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Modern* Hemi-pwr

SCORE: 95 | 185 COMMENTS | 16519 VIEWS | IN 52 FOLDERS

Warning: the following advice is from a Noob. Well I pack a bunch of Growing Ranks in my deck which is similar to yours and it works really well. I also find Wall of Reverence is great for upping my life, especially when Grove of the Guardian gives an 8/8 elemental. Just saying...

April 19, 2015 11:12 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #2

I tried to use Growing ranks but since this deck is essentially aggro, I ussually only got one or two populates from it. If anything, I could put it in my EDH.Wall of reverence...Hmm. I do like the life gain but u don't see much more than that. It's toughness could help Trostani gain life but either than that, my creaturs are big enough to block most creatures (except flying...I have windstorm now). Trostani can do what the defender can and also gives me a creature especially during late game when I'm top decking.

April 20, 2015 7:01 a.m.

Croxy0 says... #3

This looks sweet, would advise side boarding Greater Auramancy to protect the leyline and your creatures against that burn match up.

Also looking for some feedback on me Selesnya Aggro, Combo deck if people wouldn't mind

April 28, 2015 7:51 a.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #4

realistically, burn dosnt hurt my creatures and if i happens to be able t, the opponent practically has to be tapped out our i can easily populate it at that point before the damage is dealt. but on the other hand...that be great for a removal deck (i.e. my friends unsommoning deck)

thx for the tip

April 28, 2015 9:58 a.m.

aegisblade says... #6

Some number of Rancors might be good for your Temples.

May 8, 2015 3:30 p.m.

tehpwner says... #7

Cool deck, how do you handle enemy flyers or other evasion though? I'm also trying to do a token gw deck, any advice for Budget GW Token Pwnage ?

June 2, 2015 7:14 p.m.

WicKid52 says... #8

I would maindeck the paths. Weenie/swarm decks typically aren't great against bigger dudes, or trampling threats, and path helps in those scenarios. For 1 mana, you can royally f_ck Amulet Bloom, and really do work on midrange.

June 2, 2015 8:35 p.m.

naafyren88 says... #9

Armadillo Cloak is strictly better than Unflinching Courage as the psuedo lifelink on the cloak can be stacked.

August 26, 2015 4:45 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #10

oooo....that is a funny card...put that on an opponents funny thing is, is that I have often turned a 3/3 Boros Reckoner into a 5/5 just to use mySelesnya Charm. now they wont dare attack with it to gain life. regardless...thanks for the advice.

(you wouldn't happen to know any tricks I can use against werewolves?)

August 30, 2015 9:57 a.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #11

Armadillo Cloak is not Modern

August 30, 2015 10:01 a.m.

You may want to think about adding a one-of Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree for added utility in case you stall.

September 21, 2015 9:32 a.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #13

i would all it in but then i run into the same problem as i did when i tried adding Gavony Township, its colorless. in my have i desperately want green and white mana. the only reason i have Grove of the Guardian is for late game beat down.

i'm still thinking thought over the city-tree...could you give no advantage for the land?

September 21, 2015 10:31 a.m.

Well if you run a playset of Windswept Heath, then you shouldn't really have a problem of getting the colors you need. Having at least four is crucial; less than four fetches decreases their helpfulness drastically as a whole. Both your chances to find a certain color and to thin out your deck go way down.

I would recommend adding another couple off-color fetches as well, like Flooded Strand or Wooded Foothills, because both can fetch the fixing you need in Temple Garden. Running these would free up some space to run some colorless utility lands, because you should have any amount of colors you need by Turn 3, if you include having Birds of Paradise. But if these extra fetchlands past 4 are out of your price range, don't worry about it, as they are not totally necessary. If you choose not to go for the extra fetches, then you're probably right in keeping your colorless land count to a minimum.

Other lands you might consider trying out include Wooded Bastion, Brushland, or Windbrisk Heights. A one- or two-of Wooded Bastion can help out a lot with your many gold cards, especially double-devotion creatures like Trostani, Selesnya's Voice. It is also one of the cheapest filter lands to acquire. Brushland is a lot more cost-friendly, enters untapped, and the life-loss shouldn't hurt too much with your many lifegain sources. Windbrisk Heights is a neat utility card that gives you a psuedo-draw effect that most token decks lack.

September 21, 2015 11:22 a.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #15

my card draw feeds off of Elemental Bond. its sweet since it also counts token creatures. I would love running Wooded Bastion i think adding two in for both a Forest and a Plains wouldn't hurt.

cards like Brushland i loathe. i don't know why people use them. i can pay 2 life for the exact same thing for the whole match. i see people all the time paying some 8-9 life just for mana cost.

Windbrisk can that be modern i mean i will definitely add that in for my extra 2 plains but i cans people getting 1/1s and summoning Eldrazis turn 3.

September 21, 2015 12:24 p.m.

armyandrej says... #16

I would use Dromoka's Command instead of Selesnya Charm. Same CMC but wider spectrum against threats. +1 anyway

October 9, 2015 7:08 a.m.

I feel this deck has too much overkill for late game and not enough to help you get there. For starters, mainboard 4 Path to Exile. It will help almost every matchup. I don't see any need for Parallel Lives or Intangible Virtue. By the time you cast them, you'll already be well on your way to winning. Elemental Bond is good though, I'd keep that because it really helps in the grindy matchups.

If you really want to use Wayfaring Temple, then I'd also add 3 Raise the Alarm because having more tokens is really helpful. They're also great chump blockers to help against aggro decks, especially affinity, the fastest of the aggro decks who also happens to have stupid amounts of x/1 creatures. Raise the Alarm is also instant speed, so they won't see it coming.

I'd sideboard or cut Hour of Reckoning because you have a lot of creatures. It will hurt you a lot more than you want. It will be too slow to help against aggro decks and you'll already have the game against midrange decks. There are a few matchups, like Merfolk and Elves, where I would side it in, but otherwise I'd rather have something else.

I'd swap Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage for Rhys the Redeemed. The advantage here is that it's a 1-drop so you have more plays turn 1 so you can play your hand faster. Making a 1/1 token isn't fantastic, but it's enough to help stall until you can pay 6 mana to double your tokens. When that happens, you will likely win. Alternatively, if you like your guildmage a lot, you could add more mana dorks instead, because right now your curve is too high. More mana dorks could help you crank out more tokens faster so you can make up for your slow start more quickly. Arbor Elf is the next best affordable mana dork, but Noble Hierarch is the best mana dork after birds in this deck, but my god is it expensive. 2 more mana dorks should be sufficient. If you decide to add mana dorks, then cutting the guildmage is probably a bad idea.

To make room for the cards I suggested, I think you can safely cut 1 Call of the Conclave for the final Raise the Alarm. Call is boltable (more relevant than you'd think) and at sorcery speed your opponent always sees it coming. Dropping 1 also isn't a huge loss, 3 should be sufficient.

I'd also cut 1 Selesnya Charm. Your other 2-drops are better. The exile ability only hits Gurmag Angler, and although the buff and token are nice, I don't think a 4-of is necessary. I know it helps your big tokens get through, but you shouldn't need it. Either your dudes will connect or they will be removed. If your opponent is just chump-blocking your 8/8, then your 5/5 trample is definitely getting through. A 4-of isn't necessary. If you decide to add mana dorks instead of swapping the mage (probably a good idea) then add 2 mana dork off of the charm. For the other dork, I'd cut 1 more Selesnya Charm. If you decide to swap the guildmage for Rhys, then I'd still add 1 more mana dork because they help your strategy a lot.

October 18, 2015 10:23 a.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #18


-2 Intangible Virtue for +2 mana dork

-2Parallel Lives -1 Call of the Conclave for +3 Raise the Alarm

side board Hour of Reckoning -1 Selesnya Charm for +3 Path to Exile

(going to think about this) -2 guildmage for +2 rys

this isn't quite the deck I run due to me actually playing a different line up for my regular match ups. for instance I have never played with Parr.lives nor int.virtues. I can honestly say that according to your reasoning, you must know your g/w. I will add the extra removal for the Hour of reckoning. That was mainly in these for early/late game win in my local meta. the hardest change personally is the rys for Vitu-ghazi due to playing her for sooooo long. I will playtest it though.

if you agree with my changes please do but until then, im going to test these theories on a separate deck.

October 18, 2015 9:04 p.m.

Well, I'd actually say GW are the colors I know the least about. I'm a grixis player at heart, but recently I've been trying to branch out and play all kinds of decks to learn the game better and improve my own playing. I just know the modern format pretty well and most of the cards, but I had to do a little digging to find some of the cards for this deck.

Guildmage vs Rhys is one where I have no idea which is better. I see the upsides and downsides to both, and you'll have to playtest for awhile to figure out the better option. If you have a strong personal connection with the guildmage, then play her! This deck isn't tier 1 so you can choose your cards to best-fit your own personality and flavor. If competitiveness while still being a brew is more important than the individual cards for you, then test it more and see which is better.

I'd advise against it, but you can probably get by with only 3 Path mainboard, but sideboard the 4th. Test and see how it goes for this as well.

Looking back, because aggro is your weak point, you should probably sideboard Elemental Bond (would you ever want it against burn or affinity?) to re-add the 4th Call of the Conclave because it's your best card to trigger elemental bond when you side it in. That would allow the 4th path mainboard. I did a handful of games earlier using my deck. I won every time because although you made some scary plays, I was able to use removal on anything big you managed to play and then my creatures would eventually overwhelm yours. To avoid dying you were forced to chump-block until you did die. If you were able to path my Tasigur or Nighthawk I would have struggled a lot more.

Good luck! My friend runs a very similar list which is why it caught my eye. I'm going to show him this deck and see what he thinks because his GW population deck is his pride and joy.

October 18, 2015 9:51 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #20

if i may ask, how do you playtest? every time i choose to playtest my deck here on mtg it ALWAYS gives me crap hands while when i play competitively i get substantially better draws. but regardless. i will take out the virtues and PArralel lives and do some replacing of the HOur of reckoning. i will still have to playtest rhys with added mana dorks to see to it that i can use his ability asap.

main problem has always been burn/murder and counter. I have loxodon sideboarded in my regular deck for counter but burn and murder always mess me up.

October 19, 2015 10:39 a.m.

Yeah, I haven't even gotten to the sideboard yet. When I playtest I have 2 things I do. I use the playtester on here to get an idea of how quickly the deck plays and how it synergizes with itself. I use tappedout mainly for getting a feel for what the deck does and how it plays. When I want to see how it does against random decks of random difficulties, I go onto and play there. I get a variety of competitiveness of decks and a variety of deck types to see how my deck does in an actual game. When I want to test a specific matchup or a specific sideboard configuration, I do that on Tappedout. I have a folder of decks for playtesting against and I just operate both ends. It helps me see the matchup form both ends of the table, which makes me a much better player and helps me figure out the matchup.

October 19, 2015 5:41 p.m.

Neko069 says... #22

I'm not so into Modern, but here in my country use Feed the Clan against monored-based decks for sideboard. It usually drives people nuts :)

And looking at your deck, seems like Ferocious will trigger most of the time!

February 2, 2016 2:15 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #23

Love the card but i don't know where to put it. i have a different sideboard than the one i show on here and i personally don't know how i may work it in. if you know any cool cards where if you gain life you receive a token, that would be amazing.and ill try to attempt to make a deck around it.

This deck is mainly for quick production of large tokens. my meta hates it and has taken down a whole free-for-all single handedly.

February 11, 2016 2:12 p.m.

Neko069 says... #24

Something like Timely Reinforcements maybe? again, I'm not so into Modern, so I'm not sure this is really useful.

Elspeth Tirel can get you tons of life the turn she comes in, and destroy everything in the net turn. Also, the new Nissa, Voice of Zendikar is quite cheap in CMC and fill board with tokens

February 11, 2016 3:23 p.m.

Hidran says... #25

Call and advent are such value. Lovin it.

August 31, 2016 5:08 p.m.

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