You fought the law, and the law won. (Help needed)

Modern* Top_Decker


ARandomGuy says... #1

Less one ovs. If you take out venser eslpeth and ajani it is standard. Dissolve is better than cancel, and id take out the guildmages and arbiter of the ideal for 3 more Azorius Arrester

June 14, 2014 12:01 p.m.

B4BY3ATER says... #2

idk what decks your friends play with but if you keep this deck casual I would suggest Azorius First-Wing . It made my friend's enchantment deck get destroyed.

June 14, 2014 12:27 p.m.

B4BY3ATER says... #3

Oh and Detention Sphere is a great enchantment to add. Maybe take out some of the one ofs for it.

June 14, 2014 12:29 p.m.

sphinxes rev, daxos, im full of em.

June 17, 2014 10:50 a.m.

Scytec says... #5

I run an azorius deck as well, Medomai's Melodius Minions you can steal ideas from it if you want. :) I love Medomai the Ageless

June 17, 2014 11:03 a.m.

Mana_Junkie says... #6

I find the Aribiter too slow for my tastes. I'd say run Daxos of Meletis simpily beacuse he is a solid, reliable card that allows no top decking for opponents

June 17, 2014 1:34 p.m.

xiao.wen says... #7

yes to the skyknights and d-spheres (add a fourth) no to the 6 drops, and all of the 5 drop except lavinia. she works because she does pack a serious board-state punch right away. the others not so much. check the average CMC in the deck info on the right, see where it is right now? 3.69, even in standard thats a pretty clear indicator that this deck is going to struggle to gain control of the board before the game is decided. 2.XX is healthy, with everything from 2.15 to 2.7 being pretty viable, though as you get up over 2.5, be prepared to be playing control alot more than beatdown.

June 21, 2014 12:54 a.m.

xiao.wen says... #8

non-creature breakdown:

Inaction Injunction over Lyev Decree . lyev decree doesnt have enough of a boardstate effect to make up for the loss of a card. the injunction only hits one instead of two, but cantrips you up another card to keep you on card advantage pace. this is the reason Remand is a modern staple right now, beats WITHOUT falling behind on cards.

Voyage's End over Dramatic Rescue . many players when they get started overvalue lifegain. gaining two life occasionally is not more important than scrying away dead-draws or digging for removal. plus, voyage's end is easier to cast.

Dissolve over Cancel as the others said, and if you want to do it with some panache: Render Silent

Ethereal Armor over Righteous Authority . 5CMC is way too much for this kind of aura. the card draw is nice on paper, but in execution, if you are lucky youll get 2-3 cards out of it, but more than likely, the creature will get killed, or you will just lose the game next turn because your opponent will play a 5CMC card with real power like Stormbreath Dragon . the first strike and early drop from ethereal armor works way better, especially seated on a skyknight or an arrester

Martial Law has a massive flaw thats hard to see at first glance: it doesnt start working until the NEXT upkeep. its a 4 drop that doesnt change the boardstate on turn 4. this is a big problem. add another d-sphere, get some Banishing Light , or if you are desperate, even a pacifism, though with all of the devotion powered decks around right now, Pacifism and Arrest are dangerous because they leave the devotion on the table to fire gary or turn thassa on.

one of the best white cards in standard right now is a theros common: Gods Willing . i cant stress enough how useful this card is, it does 3 super potent things for one white: a) combat hijinks b) counters removal c) unblockable attack to finish the game AND it scrys. run it, run it.

to stay on theme too: Azorius Charm should get some consideration as well. like god's willing, it does three different things, well technically four, but you really only ever want to use two of them. a) creature removal, sure they will get recast next turn or two, but it takes away their draw and puts them behind on cards and kills tokens outright b) steals you some precious life against burn decks. red decks often want to race you down to 0, and using the charm to strategically steal 7 life during a combat is often enough to put it just out of reach for the red mage. c) cycles a card if you are playing against control/mill and the other two options are unneeded d) can be used to save one of your attacking creatures, though losing the card draw next turn is a pretty big price to pay.

June 21, 2014 1:18 a.m.

xiao.wen says... #9

creature breakdown:

Lyev Skyknight works for sure, very good azorius card.

New Prahv Guildmage has his moments. i really like the design of the guildmages and always try to use them, but unlike the charms which always overperform, i find the guildmages always underwhelm. the azorius one definitely has his moments lategame when both sides are topdecking. two is fine.

Deputy of Acquittals is an overachiever based on utility. its a dramatic rescue with a body sometimes, other times, its a 'kill target attacking creature with 2 toughness or less' for azorius. two is fine, maybe even try 3 at some point.

Lavinia of the Tenth works. instant boardstate effect, pro-red, 4/4. shes safe.

from here its kinda rough, the 6 and 7 drops i would really recommend moving away from as you start to pick up your game and play against better and better decks with better and better pilots. far too often they are dead in hand or dead draws on crucial turns that having another 2 3 or 4 drop would save you on. if you really have to have a sphinx, Prognostic Sphinx has a way better chance of getting into play and staying alive long enough to get some work done. Hundred-Handed One can get some contol-ish defensive work done for you, though hes not quite proactive enough for my tastes usually. Fabled Hero while not usually deployed in azorius setups that dont have as much ability to pump him, is also a legit threat, especially if you run a bunch of god's willing and ethereal armors.

Azorius Arrester i find too fragile to get much work done. Daring Skyjek Soldier of the Pantheon Hopeful Eidolon Judge's Familiar Cloudfin Raptor Vortex Elemental theres lots of other stuff to work with.

June 21, 2014 1:44 a.m.

xiao.wen says... #10

June 21, 2014 1:52 a.m.

trf6 says... #11

This reminds me of my Azorious deck a looooooong time ago.

A few things:

1-Isperia- Her name sounds cool, she's a legendary mythic, an she's got acool ability, but trust me- the only cut she makes is the cheese. The card draw is minimal, and she's a lot of mana to invest in something that loses to almost every piece of removal circulating through Standard. If you're looking for cards, Opportunity could work- leave mana open, and if you don't need to counter or remove something, let it rip once your opponent declares end of turn.

2-Ephara- Same thing as Isperia. You aren't playing too much devo, and her card draw's minimal, as it takes a turn OR TWO (if you played her as a turn 4) to become active. She's harder to remove, yes, but still impractical.

3-DIssolve- FILL IT OUT, TURKEY! It's 100% better than Cancel .

4-Sigiled Scryfish- Despite the fun i puts into a draft, cut it before it does (Hee hee).

July 8, 2014 8:33 a.m.

shassteele says... #12

i run an azorius deck, i would recommend Inaction Injunction , because that detains and gets you to draw a card. my deck, lex ordo justicia, is detain heavy and usually runs well, i would also want to say replace the counters with render silent and dissolve.the new prahv guildmage i would only use for his flying ability to be honest, otherwise meh.

July 13, 2014 1:56 a.m.

raven1man says... #13

July 31, 2014 10:26 a.m.

Put in Mana Leak or Remand instead of dissolve as in modern a three mana counterspell sucks

November 18, 2015 11:50 a.m.

Pheardemons says... #15

One problem with detain decks is that it relies on your opponent playing things. In modern there just aren't as many decks as you would think. However Martial Law seems like it would be a benefit here. I would take out Entreat the Angels as it doesn't exactly seem like you'll have a lot of mana in order to play that efficiently. I agree with Divinity_infinitum in changing Dissolve and Render Silent with other counters like Mana Leak, Remand, even Spell Snare as in modern three counter spells are slow and clunky. By turn three a lot of decks have their combo rolling and it is too late to counter anything. Based on the color combinations in the mana cost of your cards maybe look into Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to help build up mana base. It would also be contradicting the reason I'd say for taking out Entreat the Angels so maybe with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx you'd be able to use it to your full potential.

November 22, 2015 1:53 p.m.

ChubyCryBaby says... #16

Tranquil Cove Since nothing synergies off the guildgate, and it's +1 life.Galepowder Mage to keep flicking maybe?

November 22, 2015 1:58 p.m.

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