This my take on a naya zoo deck W/O Tarmogoyf.
Let's Break it down...
1-Drop Creatures:
Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency
Steppe Lynx because swinging for 8 on turn two is something that doesn't seldom come. This can happen by playing Steppe T-1 and fetching for a shockland and then Ghor-Clan Rampager or give the Lynx Double strike with Boros Charm.
If not the lynx, then throw out a Wild Nacatl or Monastery Swiftspear T-1/T-2 to take advantage of the shocks. I know Goblin Guide is a better Substitute but it's not worth it in my opinion. Also the buffs from the non-creature spells are nice
2-Drop Creatures:
The two drop slot is only for Ghor-Clan Rampager, giving value for that T-2 play. I am considering him in this spot only for his bloodrush ability for two, not a creature for 4.
3-Drop Creatures:
Loxodon Smiter because Liliana of the Veil is a thing, and also any other discard spell. 4/4 body for 3 that can't be countered... I'll Take it!
Knight of the Reliquary fuels the delving spells and also the Steppe Lynx to get ultra value. Sacking that basic plains or forest that your opponent made you search for with path to search for a fetch land and then search again buffs your Lynx to +4/+4 and also your knight gets a +2/+2 buff as well.
Lightning Bolt is self-explanatory.
Same with Lightning Helix.
Path to Exile because exiling their GOOD creature is a very GOOD idea
Become Immense is definitely a Value card.
Let me explain.
Though costing 6 mana, T-3,4,5 there is defineitly going to be fuel in your graveyard from all of those lands and spells so the 6 mana spell is now only going to cost 1 green.... VALUE....
Ajani Vengeant is your fifth Lightning Helix and also tapping their Siege Rhino or Tarmogoyf is pretty money to me.
Boros Charm to get that win T-4 or 5 or an anti-wrath spell is great.
Honorable Mentions:
Tarmogoyf is too goddamn expensive...
Linvala, Keeper of Silence Same thing.
Aven Mindcensor I will put in the sideboard some day.
Creeping Corrosion I don't know... probably should put it in sideboard.
Blood Moon I'm not an asshole.
Scavenging Ooze From all that I researched, Sc'ooze is pretty slow, especially for this type of build.
Noble Hierarch If I have it in the deck, I'll need 4 and I'm not going to drop $140 bucks on a questionable card for this particular build.
Choke Maybe against the control match-up. Still not as assholish as Blood Moon so... maybe.
Loam Lion and Kird Ape Though it's Value, I just don't see running it.
Flinthoof Boar It's Pretty Slow.
If you guys think I made a wrong decision, make a case and I'll probably be proved wrong.
Let me know what you guys think. Obviously there are cards that I should be playing so this is the time to tell me. I have never built a modern deck before and so this is my first sort of "Homebrew", if you will. This is guide-lining a bunch of other Naya Zoo decks but nothing quite this unique I think.
Thanks Guys!