You Wont Need Life Where We Are Going
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 122 | 59 COMMENTS | 14833 VIEWS | IN 57 FOLDERS
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #2
firemanefruitcake You have to take a look at the monarch token to get a good understanding of how it works.
October 3, 2016 9:57 a.m.
firemanefruitcake says... #3
Zimmers_0 ah thanks. Is it ok to play at commander tournaments?
October 3, 2016 10:09 a.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #4
Queen Marchesa or this deck? I believe both are but I play casual so dont keep up to date on legalities of tournament play
October 3, 2016 10:16 a.m.
@ Zimmers_0, this is one of the coolest builds for Queen Marchesa I've seen! +1 from me! I run her as well and I hadn't considered a lot of the cards you're running so you've certainly inspired some deck edits!
@ firemanefruitcake, the Monarch mechanic is tournament legal for EDH, Cube, Legacy, and Vintage. As far as the mechanic itself moving from player to player, the monarchy will move if a card states that you become the monarch, if you deal combat damage the to current monarch, or if the current monarch leaves the game at which point it goes to the player whose turn follows the previous monarch.
October 3, 2016 9:25 p.m.
PostContact says... #6
+1 from me. this deck is hilarious. Transcendence + Harmless Offering.....classic. Soul Separator is a great addition as well.
October 3, 2016 10:36 p.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #7
Thanks Wizno and zach353 for the awesome comments!
Zach, what are you going to pair with Soul Separator? Just dups of whatever was taken out? Defentely an under rated card though.
October 4, 2016 1:23 p.m.
snowmaster55555atgmaildotcom says... #8
Have you considered that with a Lich or similar effect on the battlefield, Healing Salve becomes an Ancestral Recall, or Chaplain's Blessing becomes arguably even better? Plus, Aetherflux Reservoir and several 0 drop artifacts, like Spellbook (which lets you hold on to your now massive hand) will let you draw your whole library, and the free spells will protect the Lich, since they are excellent sacrifice fodder.
October 4, 2016 1:59 p.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #9
snowmaster55555atgmaildotcom I knew about the card draw spells and I get the appeal of them, but it just seems like wasted space for a few cards that I could be spending on protection and perms to sac. To me anyways. A lot of blue players will disagree with me on that one but I do like your idea, its just that I would have to switch the entire deck around to match it. Also, i'm not sure you can use Aetherflux Reservoir to its fullest extent with the lich. Since you wont have the 50 life to spend on it. If on wrong on this, its going in there no questions asked.
October 4, 2016 3:14 p.m.
Just curious, with a higher CMC, low land count, and no ramp besides Sol Ring, do you have any issues with the early game or making plays? I find my own decks need like 38 lands and 10 ramp/rock sources even when my average CMC is 3.2, so I'm wondering if I'm missing a secret.
October 6, 2016 9:58 a.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #11
Foxtober This deck isnt about speed as much as it is about making the Lich work. If I just shoved a bunch of rocks in, then thats a lot of 's and not as many 's. Maybe something like Coldsteel Heart but thats still a turn just to get another . I would rather have value over speed in deck is what it comes down to.
October 6, 2016 12:07 p.m.
Love-in-Theory says... #12
Great Deck +1
"Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead" is an awesome album too. Skinless \m/
October 6, 2016 1:23 p.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #13
Love-in-Theory Just wish Only the Ruthless Remain was as great as Trample the Weak or Foreshadowing Our Demise.
October 6, 2016 1:44 p.m.
At first, I only saw another Queen Marchesa deck, like all the others. Then I right as soon as I was about to exit this tab, I saw it: the Lich. Then the other one. Then Transcendence. Oh boy, did that pique my curiosity. I love decks that don't even come close to the mold and you my friend, have broken the mold of your own. I seriously can't +1 this deck enough.
October 9, 2016 10:31 a.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #16
Thanks Eiti3! Probably the best comment I have ever received so much appreciated!
October 9, 2016 12:08 p.m.
You mention several places using tokens as sacing fodder for the Lich, but the rulings say on the card that only non-token permanents can be saced when taking damage.
Am i missing something important?
Love the idea and combo's still though!
October 9, 2016 5:44 p.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #18
0falcon0 damn, it is non-token. I think you were referring to Darien, King of Kjeldor so I removed that part out of the section. Thanks for the heads up!
October 9, 2016 5:55 p.m.
If I may offer up a suggestion, you could run graveyard recurring creatures in place of Darien, King of Kjeldor to have them sac and then reappear back onto the field.
October 9, 2016 6:23 p.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #20
Eiti3 Nether Traitor fits pretty well and might add something like Reassembling Skeleton too. I like your idea on Mikaeus, the Unhallowed but I dont run a lot of creatures, Id have to cut a lot. It would be effective though so ill consider swamping something out. Any thoughts?
Also what is your thoughts on Endless Whispers? Since this deck doesnt have very many creatures, figured I could sac others. Plus its ridiculous
October 9, 2016 7:29 p.m.
Endless Whispers can backfire hardcore on a glass cannon deck like this. Either you would have to focus heavily around Endless Whispers or not run it all.
If you want to add Nether Traitor and Reassembling Skeleton, I'd personally cut Meekstone and one of the Dread/No Mercy cards. I might need an explanation on Meekstone, but I find the card situational and not very needed. Dread and No Mercy are wondrous, (Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts is better because not only can she block for days but you get a dude out of it too), but you already have quite a few "Don't attack me - or else" cards. My opinion; quite fine if you don't share it.
October 9, 2016 8:25 p.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #22
Sounds like a plan to me Eiti3! Thanks for the suggestions!
October 9, 2016 8:37 p.m.
discipleofgary73 says... #23
This deck looks incredibly fun to play. I noticed you had Urborg, but not Cabal Coffers, which always make a lovely pair. Authority of the Consuls works great with the deck, though I can't help but bring up Kismet as an alternative. Alhammarret's Archive might be a good addition, and Well of Lost Dreams could be interesting (though it's a mechanic you've got covered and might conflict with other things anyways). If you're considering Spellbook, I would suggest Library of Leng as more thorough alternative. +1 for sure!
October 9, 2016 11:18 p.m.
Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg says... #24
I would like to play Cabal Coffers but I only run 9 swamps in the deck and im not sure I can justify adding it just for Urgborg. As for Kismet, couldnt I just run Blind Obedience instead since the 4 count is kinda high already. That ones only and has extort. Ill play test Alhammarret's Archive and Well of Lost Dreams, Alhammarret's Archive might be pretty good in here. Reliquary Tower and Thought Vessel are my current max hand size cards, should I have 3 redundancies? And what would I switch out?
October 9, 2016 11:44 p.m.
discipleofgary73 says... #25
I just noticed the Meekstone conversation Eiti3 started, and it reminded me of Smoke, which I think is definitely less powerful than Dread/No Mercy, but still a valid alternative in a deck like this. I find making things indestructible tends to happen frequently in EDH, so having a work around is always nice. Vigilance is perhaps even easier to come by, though - that's the thing about the game, there's always a work around. With Sphere of Safety, I wouldn't be too worried about creatures. Besides, you can always keep an Aurification or Circle of Solace handy if the situation arises.
firemanefruitcake says... #1
Im not sure if Queen Marchesa works like that in terms of whoever has possession of it becomes the monarch. From the wording it just seems that you become monarch from it entering the battlefield so even if you trade it off to someone you are still the monarch
October 3, 2016 9:32 a.m.