You Are a Dream; I Hope I Never Meet You
if villainous wealth had delve it would be absolutly broken but anyways i really like this deck the planeswalker synergy is nice im goin to playtest it against my planeswalker deckwaste not your superfriendships and see how it goes. +1 from me though
October 25, 2014 8:09 a.m.
CamThePlaneswalker says... #3
loving this, +1. trying to get a competitive Sultai list to work, this seems like the one.
October 26, 2014 8:21 p.m.
Necropolis Fiend to take advantage of Sultai Charm and jace?
October 28, 2014 9:26 p.m.
I rely too much on the delve aspect of Dig Through Time for Necropolis Fiend to be efficient
October 28, 2014 11:04 p.m.
DamienBell13 says... #6
I really like the Sultai colors. This list is probably the most unique one I've seen yet. I hope you get continued success from the build! Upvote from me, for sure!
October 31, 2014 2:24 a.m.
There is a guy who has been in top 3 the last 3 monday night standard tourneys at my shop. He plays sultai with nothing but removal, counters and then Dictate of Karametra + Villainous Wealth . I can't say for sure but if I remember right he is in the top 2 spots each time not actually the top 3. Of course he has either Dig Through Time or Treasure Cruise but it should go without saying that a spell heavy deck will need some sort of draw.
I originally created a 5 color Villainous Wealth
deck without the Dictate and I have to say either way it is very strong. It just goes best in a deck with nothing but removal because if you play creatures and plan on them keeping you alive then you yourself are weak to not only burn but also removal. Same thing with using walkers to save your hide while u stock mana, either those walkers die or you will.
October 31, 2014 2:26 a.m.
How have you fared against Azorius heroic strategies? It seems to be my worst matchup by far.
November 19, 2014 12:45 p.m.
It's fairly difficult before sideboarding, but pretty easy after. Just add in all the removal, and make sure you're killing their things in response to the buffs and whatnot, before the heroic triggers resolves
November 19, 2014 5:24 p.m.
@Vatofrog yes I have, playtested it a good bit, but it just isn't that strong.
November 30, 2014 12:01 p.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #15
This is a prime example of sultai control plus 1
December 12, 2014 10:15 a.m.
I like it plenty, my suggestion would be to replace a few of the drown in sorrows for Negate or similar counter spells for non creature dependent threats
December 18, 2014 1:27 p.m.
willywonka003 says... #17
First U/B control that's beaten my R/W heroic in playtesting. I can usually wiggle my way out but I can't get all the planeswalkers before one of them ults. Congrats! +1
December 22, 2014 5:14 p.m.
@ SpaderAce: Yea, it's pretty strong. I haven't come across any decks that consistently beat it yet. Stull not 100% sold on Pearl Lake Ancient and the 4th Dig Through Time, but it's been a really fun and consistent deck so far. Really looking forward to Fate Reforged changing some things up here
December 28, 2014 2:37 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #20
Hi there.
Question: I run a similar deck to yours (though I bank more on Villainous Wealth than you do, as you run more planeswalkers = Lady of Villainous Wealth). I dig your deck. The other stark difference is that you run full sets of Charms and Downfalls for the kills, whereas I run one less of each and run 3-4 counterspells. How comfortable are you, both in your local meta as well as in online testing, running without any counterspells? I find it interesting that you don't include any in your sideboard against your control match-ups....
I ask as I'm entertaining the idea of relegating my counterspells to my sideboard only...Do you find you have enough answers to things your opponents stick rather than preventing them from hitting the field at all with counterspells?
Very interested in your answer/insight. It might change my approach to counters vs kills as well.
And +1 from me due to all that planeswalker muscle ya gots in here. ;)
January 7, 2015 1:59 p.m.
@Loco-Motive I feel like the full set of charms and Downfalls are essential in these types of decks, especially the charms as it is so versatile. Mine in particular also uses the power of the many planeswalkers to lock opponents down as they make their own decision. Such as them playing a bomb, and I lock it down with kiora or kill it with garruk. I think your deck is pretty good though, and I don't think moving the counters would be the best idea. I have actually been working with the idea of converting this to a really counter heavy deck once FRF is released,but I'm still not certain it's the best idea for me either
January 7, 2015 2:25 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #22
Worth considering.
And what's your experience with Clever Impersonator? He's drifted in and out of my deck from time to time, but I've found he's mostly odd than useful as it usually depends on what my opponent's thrown down rather than copying something on my own board. But, if there's nothing they throw down worth copying, Clever could have been a more useful spell in your hand...I like his niftiness, but the conditional part is what always yanks me back from him. I almost think, in your build, he would be better replaced with something that advances/safeguards you like a 1-of In Garruk's Wake or that can be useful against any of the decks your opponents can run, creature-heavy aggo / creature, PW mid-range, or all-planeswalker control...
January 7, 2015 3:49 p.m.
I originally wanted to run that card but it is too slow most times to be as effective as I'd like. The Clever Impersonator has been really useful, but it does get sided out frequently. But against certain decks it's amazing. Never bad copying Keranos, God of Storms or Siege Rhino in this deck
eeagle says... #1
The Chain Veil actually helps your plainswalkers against damage (not Hero's Downfall ) because you get the +1 abilities twice so they gain loyalty twice as fast. A one-of makes sense because a) it is legendary and b) it is best when tutored out with Lil and that would only happen when you want it. I think imho that doubling the effectiveness of any walkers out is worth the chance of taking 2 life, especially in a superfriends deck. You are probably losing anyways without walkers...
October 24, 2014 3:10 a.m.