DeletedNow4ever says... #2
It is essentially a burn spell. Think about it this way, you can cast it turn three and get in for 5 damage against another aggro deck. If Searing Spear is good enough to make a deck like this because it's 3 damage for 2 mana, then it stands to reason that since card:Nightbird's Clutches can be a 5 damage burn spell for 2 mana that it must also be good for the deck as well. It let's you get full damage through when there are two creatures on the opponents board for 2 mana whereas a burn spell will only likely let you get half or less of that damage through. Burn spells in a RDW deck are not just for burning people to the face. There is a reason the deck isn't all burn but rather has creatures. If they have a board presence you burn their creatures and get in, if they don't then you get in and save burn for the last bit of reach. That's basic Mono-Red deck principles 101. Also knowing when to play the creature with haste that hits for 2 versus the creature without it that hits for three on the next turn is an essential part of the deck as well. You may not think it's ideal in your head, but playing the 2 drop 3 power creature is usually the better play. It is all situational but there is actual complexity to a deck like this. It's not all burn to the face and swing my creatures even if you have blockers.
October 16, 2012 2:43 p.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #3
Also Vexing Devil is one of the worst Magic cards ever printed. It leaves you with no board presence if it comes out early and it gives you a body they feel they can handle if they have let it hit the table in the mid-late game. You would never start the game off with any other burn spell the way you do with Vexing Devil . I'd rather play a burn spell that can remove a creature and do damage to the face versus a useless card like Vexing Devil .
October 16, 2012 2:51 p.m.
cartwheelnurd says... #4
That is not true. Vexing devil can be very good if it is played right. Yaeh, you don't play it turn 1, but if you do, in a n aggressive deck, even Goblin Guide can only be expected to get no more then 4 to 6 damage in without removal, and its the one of the best best red one drop in modern. Plus thee's a considerable drawback.Vexing devil is 4 damage tot he face for 1 mana, which Lava Spike can't even handle.
October 17, 2012 11:36 a.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #5
You can go ahead and believe that all you want. Show me a decklist from a major event that hit the top 8 with Vexing Devil in it since it has been released. I'll save you the won't find one.
October 17, 2012 12:32 p.m.
wow very nice, i love how cheap it is too. i just build a Rakdos deck and i thought mine was fast lol as if.
October 20, 2012 12:38 p.m.
There is two enchantments that might speed up or slow down you not sure in this deck.
October 20, 2012 5:57 p.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #9
yea, someone had suggested Fervor before, but the problem with it is where it falls on the curve. If you curve out, wasting a play with Fervor on turn 3 then dropping Hellrider on turn 4. Fervor just slows down the wanna use burn or card:Nightbird's Clutches on turn 3 if you need to get damage in. If you skip laying a creature on turn 3 to lay Fervor so they can attack right away next turn, it's just like not having haste!
October 20, 2012 6:54 p.m.
if i were to build a deck similar to this should i use my playset of Vexing Devil over the playset of Rakdos Cackler
October 20, 2012 11:01 p.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #11
NO!!! Never ever put that card in any deck you fact, take it outside and burn it. It is a terrible terrible card. It's never what you want it to be. You don't use the burn in this deck to burn your opponent, you burn your opponents creatures. Vexing Devil comes out as burn on turn 1 if you cast it. They aren't going to let it come down as a 4/3 creature. If you play it later in the game they prolly have answers or blockers for it so let it come down as a creature. You most likely want burn at that point to clear the board of creatures so your can hit. You use burn on people only as a last resort to get that last bit damage in. Also, in most cases dropping your 3 power creature without haste on turn 2 and then dropping the 2 power haste creature on turn 3 will get you more damage faster.
October 20, 2012 11:52 p.m.
i have a similar deck like this, i have 4x Vexing Devil , and 3x Splatter Thug 3x Lightning Mauler ..might want to take these into consideration...+1 from me, rdw!
October 21, 2012 11:12 p.m.
This is one aggressive deck!! Hellrider is right at home in here.
October 23, 2012 12:46 a.m.
what if you swap out shred freaks for lightning maulers? they may possibly work well with mogg flunkies.
October 24, 2012 12:43 p.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #15
Lightning Mauler has no reason to be in this deck. You are thinking about RDW the wrong way if you think that you have to play your haste creatures on turn 2 and then the Gore-House Chainwalker or Mogg Flunkies on turn 3. You get more damage by playing the hasters turn 3 and the 3 power guys turn 2.
The Lightning Mauler s aren't going to have a target to soulbond with 100% of the time. You wanna make sure you always have the numbers coming out the best way you can.
October 24, 2012 3:28 p.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #16
If you have no turn 1 play, which happens because there are only 8 one drops, Rakdos Shred-Freak gets you damage where the Lightning Mauler just sits there.
October 24, 2012 3:30 p.m.
monkeybear says... #18
this is a frickin sweet RDW list!! how do you feel about Annihilating Fire to deal with Thragtusk and zombies??
October 25, 2012 8:42 p.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #19
Annihilating Fire does nothing for me. It's slower that Searing Spear , and Pillar of Flame already exiles Gravecrawler and card:Geralf's Messenger which are the 2 Zombies that you need to be worried about. Thragtusk isn't a card you should be worrying about because you should kill them before they get to play it. Also just so you know...if you hit Thragtusk with Annihilating Fire they still get the 3/3 beats. I know it makes sure they can't bring it back later, but you shouldn't be planning for the mid to late game, you should be shuffling cards and shaking your opponents hands before it ever gets that far.
October 25, 2012 9:44 p.m.
Nice deck ConBurnMadMan!
I would be interested to know of your sideboard strategy against the different decks. I.e. what cards do you side in and out for some games as opposed to others.
October 30, 2012 7:21 a.m.
I recommend running Thundermaw Hellkite instead of conscripts in the mainboard, and move conscripts to the sideboard. He provides a lot of reach and destroys lingering souls. I like this deck. +1
November 26, 2012 10:45 p.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #24
Flames of the Firebrand also deals quite well with Lingering Souls for less mana. The reason I'm going with the Zealous Conscripts over the Thundermaw Hellkite is because of the synergy with Hellrider and Pyreheart Wolf . You steal a blocker from them and get 2 extra damage on attack step with one card. I understand the value of running both of the cards in the 5 drop slot, I'm just more of a fan of stealing something...especially a troublesome PW if I need to. Also I've changed the sideboard a bit since you comented...since I'm running Zealous Conscripts in this deck I don't really need the Mark of Mutiny s in the sideboard...I've replaced them with one of the most underrated cards in the format IMO, Electrickery . Great for mana dorks....and VERY great for Lingering Souls !
kkwalker says... #1
the only card i dont like in the deck is card:Nightbird's Clutches i understand why its in there, but i think 2x Vexing Devil may work better. it just seems dead on turn 2 and if you need to play it to push damage, you should probably just play a burn spell instead.
October 16, 2012 11:58 a.m.