YOU and YOU get a Hippo! EVERYONE gets a Hippo!
Commander / EDH*
The_Diabolical_Biz says... #2
This looks pretty neat. I actually made my own Phelddagrif deck pretty recently (Second is the new First) though this seems more competitive than mine (my primary (sole) win condition is kicked RoR on Suture priest followed by hippo fun). Mine is more a group hug politics funstuff deck and it's a blast, Phelddagrif is awesome.
January 8, 2014 1:25 a.m.
@Spootyone: thanks!
@The_Diabolical_Biz: Phelddagrif is so much fun. I considered that combo as well, but I felt like the bombshell combo is more of a "Wait, how did we all just lose 50 life?" win condition. I'm considering making it more group hug, so I might take some ideas from your deck; thanks!
January 8, 2014 11:25 a.m.
The_Diabolical_Biz says... #4
And I might from yours (Archmage Ascension looks particularly tasty considering Heartwood Storyteller , Standstill etc). One of my favourite things is when you have a couple of Pillowfort cards up, like Propaganda and Ghostly Prison , and then you draw something like Ranger of Eos , tutor for Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant , and start giving everyone a shitload of hippos to destroy each other with while sitting there safe in your little bubble gaining a ridiculous amount of life.
Only problem with Pillowforting in my variant is that I also ramp everyone like a lot so it's often easy for people to just pay the cost if they want to attack me.
January 8, 2014 12:51 p.m.
daniferrito says... #5
I dont think your main combo works with current rules (it was different a few years ago). Even if you give them the tokens, the owner of the tokens is the player who controls it as it enters the battlefield. Even if you make all other creatures a copy of the Bronze Bombshell , ownership is not a copyable value, so the owners of each Bronze Bombshell is probably going to be its controller (unless someone else started to exchange creatures), so its triggered ability wont trigger.
Under older rules, the token owner would be the controller of the effect that put them into place, so you could give everyone tons of tokens, then Homeward Path to get them all for yourself.
110.5a A token is both owned and controlled by the player under whose control it entered the battlefield.
706.2. When copying an object, the copy acquires the copiable values of the original object's characteristics and, for an object on the stack, choices made when casting or activating it (mode, targets, the value of X, whether it was kicked, how it will affect multiple targets, and so on). The "copiable values" are the values derived from the text printed on the object (that text being name, mana cost, color indicator, card type, subtype, supertype, rules text, power, toughness, and/or loyalty), as modified by other copy effects, by "as . . . enters the battlefield" and "as . . . is turned face up" abilities that set characteristics, and by abilities that caused the object to be face down. Other effects (including type-changing and text-changing effects), status, and counters are not copied.
January 8, 2014 1:16 p.m.
@The_Diabolical_Biz: Yeah, it can get annoying if they're ramped enough. I'm considering adding Bubble Matrix , so that even if they do manage to attack, nothing will happen.
@daniferrito: Well damn. I forgot they changed the rules for tokens a few years back...looks like I'll have to rethink my combo. I'll most likely go with the Suture Priest and Rite of Replication combo. Add in an Intruder Alarm and, with a green mana producer, make infinite hippos! Anyway, thanks for the correction!
January 8, 2014 1:56 p.m.
Posted By: exterion (7/13/2010 10:23:42 AM
While Rain of Gore doesn't work with this guy, imprinting False Cure on an Isochron Scepter works :P
January 9, 2014 4:48 p.m.
couldn't you also add another hippo adding Questing Phelddagrif ? in my knowledge they are two different cards
Posted By: majinara (2/6/2009 2:25:13 AM)
the tokens are not optional for your opponent. I had a deck using this guy + Engineered Plague set to "hippo" + Tainted AEther . since the tokens die before the trigger of the aether resolves, the result of the combo was "g: target opponent sacrifices a creature or land". priceless to see the reactions of opponents, when they first laugh on the plague set to "hippo", and suddenly their permanents are gone
January 9, 2014 4:57 p.m.
Yeah, the combo potential for this guy is really amazing. Sadly, I can't use any black cards, so most of them are ruled out..
January 9, 2014 5:34 p.m.
robotwalle says... #10
I love this deck, was thinking of one like it but with mill as the win con+1
July 6, 2014 1:13 a.m.
was wondering why this deck was listed so expensive, it is because the Howling Mine you have listed is the one worth 320 bucks LOL
January 13, 2016 1:32 p.m.
b0bjohnson says... #12
Love your deck Hippbro!
My own Phelddagrif-deck aims at killing the opponent through giving them tokens too! (Without the mana-dork combo)
I think you should consider cards like Forbidden Orchard and pain-lands to upgrade your mana-base. Defense of the Heart tutors up Suture Priest and a mana dork for you. Also, Prophet of Kruphix is banned. :/
This is my Phelddagrif list if you are looking for cards that synergize or if you just wanna give some feedback :) My list focuses on gaining/draining life through token-generation. Some of the core cards I use are Suture Priest, Gideon, Champion of Justice, Hundred-Handed One, Custodi Soulbinders, Martial Coup, Sylvan Offering and Felidar Sovereign
Let me know how your list preforms! I am considering stealing your mana-dork combo for my deck! :)
Hippo on fellow Hippo-brother!
Spootyone says... #1
Name's good, combo is awesome, hippos are sweet. +1! Really was only going to suggest tutors but they're already here. Well done! :D
January 7, 2014 11:48 p.m.