As you may have already noticed, the main strategy of the deck is to sacrifice and reanimate a lot of artifacts. Some of them are stronger than others, and it will be discussed in this sections. There are generally two ways to win: Going for your commander's emblem or attack with big dudes you just cast and reanimate. The first involves more control and combo (which I like), while the second is more aggro. Down here you will find a breakdown of most of the cards included in the deck and some combos that are available to win or just to have some fun (I am only gonna talk about the cards I changed in the deck, I don't want to explain cards that were already there).
Duplicant is one of the best removal available to this deck. For 6 colorless mana, you get to exile a creature, which is 1 less mana than you would use for Karn Liberated, for example. Also, with all the welding effects going on, it is really easy to exile a creature, sacrifice this to bring back another artifact, then sacrifice it again to keep on removing problematic creatures from your opponent's fields. It can also be pretty big depending on what it exiles and can get a lot of damage in.
Gamble is the only real tutor spell available to red that can go and tutor aynthing from the deck. It only has one downside, which is not really a downside at all in this deck: discard a card at random from your hands after. Even if you tutor an important artifact in the deck and it gets discarded, it should not be that much a problem to reanimate it right away.
Kuldotha Forgemaster is another really good tutor in this deck. The downside on this one can be really big for a deck not playing it right, but as of now, each time I have used this to fetch another artifact, I have won the game. Usually, I sarcifice it to itself, so I just need to loose two other artifacts. I usually try to sacrifice some combo pieces and tutor another piece, so I can just reanimate it and combo off the same turn.
Mindslaver is a win condition in this deck. It is even better if you have Daretti, Scrap Savant's emblem out. this way, if you have enough mana, you get to control each other player at the table, ensureing the victory. I have been able to pull this combo a couple times, and it is very funny to see your opponents faces when they finnaly realize what is going on.
Rings of Brighthearth
is one of the best combo piece in this deck. It allows me to do so much. First of all, I have a lot of activated abilities that are worth copying: Daretti, Scrap Savant, Goblin Welder, Kuldotha Forgemaster, Feldon of the Third Path just to name a few... Also, I recently realized (!) that you can copy fetchland's ability with this so you can get an extra land out of them. Usually, this artifact gives me a huge advantage if I have some effects to copy, and it is one I really like to tutor early.
Sensei's Divining Top is one of the best artifacts ever printed. red is kind of lacking card draw and filtering, and this is both at the same time. With our commander, it is even greater: what I usually do is before my draw step, I look at the top 3 cards of my library then I place them in the order I want. I draw one, then I use Daretti, Scrap Savant's first ability to draw the other two. At the end of turn of the player just before me, I look at the top 3 again, place them how I want, then draw the first card using the top. And I do this every turn. Oh, and I just wanted to say that the top is practically impossible to kill. Some have already tried, but no one succeeded.
Squee, Goblin Nabob is in here simply to be used with our commander's first ability. We can discard this, draw a card, then get it back at our next upkeep. It will grant us card advantage, and it will still let us draw cards if we have nothing else we want to throw. Also, it can serve as a great chump blocker against a large creature without trample: cast and block, return to your hands, cast and block, return to your hands...
Staff of Domination is another really cool combo piece in the deck. With enough mana (I will soon add ways to generate infinite mana with this), it can allow us to completely control the board, gain a lot of life and even draw a lot of cards! Broken when you have enough mana to abuse it, good even if you can activate it only one or two times a turn.
Sundering Titan is banned in regular commander, I know, but my playgroup is playing without a banlist, so it is fine. This is one of the best artifact to abuse through welding effects. It can destroy a lot of lands. It is even greater when you are playing against two or three colored decks, destroying 2/3 lands to them while you only blow up one of yours. When Blood Moon will be in the deck, it is gonna be even better: it will allow you to blow up their nonbasics instead of your Mountains. I have found out that it is better to tutor this artifact later in the game, when there are a lot of basic lands on the battlefield and you don't care about blowing yours, else it could also slow you down.
Tangle Wire is probably the best card to play early game. it will tap all the resources your opponents have, allowing you to easily build up your commander's loyalty counters without it being attacked or destroyed. You can even reanimate it to keep the pressure on. Late game, it is less useful, but it can prevent them from playing big finishers or to attack you, which can always be nice. Pro tip: you can tap this to it's own effect :)
Wildfire is a dick card, but I am fine being a dick. I decided to pack some land destruction in this deck to be able to control even more what is going on. It is easy to play around lans destruction with all the mana rocks available to us, so we care less about our lands being destroyed. When I will add Crucible of Worlds to the deck, it will be even better. Also, this is kind of a boardwipe, which is quite useful to clean the board of smaller utility creatures or tokens.