Hey there! This is my Modern Vengevine-Deck. I know, thereve been a lot in the past,but,like everyone else, I wanna here some new suggestions and useful combinations of you! So, if you see a reasonable mention, just let me know via comment!
Like I told in my other Deck-Tech(s): I just do casual/semi-professionel Deck-Techs and share them, because Ive got no shops or tournaments in my surrounding. So, theres no need for me to play high-professionel Decks and Inifinte-Combos. Anyway, enjoy!!
Starting off with the Landbase:There are currently no Fetches, but Ill add some in the next weeks. Especially hereis a good manabase important to hit early double-colored cards and stuff.
Dryad Arbor fits very well here. I only got a T1 Gravecrawler play. If I dont draw him, most of the time I have a Dryad Arbor in my hand. So a T1 play is nearly guaranteed. Also she can be, depending on the second land a I play and the amount of lands in my hand, a 3/1 via
. Also a perfect pitch-object for Lotleth Troll!
Temple of Malady
to set up late draws and avoid land draws.
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to guarantee the double or triple black mana you may need.
I played against some midrange decks and I recognized, that I need pressure on my creatures to do some damage. Otherwise they get jump-blocked or eaten. So
is a great way to make sure you do damage. And also T2 4/1 (Gravecrawler
) that comes back is a nice thing.
Gravecrawler is a wonderful card for a aggrotype-strategy. The drawback of "Cant block" isnt relevant for your deck, because you dont wanna block :D With his ability he is nearly always on the table. Synergies here: Gravecrawler
, (Gravecrawler + Lotleth Troll]], Geralf's Messenger
, Gravecrawler
Lotleth Troll is just ridiculous. Pitch
or Gravecrawler or Dryad Arbor or just your whole hand and create a huge thread. Especially when you pitch Gravecrawler, play Gravecrawler from youre gravewyard and animate via this combo
Grisly Salvage to get as quickly as possible your huge graveyard and animate everything.
Life's Legacy is a card Im happy to have acces to play it. At some point, if the board freezes, it shows up pretty well, especially when you sacrifice
to draw four cards, and play
and Gravecrawler for example. It pure cardadvantage for nearly no draw back.
is soo annoying. Every single time you hit your land a huge army of mad vampires comes to help you. If you cant exile him or other threads, things gettin difficult.
Abrupt Decay
to kill early creatures, O-Rings or Journeys or other permanents you dont wanna see. Also the "cant be countered" part is really important!
Geralf's Messenger is, to admit, a bit slow but like the other creatures very annoying. Your opponents needs to kill him twice and get free 4 damage. Just great! Also makes Gravecrawler more probable.
malestrom pulse
: Just hateem :D Kill Planeswalkers, reanitmator targets, tokens... everything.
1 Dismember to kill some indestructible stuff or to kill a
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
with a Vengevine and 1 mana.
Thats it! Let me know your suggestions for the Maindeck and for the Sideboard!! Check out my other Decktechs and upcoming Techs!