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Modern* Hemi-pwr

SCORE: 95 | 185 COMMENTS | 16519 VIEWS | IN 52 FOLDERS

xzzane says... #1

Haha yeah, I love my b/w token deck. It's my brainchild. But yeah, no problem. Any other specific decks you want me to look at?

February 1, 2015 11:56 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #2

What helps you helps me is an inspired standard deck but I don't like this new standard so I'm going to stay ou until next rotation...or two. Either than that, this is my only first deck. Started out as a standard in innsarad and morphed into a modern heavy creature populate. Thx for the help.

February 2, 2015 midnight

xzzane says... #3

I don't touch standard with a 12 foot pole, so I can't help you there I'm afraid.

February 2, 2015 12:03 a.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #4

I used to be good at it but three color decks are one color too many. Modern I like better because I get to play my favorite cards when I first started but sadly it makes other decks more unsuspecting and cruel. My FNM was shutdown some time before this new standard...I may be more into it if it wasn' I play alone against myself with computer generated decks...they feel cheap. I like playing with the actual cards and it's an added lvl of respect to a person with an op deck that they managed to find all the cards possible to make it.

Sorry got on a train of thought.

February 2, 2015 12:08 a.m.

xzzane says... #5

Nah, no problem. I'm kind of the same way. I enjoy personal interaction while playing as well.

February 2, 2015 12:52 a.m.

cooldude145 says... #6

Growing Ranks might be a good card with Rootborn Defenses so you don't spend all your mana on populating.

February 2, 2015 11:24 a.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #7

I wouldn't say populate is the main focus of this deck but yet it is....I've played this deck so long it's hard to describe its mechanic. It can work three ways (or more depending on the opposing deck): ramp with low creatures and if Voice of resurgence comes out...kill it and make it grow by making it a distraction to ur growing forces.Protect it and populate it if possible but populate isn't nessary unless up against a control. 2nd, wayfaring ramp. Build it to be big and add on perks to hit opponent continuously to populate acting as another distraction. lastly, wast time.this deck can last a long time with Trostani's life gain, all I need to do is survive until one of the other two focuses are able to be activated.

February 2, 2015 12:25 p.m.

kingalvin says... #8

I like the deck, it has a lot of things in common with mine. If you are looking for a wider variety of cards to use in your sideboard, take a look at the sideboard on my deck. Leyline of Sanctity in particular is very good for use against burn decks. I'd also suggest potentially using Entreat the Angels if you want to make your draws count in the late game and if you need some fliers with a fair amount of power. Another thing I thought I'd mention is that I, personally, agree with xzzane on the topic of not having Spirit Mantle and Unflinching Courage in token decks in general. The main reason I say this is because, when using token decks, the reason for tokens is to have a disposable army, so unless you can use one card, likeIntangible Virtue, to power up all your creatures at once, it is not worth having those kind of enchantments. I know that you've had a lot of experience with those cards being used in this deck, so if you have a reason why you think those work better than I'm all ears.

February 3, 2015 8:31 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #9

Every deck I go against, it's pretty much against aggro. As I said above in the comments, i havnt played this much against control...or at all before my changes. If I must, I'll side board them which is most likely what I will need to do eventually...thx for the suggestion.

February 3, 2015 9:18 p.m.

ZhonLord says... #10

Hemi-pwr well, I've been looking at it for a while now, and you're right. Fitting in the Sigil's going to be tougher than first glance indicates.

For the time being, I would suggest swapping out your Mistcutter Hydras for a pair of this enchantment in your sideboard. From what I see you don't have the mana ramp in to make the hydra dangerous, so unless you're up against a mono-blue deck he just doesn't seem all that useful.

The only viable way I see for it to swap into main deck would be to replace two Wayfaring Temples or two Call of the Conclave (or one of each). Since you have other means of getting creatures, the Temple's populate is kind of underrated compared to his damage, and Sigil can add that damage on to any creature - particularly a Wurm that already has trample. And while Call is a good starting point, the other tokens your deck generates are far more impressive.

February 3, 2015 9:57 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #11

Call is mainly for first turn blocker and for any blocks that I can waste a creature. The wayfaring populate has actually saved my butt a lot especially with other token abilities like Trostani's and Parallel. I'll do the swap like you indicated but mainly...I need to know what time I need to swap them in. First I need the actual cards and play test them against friends decks and maybe I can find a control...maybe. Thx for the card help. This deck has been solid for awhile so I need to find and cracks and fix them soon. Maybe this will become better in modern than in Standard ... Unlikely but it's a hope.

February 3, 2015 10:52 p.m.

Did you consider Growing Ranks and Wake the Reflections? Wake is something that gets me criticized for being "sorcery speed" but really it is just a one drop creature on your turn, in your case, ideally an 8/8. I built a janky token deck for standard a while back that looked kind of like this, it's now a casual deck, I think it's my only public deck on my page (because my others might get me banned with the description) so it might help if you look. Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage is extremely mana intensive and my life is playing against a control player and a fucking holy trinity spike, you should cut it unless you use it for 4 drop flash blockers. Testing against a control deck and a mono red burn deck for this are musts though, its a squish fest for the first few turns, and burn can be too quick to win against, and control can destroy this. For control in standard it was counter Voice of Resurgence, counter Advent of the Wurm, Cyclonic Rift your Grove of the Guardian token, and you should definitely test to learn how to get around this. With burn Voice of Resurgence is great, and problematic, but they will not deal with unless they are sure the can get rid of it which can be a problem for you if you sit with a 2/2 while they burn the piss out of you, your creatures then voice it's really no fun, either side out to make tokens faster, or a few Kitchen Finks even though its not a token thing.

February 4, 2015 8:17 a.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #13

Hmm...well finks looks very helpful against burn and whatnot. I'll most likely add that in for the guild age if I ever face one. That would be a excellent addition because with any creature, guildmage/Trostani's/tokens alike, I can be double the awesome. Another question, if I had sigil out, would that cancel out the first -1/-1? Also, it will let me double use Voice of resurgence...whoop.

February 4, 2015 9:38 a.m.

lol I played with sigil a little bit to see how well it did and it didn't work well for me, it might be better with fat creatures. Kitchen finks gets a -1/-1 counter, so even if Sigil of the Nayan Gods gives it +1/+1 for each creature you control, it doesn't add counters, so the -1/-1 counter isn't removed and it still exists. In my personal casual deck I side 3 Kitchen Finks and mainboard 1 Archangel of Thune. The interaction of +1/+1 counters placed upticks the -1/-1, removing the negative counter. If you stick her to the board with Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and populate effects, everything gets crazy big really fast. I forgot to mention this earlier but take 1 Leyline of Sanctity out, its an expensive card, and you really only need 1.

February 4, 2015 12:21 p.m.

Also explain what you mean by double voice?

February 4, 2015 12:29 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #16

when i dies..i get a star/star token...comes back...dies AGAIN...another star/star

February 4, 2015 1:42 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #17

needed to read closer. i though it gave everything undying. i was wrong

February 4, 2015 2:03 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #18

Made desired changes if Vs control.

February 4, 2015 3:34 p.m.

Don't pay for that Vs control. deck!and your side board is how you beat control! Do testing first, not by yourself but with a friend who knows how to pilot decks you don't know. The typical control deck during that standard Undefeated UW Control. When you test a homebrew, if you want to test it for competition, run a gauntlet, 2 aggro decks mono-red and otherwise, 2 control, 1 combo, and 1 midrange. You can't change the cards in you deck half way through a tournament you only get 75 including the sideboard as a net to use as a catch-all for the meta. If I were you, I'd test against junk, red deck wins, Urzatron, U/W Control (the modern one), aurahexproof/bogles, the 2013 one, and I would say Bloom Titan but only like 2 other people I've met actually know how to play it, so go Twin, if you don't know anyone that has played bloom titan for a while.

Scooze stacks really badly in decks, and archangel of thune stacks badly in this kind of build. And testing is a lot of work, you might want to reconsider making it competitive.

February 4, 2015 9:28 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #20

That's why I need help. The only people I have to play against play either boros or gurrul so I can handle aggro pretty well. No one that I can get ahold of has a control deck. I don't play control personally, and I hope I neverwill. I'm fine with this not being overly competitive but I want this to be a deck ppl can't just step over. So advise me incase of a control or burn match up what I need in my sideboard and what to swap it out for in my deck when nessary.

February 4, 2015 10 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #21

I've played magic for hmm...3 years maybe idk...started at BoyScout camp with a trampling selesnya deck. Fair well being my first time and switched this into a token deck in Avacyan. When to my first FNM and did well. Not many control...mild burn decks but mainly aggro...I beat them all. Burn posed a threat but they were not fast enough.

Went back to camp and the boys that I beat came up with infect decks and challenged was 75% chance that I would win...and many of them were competitive decks. When back to FNM and many people switched over to aggro to beat mine (this was when this deck was standard).

Camp came (last year) and people made thir first control decks...worked too 4-5 round but they ran out of counter cards. I swarmed the field. Havnt been to an FNM after that due to them closing...saddened greatly

This is my magic experience.

February 4, 2015 10:13 p.m.

I've given you my card suggestions the rest really is your skill as a player, you are definitely on a good path skill wise based on what you say. I started in a really heavily competitive environment, the people that got me in were competitive, the local fnm we go to has a few pro players. I'll give you whatever advice I can from my experience on playing my janky centaur token deck and side boarding, since I remember how difficult it was at first. It's a bit of a read, but you asked.

Sideboards are really things you need to learn through experience, chances are at competitive events they will side every game, and never forget to de-side after matches. It's always changing, knowing their deck is a significant advantage, usually people will play variants of net decks that can be found on mtg top 8, from my experience few people actually take the time to learn about how other decks work. It gives a lot of insight for you. Learning other decks lets you know how big of a threat certain cards are or how ineffective other cards are. Like Geist of Saint Traft looks amazing, until people find it's squishy and dies to easily to blockers, (this doesn't mean it's not amazing but) there is a reason its not put in many other decks. Learning other decks teaches you their weakness this is really important.

When you side, don't just think "oh bogles, I just need to add my Spellskites in and I'll be FINE". You'd be surprised how many magic players have little forethought, I teach chess to 12 year old kids who can see further ahead in a game than half of the people I play. Chances are that bogles player runs Path to Exile for Spellskite, and that deck is truly a turn 4 clock that takes no skill to run and can't be beaten by most players at an open. You could use Ratchet Bomb or Chalice of the Void, I would use Porphyry Nodes but that's a whole other conversation, it's really difficult to run nodes. Just to keep things straight I'm not running my token deck. Think about what they are siding out when you see them do it, and side-out for what you think they have sided in. If your deck is too slow to deal with another deck, maybe instead of trying to match their speed you should try slow theirs down and keep yours consistently playing, but again really consider what is going on before you decide what you do.

Playing against control and burn is a little similar in a sense that you want to draw out their burn, or their counter spells, so that stuff that you want to resolve can actually stick. I don't really want too go to in depth but basically pay attention to your opportunities, pay attention to what they do, like I want burn to fizzle into top decking when I play against it, and control you want to be faster than they can stabilize without fizzling out. Generally though keep track of red cards in hand and control's available mana.

From my experience again, to play a deck like this it's important to leave your mana open, a lot of it. It bluffs to keep others from playing too risky, plus it's practical, also get into a habit of playing creatures during your second main phase (I'm bad about this one) unless you have good reason not to.

You leave mana open for combat so they always have to worry about about Selesnya Charm or advent or something coming down and buffing you creatures.

Populate on their turn, in response to the end of their turn with Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage so you don't waste opportunity, creature abilities are instant speed after all. You can also do this for blockers during their combat phase. This way your lands untap and your new creatures don't have summoning sickness.

With Advent of the Wurm + Wayfaring Temple you can swing without tokens and with open mana. They declare blockers, if you want to buff temple in response to a block you can flash in a 2/2 from Selesnya Charm. However if they go "no tokens?" and let temple go through, you can flash in advent, after blocks are declared but before damage is dealt. Then temple is buffed so an extra damage goes through and you get two 5/5's

The reason I suggested taking out 1 Leyline of Sanctity your side board is because it takes up a precious card slot, and it's usually a dead draw when you get it, you really don't want more than one. Scavenging Ooze is a really good card for hating graveyards (and the lifegain with thune) but really you should run 1-2 because they will choke eachother to death if both are on the field, but the best reasoning is if one scooze is followed up by another, the resources for the second scooze are all gone and you get a wimpy 2/2. They come up as dead draw most times, but they can be really useful.

February 5, 2015 7:11 a.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #23

I do that advent temple combo all the time and it makes my friends so mad...a 2/2 comming...I'll let it take three and I get my two should have read the text. The main problem of playing second phase is that if I want to attack with temple, I'll need another creature down to add another +1/+1 to it. But I've gotten better at reading decks. My friend made a mill deck awhile back and I was able to out run it. That seems all I can really do...out run. I just need to know of ways to slow down or counter burn and control decks...this is fine on any other.

February 5, 2015 8:23 a.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #24

Found Choke and Silence for control. Silence can become handy in burn as well. What are your opinions on my two new anti-control/burn ideas?

February 5, 2015 7:45 p.m.

Yoani3 says... #25

Very nice deck. It seems to be a mix of aggro and tokens that work perfectly together. I used to run something very similar, but it was token centered. Also, I don't get why it is 200 dollars. What is the most expensive card in it? Long live Selesnya!

February 7, 2015 5:01 a.m.

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