

Hello my babies! After strenuous testing, I wanted to come back here and give you what seems to be the most competitive (mono-white) angel tribal deck that I could muster. Now, in testing this archetype, I have come to the determinatiin that Angels usually need more than just themselves to be competitive. The strongest iterations of this deck type seem to usually splash a supportive color, such as green for access to collected company. So what about those of us that wish to stay mono-white? Two words.....LIFE. GAIN.

Therefore, I'm presenting a mono-white angel deck that utilizes powerful life-gain based utility! This not only grants the us innate survivability, but also propels our aggro strategy with insane combos and field based interactions. That all being said, let's get into the deck tech!


Guide of Soul's: Solid replacement for Soul's Attendant from MH3. Less life gain but more utility. Makes even our weenies threats by turn 3.

Martyr of Sands: Absolutely NUTS. Accelerates our win conditions, and keeps us alive in closer matchups. She's literally SO free. Running 4 is a must IMO.

Speaker of Heavens: With this and Martyr in our opening hand, we can begin generating tokens by turn 2.

Serra Ascendant: Martyr can make this a 6/6 flying lifelinker on turn 2. If he isn't answered, he can literally win games on his own.

Bishop of Wings: The biggest reason to play Angels. A solid life gain engine, and can provide us some value from our fallen angels. Running 4 is another must.

Giada, Font of Hope: New Capenna brought angels much needed spice. She ramps us into our larger angels, and provides our angels with increased power. She is essentially a two mana lord. I run 3, because 4 felt too redundant. You don't mind drawing into more than one, but you don't prefer it either.

Righteous Valkyrie: Provides us with an insane lord effect, and acts as a back up life gain engine. Can get out of control with multiple copies out at the same time. Plus she thicc (big booty, resistant to removal).

Resplendent Angel: Oh me oh my! A win condition on its own. If we have any of our life gain engines out when this hits the field, it is essentially game over for our opponents.

Angel of Vitality: An easy 4/4 flyer that increases our life-gain based effects. Solid addition to our utility and aggression.


Path to Exile: Duh. The only spot removal we need.


Self explanatory.

There you have it! Mono-white angels...Kind of??

Let me know what you think down below, and feel free to offer critiques/suggestions. Above all else, thanks for checking in. <3




97% Competitive

Revision 17 See all

(2 months ago)

-1 Angel of Vitality main
+1 Plains main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #13 position overall 2 years ago
  • Achieved #7 position in Modern 2 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern Flying 2 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern Lifegain 2 years ago
Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

2 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.92
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Angel 4/4 W w/ Vigilance, Energy Reserve, Spirit 1/1 W
Folders Decks, Modern One Day, Nice decks, Decks I want to build, Modern, Folder, Other Decks
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