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Your life.. is my life :)




Creature (2)

Land (3)

Enchantment (4)

Artifact (3)

Instant (3)


Artifact (2)

Instant (8)

Sorcery (2)

This is my idea of a life link / life siphon deck that revolves around Vizkopa Guildmage. This is UBW control with some some fun flicker, a ghost council and oh yeah an infinite combo for kicks!

I am sick and tired of the usual ramp and reanimator decks that clog my FNM so i plan to use this and see how i do. I'll keep tweaking and and shuffling around so I'll kep this updated.

Please feel free to comment and any advice of card tweaks would be great :)


Updates Add

Updated changes: What I added +1 Azorius Charm moved 3 Orzhov Charm to SB for 3 Duress +1 Blind Obedience added 4 Spell Rupture +1 Crypt Ghastfoil +1 Drowned Catacomb added 2 Glacial Fortress +2 Isolated Chapel +2 Restoration Angel added 2 2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride

What I took out: 3 Ghost Quarter moved to SB 1 was removed. -3 Cloudshift -1 Cavern of Souls -2 Deathrite Shaman 2 moved to SB. -2 Drogskol Captain -1 Exquisite Blood -1 Vizkopa Guildmage

I made these changes after testing against a RGW ramp deck and a BU mill deck. I found i needed more control and more adjustments to my lands. I felt my hand draws were not helpful with the large amounts of caverns and Ghost Quarter (which was great against ramp that had 0 basic lands) would hurt me more. I felt as much as i liked the cloudshift idea, but It was a dead card more then not so i took them out added another resto angel and called it even. I felt it needed a plainswalker to help redirect attention and add to my play so im going to try Ajani out and see if it will work well with my lifelink and big creatures.

Also added a maybeboard!


Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 3 Mythic Rares

35 - 6 Rares

7 - 6 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.92
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Cat 2/2 W
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