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Your debt will be paid in blood.

Standard Control WB (Orzhov)



Enchantment (3)

Artifact (1)

Welcome to the Orzhov Syndicate; The only guild which is overpoweringly cruel in their methods, but subtle enough to lay low until judgement day. This is a standard deck focussed towards slowly chipping away at your opponent through extortion, only to zero in for the kill with big bombs or massive draining plays. The cards can be categorised as:

  • The Extort Engines. The creatures who you wouldnt give a second glance, especially not Basilica Screecher , who is cheap and cheerful. The larger ones have the hidden advantage, however, of being excellent meat shields. Once the Pontiff of Blight hits the board, not much is getting past it.

  • The Removal. Something for all the family, the essential toolbox of supporting cards to remove those pesky creatures trying to mess up your day; which can culminate in Merciless Eviction to reset the standings the turn before a bomb drop.

  • The Bombs. After one or two of these, your opponent will be begging for the end. There is:

    • Deathpact Angel A 5/5 flyer is nothing to be sniffed at. a 5/5 flyer in the extort colours is even better. A 5/5 flyer in the extort colours which needs to burn 2 removal spells (at least!) to be removed for good? Even better!
    • Debt to the Deathless Speaks for itself, anybody unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of a large one of these will tell you that. Add in the dwindling life total of anybody extorted up to these dangerous levels, and you've got an apocalyptic play. Future synergy with Crypt Ghast as well.
    • Desecration Demon First, a 6/6 flyer for 4. Second, a drawback which isn't really a drawback. Sac a creature to keep him off you for a turn? Sure, but he'll be bigger when he does. Throw in assorted removal to narrow choices for sac candidates and you have a painful situation!
    • Gray Merchant of Asphodel How is this guy a common again? Excellent synergy with the heavy black presence on the board, on top of being a relatively cheap bomb to allow to extra injury through extortion, glorious.
    • Obzedat, Ghost Council The big Obzedaddy. Extort 2 for free every turn once he hits the board, with the added option of being able to outrun sorcery-speed removal and do it all again! Honorable mentions to the Whip of Erebos for its frankly quite scandalous infinite recursion combo should your obzedat be taken away from you.


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Thank you to everybody for their suggestions, I've finally gotten around to bringing the decklist to 60 cards (been sitting at 66 for the longest time) and moved some of the cards into the sideboard. The Basilica Screechers I think will be good if i need to fight in the air, as well as the 2 toughness making them somewhat more durable than Tithe Drinker. The Blind Obedience is now a side vs aggro, and [[Deathpact Angel is now a side in vs decks that for whatever reason I find it difficult to close out against. More sideboarding to come (eventually)

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Date added 12 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 4 Rares

16 - 4 Uncommons

2 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.94
Tokens Copy Clone
Folders Black White, Extort, Old Standard Builds
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