Nekusar, Oprah’s Apprentice!

Commander / EDH BlackyMTG


SynergyBuild says... #1

Think any effects like Ghirapur Orrery could be useful? I also think some more ramp for all of your X spells could be good!

+1 For the deck from me!

July 20, 2018 5:14 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #2

@SynergyBuild I do have Font of Mythos, Temple Bell, Fevered Visions, Spiteful Visions, Dictate of Kruphix, Master of the Feast, Teferi's Puzzle Box, and of course Nekusar. I really like Ghirapur and I do have a copy, but I’m already letting people play with a ludicrous amount of cards and I think letting them play another land per turn would let them spit those cards out faster than I could deal with them, so unfortunately I think that’s a no. Though, I do believe I could use more ramp if you have suggestions on what to cut and which ramp spells to actually add. I appreciate the feedback and the +1!

July 20, 2018 5:27 p.m.

Clyde_Bankston says... #4

I believe you should put a Howling Mine, Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind, Kami of the Crescent Moon, Consecrated Sphinx, Viseling, and Time Spiral.

For mana rocks, Lotus Petal, Mana Crypt, Mox Amber, Chrome Mox, and Mox Diamond are what I'd suggest because they are cheap (cmc), and produce decent amounts of mana. I hope this helps!

July 23, 2018 6:28 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #5

A lot of those are probably outside of the budget for this deck.

July 23, 2018 6:35 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #6

@Clyde_Bankston I really like your suggestions, but @SynergyBuild is right I’m trying to keep the deck between $250-300 as of right now and then maybe after a while slowly upgrade it. Some of those cards are half of that already.

July 23, 2018 7:17 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #7

@Clyde_Bankston additionally, I’m not a huge fan of Howling Mine or Kami of the Crescent Moon as they let my opponents take advantage of the card draw before they let me. Consecrated Sphinx I can afford, but I’m not sure what to take out for it. Viseling is cute, but a 2/2 in my meta dies quick against Hapatra

July 23, 2018 7:22 p.m.

TheGamer says... #8

I do like what you have going on here, but I do agree with the last guy that Howling Mine and Kami of the Crescent Moon are both very strong cards you should probably make room for. I can understand why you don't like them in the deck, but they contribute very well to your gameplan, small cmc permanents that make your opponents and you draw cards.

Signets would probably do well in this deck, as honestly the Signets are probably gonna be just strictly better than the Talismans for you.

Also in Commander, tutors are your best friend. Merchant Scroll and Mystical Tutor are both good ones that arent too hefty of a price tag. They can fetch up your wheels which is very nice. Increasing Ambition and Dark Petition are two more cheap tutors, that are yeah definitely worse than Demonic Tutor, but definitely cheap sub-ins.

If im being honest, Id consider adding Duskmantle Guildmage to the deck. Idk how your playgroup is about infinite combos, but having a nice little subtle one in there is nice to have, and if you're running tutors, it should be even easier to pull off.

Finally just to clarify with you, I like a look a lot of a lot of the cards that are in your maybeboard. Are you looking to find room for them in the list? Are you trying to aquire them or havent yet? I can definitely help you with cuts if you need.

July 24, 2018 9:14 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #9

@TheGamer honestly I made a list of all cards I considered for this deck and it was about 200 cards without lands, so I’m amazed I have a complete deck right now with that few amount of cards in the maybe board. If you think I should be playin cards in there or the cards you recommended please tell me what to take out lmao.

July 24, 2018 9:31 p.m.

TheGamer says... #10

Well for one, all the cards from your maybeboard that I would include would be Molten Psyche, Phyrexian Tyranny, Howling Mine, and Kami of the Crescent Moon.

As far as what Id take out, I dont like all the cards in your list that are like "Whenever an opponent discards a card, they lose 2 life" and all the cards like that, my main reasoning is because most of the enemy commander decks you're going to run into run into run Reliquary Tower. And the ones that dont can cast cards at a good pace out of their hand so they dont have to worry about discarding down to hand size. (on typing this out I now understand why you have them, for the wheel effects, but I still feel like these cards will do better for you).

Other cards you can take out would be Darksteel Plate, Swiftfoot Boots, Fellwar Stone (better mana rocks exist), and Spell Burst (better counterspells exist).

July 24, 2018 10:18 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #11

@TheGamer if not it’s okay, but can you give me an in-out list like @SynergyBuild did?

July 24, 2018 10:44 p.m.

TheGamer says... #12

In: Molten Psyche, Phyrexian Tyranny, Howling Mine, and Kami of the Crescent Moon.

Out: Darksteel Plate, Swiftfoot Boots, Fellwar Stone (better mana rocks exist), and Spell Burst (better counterspells exist).

July 24, 2018 11:52 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #13

@TheGamer I made a lot of changes. Not exactly as you suggested, but I like the turn out. I kinda feel like I need more lands, am I wrong?

July 25, 2018 2:29 p.m.

TheGamer says... #14

I run around 34-35 in my list, but I also run more competitive and expensive mana rocks (I.E. Mox Opal, Chrome Mox, Mana Vault) and my deck is a little less late game oriented (I run Atraxa, Praetors' Voice superfriends). So I mean, probably? I wouldnt add too many, maybe go up to 36 or 37, but it'll certainly make a difference.

July 25, 2018 5:18 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #15

@TheGamer you commented just before I saved my changes. Look now buddy, sorry!

July 25, 2018 6:59 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #16

I swear this is the only deck Forced Fruition would be called "Utility".

July 25, 2018 8:39 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #17

@SynergyBuild haha I love it. I don’t know where else to put it :/

July 25, 2018 8:55 p.m.

TheGamer says... #18

I really like this deck actually. I'm not a fan of Starstorm but thats just getting super nitpicky. Besides that one there really arent any cards I dislike, they all seem super solid to me, I like it! Obviously there are gonna be some non-budget options you can work up to to improve the deck if that's what you're looking to do, but this looks great. Competitive enough to be able to win games at the Commander table while probably not BS enough that people will straight up not play with you because of the deck.

July 25, 2018 9:25 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #19

@TheGamer I sat down and said I’m going to rebuild this deck starting with 38 lands and 8 rocks. After I thought of the rocks, I made a list of all the other cards I wanted to play and then sorted them into the categories I have now. Then, I narrowed down how many cards in each category I should be playing. Next, I picked the cards I thought were the strongest in each category until it was filled. Finally, I picked lands I could currently afford.

July 25, 2018 9:50 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #20

@TheGamer and Starstorm was kind of a filler cuz I didn’t know what other wipe to use and I just had one.

July 25, 2018 10 p.m.

TheGamer says... #21

Yea like I said I'm just nitpicking. It's fine to run

July 25, 2018 10:27 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #22

@TheGamer, @SynergyBuild, should I run a Muddle the Mixture? It transmutes for either of my Combo pieces.

July 26, 2018 4:54 p.m.

TheGamer says... #23

I like it. It serves as a counterspell or a small tutor. I ran it in a UW Control list I had built for Commander.

July 26, 2018 5:35 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #24

BlackyMTG What do you think you will fetch with it?

July 26, 2018 6:13 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #25

@SynergyBuild I would Tutor up my combo pieces, Duskmantle Guildmage or Mindcrank. It also coincidentally hits a lot of other cards in my list like Waste Not and Cyclonic Rift.

July 26, 2018 6:24 p.m.

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