (1)

The almighty Phelddagriff Deck. Screw you. This deck's amazing.


Note: I'll fix the slight spelling mistakes in this description later. I made this at like, midnight and didn't feel like going back and editing a lot...

Fun Fact: Phelddagrif is an anagram of Garfield, Ph.D, the creator of Magic.

'Kay, now that that's out of the way...

This deck was recently remodeled a bit. Originally, it was more group hug oriented, but now its more based on counters, control, and card draw. However, thanks to the main man hippo himself, the deck will always have group hug elements, which should (hopefully...) keep me alive throughout games. A reminder is that this deck really ins't suited for one on one games. I mean, it can stand them, but it isn't meant to. It's more built for multiplayer games where Phelddagrif is actually useful.

The main strategy is the following:

Lay out defenders and enchantments such as Ghostly Prison to discourage attackers.

Use lots of draw power to sift through your deck, obtain the cards you want, then reshuffle it using Elixir of Immortality so you don't accidentally mill yourself.

Only and I mean ONLY play your counter-spells on things that mean trouble for you. If you start countering random spells that only seem like they're bad, you'll only draw more attention to yourself. Save them for spells targeting your things ( i.e Fireball) or spells that ruin everything (i.e Wrath of God)

Finally, kill everyone in one fell swoop when they least expect it.

Step 1. Play Suture Priest, a green-mana dork, and Intruder Alarm

Step 2.Distribute Hippos to players.

Step 3. ?????

Step 4. Profit!

From here on out, I'll be going over (almost) every card I've chosen for the deck. So, if you don't like reading (or don't care) you can just skip all that.


The creatures in this deck are primarily mana-ramp creatures and defenders, so I can skip over a few of them.

Mana-Ramp Creatures

The source of a good portion of my mana, as well as a necessity for the combo mentioned above. I'll explain some of the more uncommon choices here.

Axebane Guardian: Although also a defender, his role as a mana-dork comes first. With enough defenders, he can generate enough mana to last an entire turn, leaving me with all my mana for instants during my opponent(s) turns.

Birds of Paradise: A staple in many decks, it has found its way here as well.

Burnished Hart: Artifact ramp is always nice, right?

Elvish Mystic: Pretty self-explanatory.

Llanowar Elves: (Insert something about it being common here)

Overgrown Battlement: Look familiar? It may not be able to generate mana of any color like Axebane can, but it's cheaper and stronger, so whatever.

Quirion Elves : I like this guy. He's essentially a worse Birds of Paradise, but you know what? He's really cheap. Like ten cents cheap. Screw you.

Werebear : He exercises his right to bear arms. Are there better mana sources? Yes. Is Bloom Tender one of them? Yes. Is she expensive? Yes. Does she exercise her rights to bear arms? No. No she doesn't.


My protection from all the harm in the outside world.

Bonded Fetch : A 0/2 defender for 3 is pretty bad. However, his effect is quite nice when I've got nothing else to generate cards with.

Guard Gomazoa : He's just a little better than Fog Bank, and I appreciate his effort to being so.

Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch: This guy's quite the deterrent to your opponents and can keep attackers away for a bit.

Plumeveil : A 4/4, defender. For 3 blue or white mana. With Flash It's can be pretty damn fantastic.

Stalwart Shield-Bearers : These guys can provide a decent buff to the other defenders you control,which can be nice. However, depending on useful they prove to be, they may very well see their way out o the deck.

Wall of Denial: This card is amazing. An insanely hard to kill defender for only 3 mana.

Wall of Frost: Quite an annoying defender for your enemies. Sure, attack. But they won't be next turn.

Woolly Razorback : Another relatively large deterrent for opponents. Either that, or it'll get doom bladed pretty soon. You may attack all you want. I will only become stronger.

Other Creatures

Arcanis the Omnipotent: Provided he survives the turn (or you give him haste), this guy rocks. Three free cards a turn can be a massive help, plus he can escape if need be! Just be careful about removal.

Consecrated Sphinx: Another Amazing source of cards. In multiplayer, you'll get more than enough cards. But, please remember...you may draw two cards. You don't have to. If you're not careful, you may just end up milling yourself to death...

Grand Abolisher: A beautiful card to make sure none of your spells are ever interrupted. Creature you want to play? Safe. instants/sorceries? Can't be countered. Unlimited combo you want to win with? UNSTOPPABLE.

Noble Benefactor : A global tutor for everyone. Who cares what they get? You have a hippo.

Prophet of Kruphix: Do you have any idea how many hippos you can get tout? Too many. Too. Damn. Many. Oh yeah, and counters and stuff. Those too.

Reckless Scholar : Either let yourself draw, or, with something like Consecrated Sphinx on the field,you can group hug an opponent and benefit too! Works either way!

Suture Priest: Provides the set-up for the infinite combo. Plus it's still just fun in general.

Windborn Muse: One of many cards with this effect in the deck; "Do this in order to attack". We'll reveal the others later on.


There are very few sorceries in this deck. Therefore, this seciotn shall be brief.

Merchant Scroll: In order to get out someof the many instants you might need. You know, just in case you want to counter something and make someone's life miserable by putting their commander on the bottom of their deck.

Phyrexian Rebirth: Most decks should contain at least one "Damn. This is bad. Better kill everything." card. This one is my favorite. You may replace it as you see fit.

Recurring Insight : The nice thing here is its effectiveness in a multiplayer game, since you can select a different target the second time around in order to get enough cards to keep you going.

Wargate : "Teleport Successful." A pretty badass tutor, if I may say so myself. Since most permanents in the deck aren't too costly, it's good for pulling that last piece of the infinite-loop puzzle you need to finish off the one remaining opponent who didn't see you as a threat.


These are mostly tutors and counters with some other things mixed in. All in all, however, it's pretty straight forward.

Arcance Denial: A hard counter for 2? Group hug oriented? Let's you draw a card too? Is there a drawback for this?

Condemn: For that one commander who thought it would be a good idea to attack you.

Cyclonic Rift: Honestly, it was a hard toss up between this or AEtherize. But, in the end, returning all non-land permanents is just so much better than a single player's creatures.

Eladamri's Call/Worldly Tutor: Let's you pull that creature you just couldn't wait to get.

Hinder/Spell Crumple: Casting your commander? Not anymore. Oh, and don't bother putting him back into the command zone. He belongs in your deck now.

Krosan Grip/Nature's Claim: Artifact/Enchantment removal; always needed, always here.

Muddle the Mixture: What's really nice here is the transmute. We've got quite a few two drops that play important roles here, and this lets us get them.

Oblation: More creature (commander) removal. A little more expensive, but still good.

Opportunity: I really like this draw card. Four cards at instant speed can be really nice depending on the situation. Or, another player draws four and you draw eight thanks to our favorite Sphinx.

Pact of Negation: Our emergency counter. "Hah! Everyone's tapped out! Now I can play my ultima-" "Counter."


A lot of fun stems from these cards. A little too much, sometimes.

Archmage Ascension : I've seen a lot of controversy about this card. However, regardless, I've yet to find out for myself whether it's right for this deck. If it works, it will be amazing. If not, whatever. It can be replaced. We'll wait and see.

Ascetism: Global hexproof and regeneration for all your creatures. Wait, what's that? I can regenerate any creature,you say? I think I heard someone say group hug...

Aura Shards: I hope your friends don't like non-creature permanents.

Darksteel Mutation : Sorry. Your commander is now a roach. Deal with it.

Ghostly Prison: Another card that prevents your opponent from attacking. How high can the cost get, I wonder?

Helix Pinnacle: What do you desire? Wealth? Glory? Power? Revenge? Or something that surpasses all others? Whatever your desire is, 'that is here'. A win condition at its finest. Put together your ramp and Prophet of Kruphix and you might win before it's your turn again.

Intruder Alarm: Part of the combo from the beginning. Quite nice.

Oblivion Ring: A staple in many white decks. Always welcome, I'd say.

Propaganda: At this rate, your opponents may never attack..

Rhystic Study: Cause them to either waste mana or give up card advantage. Either one works.

Sphere of Safety: Getting a little ridiculous now...

Sterling Grove: Provides shroud for your enchantments, and allows you to find any enchantment you need. Not a bad deal for two.


Even more strange shenanigans? Oh boy! (Sorry...)

Bubble Matrix : Damage? Who needs damage? I certainly don't.

Chromatic Lantern: A really nice source of mana. Being able to tap anything for anything it awesome.

Elixir of Immortality: Drawing too much can be quite a problem in this deck, causing you to discard occasionally. Therefore, this is here to keep you going.

Howling Mine: Group hug!!

Mana Vault: Yes, I know most people say Mana Crypt is far superior. However, I'd prefer this deck to not cost the down payment of my car. Thank you very much.

Norn's Annex: Alright, hold up right here. Math time. Let's say you have all the possible cards of this type on the field at once. Windborn Muse + Ghostly Prison + Propaganda + Sphere of Safety + Norn's Annex. That's 2 + 2+ 2 + X +W (or 2 life). At the least, X is equal to 3 in this case. So, your opponents will have to pay 9 + W (or 2 life) to attack with a single creature. Will they all hit the field at once in a game? Doubtful. Can I keep on dreaming? Definitely.

Planar Portal : It may not be a staple in EDH, but it tutors well enough for me and doesn't make my wallet sad.

Ring of Three Wishes: Read what I just typed above, only this one looks flashy on your pinky.

Sol Ring: I'm going to leave this explanation relatively blank.

Swiftfoot Boots: It's a toss up between these and Lightning Greaves. However, I tend to like these better because Hexproof>Shroud.


As I've just updated this, this will remain blank until I find more cards to consider.

Thanks for reading! Or, if you skipped all that and are just reading this last part...fine. Be that way.

As always, any sorts of comments, suggestions, opinions, etc. are welcome.

Hippo on my friends.


Updates Add

The deck underwent a general over-haul today (yesterday, actually, as I'm typing this update at 12:04 A.M...).

Anyway, the deck's overall theme changed a bit. I took out some cards from multiple aspects to add in a bit more control and card draw, as I find my biggest fears are enemy spells and not having a hand to counter said spells.

I'm liking the way this deck is moving, mainly because it's getting a bit cheaper due to the fact that I pulled a Consecrated Sphinx at a draft.

Anyway: thanks for reading!

EDIT: Cleaned the comments out as well.

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

26 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 2.95
Tokens 1/1 G Creature Hippo, Phyrexian Horror X/X C
Folders Commander, decks i likeeee, EDH Bant, $350 Budget EDH Decks
Ignored suggestions
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