The-Xellos says... #2
Did a couple of more play testing. When doing a Collected Company, I had to put Sliver Hivelord and Sliver Legion on the bottom. Have you thought about ways to shuffle your library in case something like this happens? I know you have Homing Sliver in there, but as a 1 of.
September 4, 2015 12:57 p.m.
Blood moon, no clue otherwise just getting out what I can when I can. Maybe replace some lands like some of the basics or even Ancient Ziggurat's with forests. Otherwise, I'm open to suggestions. As for shuffeling effects, like with blood moon, no clue. Again, open to suggestions.
September 6, 2015 2:18 p.m.
Wanted to say what JaceNordark just posted.
Virulent Sliver makes this deck kills twice as fast, that's a must include.
September 23, 2015 9:54 a.m.
Nice deck! Im gonna build my own Sliver deck with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the sliver deck :)
October 30, 2015 9:55 a.m.
NosferatuKnight says... #8
Looks nice, but you have to be careful about what slivers you have in play."All Slivers have...." versus "Slivers you control have..." is a BIG difference. Play against someone with their own sliver deck and you'll have slivers that help them as well.
November 27, 2015 10:21 a.m.
Radioflyer says... #12
Perhaps swap out the Galerider Sliver with Spinneret Sliver. That will protect your whole force from getting wiped by a Whirlwind
April 18, 2016 6:43 p.m.
I think it's IMportant to add Sliver Hivelord in order to protect against board wipes, or at least put them in your side board. It's possible to get one of them out quickly with this deck.
May 4, 2016 4:17 p.m.
blasphemale says... #15
I would not play Darkheart Sliver mainboard. You only want it versus burn-like matchups or maybe sweep-effects to get the best out of losing your whole board.
May 27, 2016 5:47 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #16
This deck has come a long way since I last saw it! Competitive builds do run Vials and CoCos, so it looks close to being ready to compete in larger events!
Additional Striking Slivers in your MD don't do much, so I'd cut down to just 1 in order to add the 3 Diffusion Slivers to the MD. Almost every deck in modern has removal spells and Diffusion's ability will stack with multiple in play, so they'll rarely be a dead card unlike Striking Sliver #2-4. I'd also cut 1 of the Bonescythe Slivers for the 4th Sedge Sliver for the same reason (stacking pump abilities compared to just a redundant copy). It will also give you less reason to go over 3 counters on your vials, and make your CoCos more likely to hit 2 creatures. I'd also replace a number of Torpor Orbs in your SB with some grave-hate like Relic of Progenitus to help against snapcaster and Abzan Company decks.
June 29, 2016 10:20 a.m.
That is some good advice and isn't really changing the deck for what I could imagine would be for the worse (yes, Mutavault is an insane card especially with any tribal deck, but I need the colors). GeminiSpartinX, I greatly appreciate the advice you've given me and I will actually change it the way you suggested. Some cards are over my budget, which is funny because of CoCo, Cavern of Souls and Aether Vials and some I think would bog down the deck. So I'm trying to do this with what I got. Not saying I don't appreciate the other advise from other people, just this advice you gave me isn't really changing things financially for me.
June 29, 2016 1:13 p.m.
Looks good, but how often are you mana screwed? I'd swap out 2x Overgrown Tomb for 2x Temple Garden since most of your costs are GW.
August 23, 2016 11:20 a.m.
Personally, not too often because of the average cost being around 2 mana. But I'll try it with the Temple Gardens in place of the Overgrown Tombs.
August 23, 2016 1:32 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #20
Most lists run Tombs for the swamp type needed for Sedge Sliver. If you find that you're not color screwed on white very often, I wouldn't bother changing. The only thing I'd do is maybe swap the 2nd Tomb for a Godless Shrine if you find that you lack white most games, but that's up to you.
August 23, 2016 1:49 p.m. Edited.
herringtonr says... #24
Personally, in my sliver deck, I chose to get rid of Striking Sliver and Necrotic Sliver in favor of Leeching Sliver since it makes your attacks much more deadly if you get a swarm. Also found that 1 Sliver Legion in mainboard can be a game winner by itself. I would also have to recommend Warping Wail as a counter spell for board wipes and it helps get rid of some threats such as Noble Hierarch and Dark Confidant. Also, this is just personal preference but Telekinetic Sliver can be good as a 1 of in the sideboard to keep your opponent mana locked while you build up your slivers.
The-Xellos says... #1
Oh wow, I cannot remember last time I looked at this deck. Looks like you made some great changes to it. It plays really fast.
My question is, how do you handle something like Blood Moon? Maybe add another forest or two to help get the Manaweft Sliver out if they have Blood Moon out. Once he is out you are all set.
Have you thought about Chord of Calling?
I see Diffusion Sliver in Maybe. Why are you not side boarding some?
September 4, 2015 12:46 p.m.