You Gone An Fucked Up Now

Standard blakxjokerx


blakxjokerx says... #1

Quantities for maybe cards are undecided.

April 28, 2014 11:58 a.m.

EsoEric says... #2

Brave the Elements will save the majority of your creatures. Druid's Deliverance , why block when you can just prevent damage and then swing with all your creatures after your opponent's tapped. Voice of Resurgence .

Check out this awesome Selesnya deck I found the other day, the guy is pretty good.You'll need birth control... by MillsMag

April 29, 2014 4:59 p.m.

blakxjokerx says... #3

I know VoR is good. I mean, it's price pretty much ensures that. however, i have been watching a lot of the SCG open series matches and VoR just seems to be a bit of a miss. I know that isnt the case but i cant help but feel that after i spend the 100 bucks on 4 im going to hate the damn things. I will probably still end up buying them though.

druids deliverance, great card, no room.

and brave is great! but my strongest creature Advent of the Wurm is green so i figured god's willing would have to do. I actually was running Brave, but after seeing Justin Blackmoor come in 2nd at SCG dallas using Gods Willing i decided those would have to do.

Thanks for the feed back EsoEric

April 30, 2014 12:47 a.m.

Eh I'm not sure about Experiment One , the biggest he can get is a 5/5 and it'll take him a little while to get there so its probably not worth it. You might wanna play magic a little more before going to FNM so you can get the hang of the game and actually look like you know what you''re doing. I've played with much better decks than this "deck" and still done poorly against higher tier decks at my local FNM.

May 2, 2014 9:07 p.m.

blakxjokerx says... #5




and Here

and that last one is Andrew Shrout. So, if you knew shit about magic, you would know about Andrew Shrout.

May 3, 2014 10:54 p.m.

blakxjokerx says... #6


and since you made your account merely to bash my deck, i can only assume you are a talentless troll, who's only hope in life is suicide. Thank you, goodnight.

May 3, 2014 10:56 p.m.

So you're a netdecker is what you're saying?

May 4, 2014 10:02 p.m.

EsoEric says... #8

thoughtsneeze12, he was merely saying that Experiment One sees play in top decks, and it's not useless. You're the one who decided to be a dick. Not sure where you play, but all the venues and tournaments I've been to have been full of people who will gladly help you if you're new and just like to have fun. There is no skill bar one must pass to be able to play at FNM. He will get better faster by playing at such events, assuming that he isn't good to begin with. Fuck off and +1 to this deck.

May 4, 2014 11:53 p.m.

EKGwins says... #9

+1 you've got a solid deck, the only think I could suggest is to not be afraid to branch out and try new cards just because they haven't seen GP play. I feel like you could be able to cut down on the number of Banisher Priest for Brimaz, King of Oreskos or something of the like.

thoughtsneeze12, I'm not sure what your problem is but being rude and insulting only makes you look foolish.

May 4, 2014 11:55 p.m.

blakxjokerx says... #10

EsoEric thanks man. Yeah this guy is a douche, and i dont even know why he is on the website without any decks.

EKGwins yeah man im just gonna have to do that. Ill have to figure out how to put it all in there. I'm pretty stoked about this next FNM.

May 5, 2014 4:54 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #11

I personally think Bow of Nylea offers more options on your creatures since you are running a dude deck, it allows you to get the death touch on attack forcing blockers to be awkward, and give buff. I like that better than Spear of Heliod

Also Experiment One is likely not to trigger an evolve a lot since you only run 2 5/5 creatures and most others are 2/2 so I'm not sold on it being the best 1 drop for G/W in standard play, but thats me.

May 14, 2014 6:44 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #12

And I'm assuming at this point that Voice of Resurgence is out of the price range?

May 14, 2014 6:44 a.m.

blakxjokerx says... #13


Well, i have 0 2/2 in my deck, save for the 4 possible tokens from selesnya charm, so that shows how attentive you are to detail. You have no idea what you are talking about, as i have won matches with a 3/3 experiment one on more than one occasion. What the hell kinda of magic do you play where AGGRO means play gigantic creatures...? Have you even watched a professional match?

May 14, 2014 6:49 a.m.

blakxjokerx says... #14

I'm getting sick of the experiment 1 hate... a card that is almost a must have for the deck type.

May 14, 2014 6:50 a.m.

blakxjokerx says... #15

no, i can afford VoR, but i do not want it. Please dude, i'm regretting this last deck cycle because of you. Use the damn deck, then come talk to me.

May 14, 2014 6:52 a.m.

blakxjokerx says... #16

well, skylasher is a 2/2 but his utility isnt his p/t

May 14, 2014 6:57 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #17

lmao, wow for anger man. Yeah I've seen a pro match, it was fun. I play against guys that regularly go to SCG opens and regional competitions so I do know a thing or two about the game. I've only been playing for a decade. Sorry but I like Sedge Scorpion for that slot better. So yes you have some bears that trigger the evolve, yes you have a few 4 drop that triggers the evolve, and a Boon that triggers the evolve.

But I STILL think death touch beats Spear that only gives a static +1/+1 when Bow offers choices. Flexibility good sir, is what wins matches. Being able to adapt to you're opponents moves.

Or you can just continue to get pissy with people that offer you constructive criticism. See how far THAT gets you.

May 14, 2014 6:59 a.m.

blakxjokerx says... #18

I dont really think that is constructive criticism when you are hating on a card that every damn G/W aggro deck in standard worth it's two cents runs. I want to regenerate my 3/3 when he trades and start the evolving process over. It is very aggravating when people who think they know the game tell me stuff. I did not put Experiment 1 in this deck to become some massive monster... I can trigger evolve twice with 2x Fleecemane Lion and you keep forgetting to mention that. Dude, I assure you, you are bad at magic.

misterJ Take your matter-of-fact attitude having ass on outta here

With your lame ass sedge scorpion.

May 14, 2014 7:05 a.m.

blakxjokerx says... #19

misterJ Also, call of conclave and advent... i mean my experiment 1 is always a 3/3 with regenerate... -_-

May 14, 2014 7:07 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #20

Okay... And yet you still refuse to refute my original point that attacking creatures.. which is aggro last time I checked... do better with death touch correct? So yeah, Bow is still better than Spear. Every day. OH and it gives your Experiment +1 counters at instant speed to regen? For 2 mana? Better than Spear.

All I said is Experiment MAY not be the best for the slot. The whole post was geared toward saying you need Bow in the deck. But I'm also sure every deck in standard playing G/W also have Voice's in the deck as well.

May 14, 2014 7:18 a.m.

blakxjokerx says... #21

misterJ I didnt say a thing about the bow you dolt. I have no problem with it, and i think it could work well. however i like the option of creature removal with the spear if things go wrong. I'll have to try out the bow and the spear and decide. also, since i added banishing lights i may be able to drop the spear.Is it better than the spear because you say so? No.

Yes, VoR is run in all the pro decks, and i didnt say it was bad at all. I just feel like it is underwhelming when your opponent actually knows how to play magic. However, Sedge Scorpion? No way.

May 14, 2014 7:26 a.m.

-MisterJ- says... #22

I don't think that VoR is underwhelming at ALL when if forces your control decks to play on their turn and turn into a beasty with your current count of 31 possible creatures.

I think you're also right that since you have spot removal with Banishing Light , Bow becomes even more viable to play.

May 14, 2014 7:49 a.m.

blakxjokerx says... #23

Yeah, it forces your control deck to d-sphere it on their turn... oh wait, Dsphere is an enchant and they cant even cast it at instant speed. Then you dont even get a token for it getting d-sphere. Yeah it fucks with their counters, but i have yet to actually see it win a game save a few casual matches. It is a great card, but I dont feel i actually need it in the deck. I will probably get Brimaz however.

Yeah, i am probably gonna try it at my lgs today. It's also cool that i can gain 3 life, which will make a huge impact against Burn decks. I can't believe i hadnt thought of that before. Thanks for the bow rec, but you leave my experiment 1 alone !! hahaha

May 14, 2014 3:08 p.m.

blakxjokerx says... #24

-MisterJ- Experiment One and Bow of Nylea go really well together. I playtested with then against a BUG Control at my lgs, and pretty much set up the win with the two of them. The Bow is really working out though man. I wonder why it hasnt been in the build before..

May 18, 2014 6:25 p.m.

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