You can't keep a good warrior down! B/W warriors
Alex.moellmer says... #2
Well that was my thought but with this deck I find that since no red you lose haste which slows the deck down a bit and I have skirmishes side to fly over wen I have too but the chiefs are good in the sense u turn a 4/2 into a 4/3 which means it can take down a courser with sacking itself but i understand if I were to remove something it would be them
February 2, 2015 3:02 p.m.
manelbsilva at hotmail dot com says... #3
My deck:
B/W; Warriors; Heavy Aggro Playtest
SCORE: 6 | 25 COMMENTS | 1461 VIEWSI think you want to see this...
February 3, 2015 6:53 a.m.
Alex.moellmer says... #4
It's a good deck but I don't think sorin is a good idea, he a 4 drop with no huge immediate impact on the turn he's played, maybe for a sideboard but not main, and tormented hero isn't worth running, u can't pop his heroic trigger and there are better one drops
February 3, 2015 7:08 a.m.
manelbsilva at hotmail dot com says... #5
Isn's Obelisk of Urd hard to cast with 21 lands?
February 7, 2015 9:14 a.m.
Alex.moellmer says... #6
Nope it has convoke I have it out turn 3-4 most games pushes me back a turn but makes them a helms lot harder to deal with
February 7, 2015 4:43 p.m.
Moshanyana says... #8
Hey great deck! I only really have recommendations for you sideboard, mainboard looks solid.
1) I think that Erase is actually better in most metagames than Deicide, despite the difference in rarity. Most decks run gods as 1-ofs or maybe 2-ofs; paying an extra mana to only maybe exile that other card isn't worth it unless you're simply using the effect voyeuristically to find out what's in their hand/library, but your Thoughtseizes should have that covered pretty well.
2) What you're really weak to is Anger of the Gods and other board-wipes. Again, I don't know what your meta is, but if it's removal heavy then I'd suggest tweaking so that you have a late-game comeback. Return to the Ranks could be a solid sideboard option.
3) Utter End is a really solid removal option, but comes with a high cmc. I'd consider running it if only to counter Perilous Vault which is a serious threat to your current build.
4) Color specific cards have never really impressed me, I'd consider cutting Dark Betrayal and Glare of Heresy but I can see the benefit of lower cmc if you know you'll be able to side them in often.
February 9, 2015 12:47 a.m.
Alex.moellmer says... #9
Thanks for the advice I have the betrayer and glares because it can take out anything of those colours including siege rhinos or mantis rider or anything which with so many multicolour threats atm cheap removal is nice. And apart from anger athreos kinda makes the board wipe lose effectiveness and even backfire plus I can thoughtseize a lot of these threats away
February 9, 2015 2:24 a.m.
doriboncore says... #10
I know that Obelisk of Urd has convoke, but with most warrior decks I have seen, attacking is usually a better use of the creatures than tapping to convoke.
Check out my warrior deck at
Mardu Warrior Black/Red/White Deck Playtest
SCORE: 40 | 4 COMMENTS | 7548 VIEWSMarch 23, 2015 11:57 a.m.
Alex.moellmer says... #11
That's true in most cases but a lot lately people are chucking out blockers and just trading with my guys too easily, giving them 2/2 makes them less likely to killed off so easily plus it throws opponents a real curve ball, I am making some adjustments to it and I'll have em up soon thanks for te advice
March 27, 2015 10:37 p.m.
I think Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx could make a nice addition for your return to the ranks.
March 31, 2015 3:40 a.m.
Alex.moellmer says... #13
i have been considering it for a while and could make a decent addition, only issue is i run a fairly good mix of both colors so i think it would be hard to get a good amount of devotion of either color. but again thanks heaps for the advice and ill defiantly consider it.
March 31, 2015 3:51 a.m.
magicalhobbits says... #14
Secure the Wastes? summon a butt ton of warriors, at instant speed is never a bad idea in a tribal deck. also i dont think runnig 4x Obelisk of Urd is a great idea, even with convoke it will always leave you vulnerable
April 2, 2015 5:49 a.m.
Alex.moellmer says... #15
i considered Secure the Wastes just to make it worth my while i need a lot of mana and its easy wipe from a bile blight which is being run in a lot of decks mainboard, i could consider it side, and from playing obelisk the deck doesn't really nearly as well without it, creatures too easy to chump block with most of them dying to a soldier or goblin token or a mystic which almost all meta decks run with the exception of control. this deck is designed to fight against opposition, you drop an obelisk and it makes a serious issue for any opponent and wins me games more often then not, majority of times i wont get it out turn 3, but i can turn 4 /5 easy as wen i tap mana and convoke i only tap half my creatures and as for leaving me exposed i would be swinging anyway i would rather take a swing then hit them on the back-swing with a big ass board, i find when i play it people wont swing at me for risk of the back-swing they would be hit with, if they could deal lethal dmg i wouldn't play it but still a lot of games when i don't hit it im sitting there facing a board of blockers who can trade with my guys, this simply makes my board of weenies into board of 4/3's
April 2, 2015 6:06 a.m.
Ohitsallenwow says... #16
Have you thought about playing Return to the Ranks in the board? I don't know if it might be slowing your deck down. Also if you wanna take a look at my A Warrior's Journey deck does a similar thing. But I'm a little sketched out by having 2, different creatures at 3 CMC both with different double casting costs. Has that been an issue for you?
May 20, 2015 11:28 a.m.
Alex.moellmer says... #17
I did have it side originally and just too many times I was siding it in, specially against heavy removal which almost all desk can do against my low toughness creatures, I've used it to pump devotion enough for athreos and swing in for a win more then once, and to answer about my 3 drops with double pips I have had no issue because I generally play them turn 4 and my mana base has been Preatty solid and I only been screwed once and I kept a bad hand.
JakeKita says... #1
I would take out the Chief of the Scale and load in the Aven Skirmisher because they are your only flying and while the 0/+1 is great, I feel like the "aggro-ness" of the deck significantly drops with a defensive card like that.
February 2, 2015 9:29 a.m.