Your debt will be paid in blood.

Standard unmistakable


D.Novitzky says... #1

Go for more playsets.

Syndic of Tithes I'd like to see 4 of them running. A cheap 2 drop for 2, plus extort.

Get rid of the guildgates for more Isolated Chapel 's and Godless Shrine 's

Lord of the Void seems to be a bit expensive for a little mill. I'd much rather use him in a Dimir mill deck than an Orzhov extort.

Try to stick with your initial idea. Extort can be NASTY. I have a prototype Orzhov deck in the making. Will link to it soon.

March 24, 2013 6:28 p.m.

D.Novitzky says... #2

EDIT: This is the deck I'm working on currently. Need a little more playtesting, but otherwise it seems to do what you want. Orzhov Build

March 24, 2013 6:41 p.m.

unmistakable says... #3

Thanks for the feedback; any sort of idea on what could be replaced by syndics?

March 24, 2013 6:45 p.m.

D.Novitzky says... #4

Check out my orzhov build for a good idea. I would get rid of anything mill. While fun, it doesn't really mesh with your deck idea as much as more extort/cheap creatures do. Example.

Turn 1: Play Swamp , Play Basilica Screecher
Turn 1: Play Swamp , Play Basilica Screecher , Extort, Attack 1 Flying
Turn 2: Play Plains , Play Dutiful Thrull or Basilica Guards . Extort x2. Attack 2 Flying....

And so on.

March 24, 2013 6:54 p.m.

unmistakable says... #5

I like the idea, I'm thinking of ways to take out the mill now; How does one play a basilica screecher turn one though, as it is 2 drop?

March 24, 2013 6:56 p.m.

D.Novitzky says... #6

Shoot, sorry. Thought it was one. Replace that with Thrull Parasite . Then turn 2 screecher.

March 24, 2013 6:58 p.m.

D.Novitzky says... #7

But that's the general idea behind it. You want as much extort on the field as you can. A quick spell and you can extort as long as you have mana to do it. A lot of fun and makes people squirm!

March 24, 2013 6:59 p.m.

unmistakable says... #8

Thanks very much for the ideas; at the moments i'm thinking Taking out:- 2x Grisly Spectacle - 1x Typhoid Rats - 2x Giant Scorpion - Lord of the Void - Syndic of Tithes

Adding in:+ 2x Knight of Obligation + 1x Thrull Parasite + 3x Basilica Screecher + 1x Blind Obedience

Does that sound alright?

March 24, 2013 7:03 p.m.

D.Novitzky says... #9

Seems like a good start!

March 24, 2013 7:04 p.m.

unmistakable says... #10

Im trying to trim all of the non-extort; Falkenrath Noble seems to mesh quite well with the theme however. Also I'm afraid of removing too much removal, how much is enough?

March 24, 2013 7:05 p.m.

D.Novitzky says... #11

Like a great player told me, the key is consistency. Stick with an idea and it will do very well. my orzhov prototype ((Again, shameless plug Orzhov Build)) should give you an idea of what I mean by consistent. Example: 2x Blind Obedience means that you have twice as many chances to draw it without wasting slots for creatures with extort.

March 24, 2013 7:07 p.m.

Raunchyrobs says... #12

July 1, 2013 12:06 a.m.

veritates1 says... #13

The deck looks like it is coming along nicely. My own deck Borrowed Life has more instants, enchants, etc... The idea is a cheap spell like Smite takes down an attacker AND leaves plenty of mana for extort triggers. And nothing makes an opponent falter like a draw-go with full mana.

I tend not to swing with this deck. I do with Vampire Nighthawk and he makes me very happy. One of my favorite cards.

A combo not to overlook is Smite and High Priest of Penance . Smite is a cheaper mana cost than Murder , still gives removal, and lets you extort. All they have to do is swing. Smite lets you choose if the damage is dealt before you destroy a blocked its a potential two for one. Just have the ruling handy!

I'm also a BIG fan of Gift of Orzhova . Great artwork, and it turns your creatures into lifelink flyers. Pair it with a Dutiful Thrull to keep him relevant or High Priest of Penance to encourage them to block him.

July 12, 2013 3:51 p.m.

hounddog572 says... #14

It looks very good but you needs some Tithe Drinker s and maybe a Desecration Demon , tithe drinker helps with extort and living due to lifelink. The Demon gives you another big hitter beside a Deathpact Angel and, one of the biggest things with me is Crypt Ghast this thing is amazing in an extort deck the extra mana helps pay for extort and high cost cards like deathpact and Merciless Eviction which helps out if you start losing control. with crypt ghast you can also consider Debt to the Deathless which can end a game on the spot. Also a planeswalker or two wouldn't be bad like Gideon, Champion of Justice with the capability of giving you a big creature or a complete board wipe he can really come in handy, the Liliana planeswalkers are good too but can be high in price. With M14 you should really consider 4 Doom Blade s and a Diabolic Tutor or two you can have Smite in your sideboard in case you face a black deck but doom bades are relatively safe and very reliable especially with crypt ghast making it one swamp to play if you have one out. I'm not sure how much you are willing to put into the deck but theses cards considering other ones are not that expensive so if you are on a budget then some cards could be past up but this seems to work pretty well with me and doesn't add a whole lot of price like Boros Reckoner s($15) which are almost as much as 4 crypt ghasts($16) I hope this was helpful

July 27, 2013 10:30 p.m.

Almost no Orzhov deck is complete without Crypt Ghast in my opinion. It gives you forever extort. Blood Baron will work good too, even though it's 4/4 and an ability that triggers from having 30+ life and opponent having >10, a 4/4 lifelink with protection from black and white is pretty good for 5 mana. I also recommend making enough changes to get x4 Thrull Parasites in there. They are 1/1's yes, but are fantastic extort triggers, and make great turn 1 drops. I don't know if it's standard anymore but also Rhox faithmender (just to double the life gain). Lastly Debt to the Deathless as a sideboard? (especially if you run crypt ghast)

September 25, 2013 3:43 a.m.

Maxadillo says... #16

Personally, I think Pontiff of Blight is a must in an Orzhov deck. Specifically, because it can make multiple instances of extort stack.

November 2, 2013 7:59 p.m.

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