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Modern DrkNinja


NoSoyYucateco says... #1

Looks great! I really like the inclusion of Expedition Map here. If you can swing it, Mercy Killing would have tons of synergy here. Pop an Ajani's Pridemate to trigger your Grave Pact and Blood Artist . +1!

August 16, 2014 6:58 a.m.

DrkNinja says... #2

I actually have mercy killing in the deck on my phone.... I just forgot to add it... I was wondering why something felt off, I also added Privileged Position to the sideboard just in case.

August 16, 2014 7 a.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #3

Yeah, I'm kind of jealous of your Privileged Position . Might have to find a way to add that to Pain Has An Element Of Blank.

August 16, 2014 7:04 a.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #4

Oh--and since you aren't running Ghostly Prison here, you may want to consider Batwing Brume or Norn's Annex for some extra protection. After months of playing these combos, I've found it's key to be able to control attacks against you. And Batwing Brume is awesome if you don't have your Illness in the Ranks down yet.

August 16, 2014 7:10 a.m.

DrkNinja says... #5

Well that's kinda what the Hissing Miasma is there for.

August 16, 2014 7:23 a.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #6

Ah! I missed that. Great!

August 16, 2014 3:39 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #7

I'm also gonna add norn's too the sideboard for decks that aren't white.

August 16, 2014 3:52 p.m.

chilbi says... #8

Nice one, +1 from me! Might not be too impressive, but Saproling Cluster could help you generate chumpblockers while getting rid of cards not needed. Also, Massacre Wurm?

April 23, 2016 1:53 p.m.

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