Mr Sphinx's Wild Ride

Standard 907phringe


muppetman47 says... #1

I would replace the Thought-Knot Seers with Expedites or Slip Through Spaces I would also change the Broken Concentrations to Pyromancer's Assaults.

April 18, 2016 4:59 p.m.

Methylase says... #2

If you're intent on running Thought-Knot Seer you might want to consider a set of Holdout Settlement in addition to Shivan Reefs.

April 18, 2016 5:04 p.m.

muppetman47 says... #3

Also how do you plan on playing Thought-Knot Seer

April 18, 2016 5:08 p.m.

907phringe says... #4

muppetman47 What do you mean how do I plan on using him? I was originally wanting him in there to flush stuff out of my opponents hand and have a 4/4 body. Methylase I will look into Holdout Settlement in addition to Shivan Reef. Thought-knot has been in the air since I considered him. Expedite is a great card, 1 red, haste, card draw, and at instant speed. I'm just not sure that I'm really going for aggro here, just more focused on burn and control. Slip Through Space I like and will consider running, Thank you for the input!

April 18, 2016 5:24 p.m.

muppetman47 says... #5

907phringe I meant how do you plan on playing him. What land can you use to pay the colorless mana.

April 18, 2016 5:26 p.m.

907phringe says... #6

muppetman47 Oh! Shivan Reef casts colorless and then 1 life for either or

April 18, 2016 5:38 p.m.

Methylase says... #7

The purpose of running Thought-Knot Seer in this deck is the potential to bounce them with Thing in the Ice  Flip, allowing you to get rid of threats that you may have put back into your opponents hand. I would not swap them out for either Expedite or Slip Through Space. This deck would not benefit fully from the effect of either card. Thing in the Ice  Flip would likely be able to attack after flipping without a need for haste, and would likely be attacking on an empty board, thus rendering Slip Through Space not particularly effective.

April 18, 2016 6:06 p.m.

907phringe says... #8

Methylase That's how I was originally seeing Thought-Knot Seer being used. I also agree with Looking at Expedite and Slip Through Space on how they wouldn't be very effective.

April 18, 2016 6:24 p.m.

muppetman47 says... #9

but you can't tap it for wastes 907phringe

April 18, 2016 7:08 p.m.

907phringe says... #10

muppetman47 is the same thing as colorless. All colorless means is you cannot use a color to cast that, so yes Shivan Reef works.

FYI - Colorless Mana

April 18, 2016 7:12 p.m.

Methylase says... #11

April 18, 2016 8:23 p.m.

raptor77 says... #12

The only cure is more zelda

April 18, 2016 9:01 p.m.

907phringe says... #13

raptor77 More Zelda?

April 20, 2016 1:18 a.m.

Sigmania says... #14

I'm not sure Lightning Axe and Catalog are enough discard outlets for you to get full value from Avacyn's Judgment, Just the Wind, and Fiery Temper... I might suggest abandoning this subtheme and playing Anticipate over Catalog and Compelling Deterrence over Just the Wind (can bounce any nonland permanent, so it gives you more counterplay against planeswalkers).

April 20, 2016 6:56 p.m.

Methylase says... #15

Lightning Axe is very strong removal. I would submit that it is stronger (by virtue of being more versatile) than Roast. I would also submit that it is stronger than Fiery Impulse as it only requires a card in hand rather than two or more instant/sorcery spells in the graveyard and deals a maximum of 5 damage rather than 3 damage. You lose efficiency by not discarding and casting a card with madness through Lightning Axe's cost, but it is a question as to whether or not such a loss of efficiency significantly affects the 'play-ability' of Lightning Axe. I believe lightning axe is currently undervalued, and I am not confident I understand why.

April 20, 2016 11:09 p.m.

wijohn says... #16

Interesting, have you considered using Narset Transcendent in place of Nahiri, the Harbinger? The rebound ability seems potentially potent, especially if you can incorporate Startled Awake  Flip. Also you might take a look at Pyromancer's Goggles, they're a pretty amazing combo with the red draw spells. I'd pay and discard a land to draw four and mill 8+. Hmmm, I'm gonna go mess with my Grixis list.

April 25, 2016 11:30 a.m.

907phringe says... #17

wijohn Very cool input, I really like Narset Transcendent in place of Nahiri, the Harbinger with the combination of Startled Awake  Flip possibly triggering back to back for 26 cards. I have looked at Pyromancer's Goggles but being a 5 drop I'm not sure how it will fit in, could definitely try.

April 25, 2016 4:39 p.m.

Murphy77 says... #18

I like it - have built something similar, with 1 significant change. Playing Vessel of Volatility in the place of Magmatic Insight allows a possible turn 3 casting of Chandra, Flamecaller, or extra mana to fuel some mean combos. The Chandra board-wipe has saved my bacon on a number of occasions and I like 3 (or even 4) copies in the deck.

April 27, 2016 3:34 a.m.

907phringe says... #19

Murphy77 How are you casting Chandra turn 3? Vessel of Volatility turn 2, turn 3 lay a land, tap sac Vessel and make 4 , that only leaves 5 mana to use, Chandra is 6 cmc?

April 27, 2016 8:01 a.m. Edited.

HankyMueller says... #20

I have a similar list, but in grixis. Alhammarret's Archive has been pretty impressive as a one of. Since your in white you might be able to make use of the second half of that card better.

April 27, 2016 8:45 a.m.

HankyMueller says... #21

Also Alhammarret's Archive + Sphinx's Tutelage + Chandra, Flamecaller + 7 or more cards = Instant Kill Combo.

April 27, 2016 8:47 a.m.

Murphy77 says... #22

Sorry, You can only summon Chandra turn 4 - my bad.

April 27, 2016 10:17 a.m.

907phringe says... #23

HankyMueller Alhammarret's Archive archive sounds like it would be awesome in this deck. Maybe with some tooling around I can figure out a place for it.

April 27, 2016 5:26 p.m.

Soulplaya says... #24

Like all the comments thus far and had a few thoughts also.

I think it might be beneficial to run a wiper like Planar Outburst in at least your side with all these Dragonlord Ojutai's running around. There's just so many creatures that Radiant Flames won't touch.

I also am not super high on Fevered Visions. In the end, the damage that your opponent takes won't matter if you're trying to mill them out and you are giving them card advantage by playing it. The only way I want my opponent drawing cards is if they are drawing a lot of them to get much much closer to the mill.

Also, with as much draw spells that you are running that make you discard things, do you think it would be good to run madness spells? Maybe Just the Wind or Fiery Temper?

I love the use of Narset Transcendent and Chandra, Flamecaller here. If your opponent doesn't kill quick, this could get out of hand. (no pun intended) I had originally been playing U/W for the hard removal, but heavily considered moving to R/U with a splash of white for more draw spells and creature control. I think this will give me a good direction to move in. +1!

April 29, 2016 11:20 a.m.

907phringe says... #25

Soulplaya Honestly after the more I play this the less I feel Fevered Visions is that crucial or even warranted in this deck. I could possibly see trying to play something else in its position. Alhammarret's Archive is looking pretty nice.

April 30, 2016 3:07 p.m.

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