Your worst fears are coming (Turn 4)

Modern* jonny909090


MohenjoDaro says... #1

I'm really glad you made this deck! I love it!

I suggest switching a Keeper of Progenitus for another Karametra's Acolyte to get more mana out (I found Elvish Harbinger a bit less useful if Karametra is already out). Arbor Elf might also be a nice, cheap addition.

Might also think of adding in Diabolic Revelation in for another search card since you have the mana to use it.

Again, thanks for making this deck, I love it. It works pretty well, just need a couple smaller cost cards in there. I usually get the the combo out (under test runs) by turn 8, so it is pretty quick.

November 3, 2016 1:44 a.m.

MohenjoDaro says... #2

I would keep Nissa, Worldwaker since she adds creatures to fight and mana to use. Index and Taigam's Scheming are always good cards.

November 5, 2016 10:40 a.m.

jonny909090 says... #3

Usually by the time I get Nissa I already have way more mana than I need. Also I would just prefer straight card draw over scrying.

November 5, 2016 10:59 a.m.

MohenjoDaro says... #4

Divination and Think Twice aren't too bad. Abundance might also help out once you have the mana you need. Conjurer's Bauble can be useful.

November 5, 2016 11:17 a.m.

jonny909090 says... #5

I think I am just going to use mind spring. That way I can draw as many cards as I want.

November 5, 2016 11:26 a.m.

May i suggest Joiner Adept instead of harbinger? It doesn't produce mana, but it basically is a walking lantern. And i think Acquire is a nice sideboard card against artifact decks.

November 14, 2016 8 a.m.

jonny909090 says... #7

Harbringer isnt really for the mana. I use it to get an arbor elf in case I don't draw one. Originally I had acquire in the deck but decided against it. I can side board it.

November 14, 2016 12:47 p.m.

MohenjoDaro says... #8

I actually would switch out Chromatic Lantern for Joiner Adept. As stated, Elvish Harbinger is just meant to get out Arbor Elf if you didn't draw one, but if you have Joiner Adept and aren't getting the colors then it could go into your deck for that as well. Something to think about.

November 14, 2016 1:09 p.m.

MohenjoDaro says... #9

I would also drop 1 Door to Nothingness for 1 more Mana Reflection since you will quickly have enough mana to cast it and it will help a lot more than the door will. Once you have the player's turn it's pretty guaranteed that you'll draw the 1 door in the deck.

November 14, 2016 1:18 p.m.

jonny909090 says... #10

Mana reflection is great, but I dont usually need it to get the combo. Also it is a very expensive card. $22 each for a card that loses its usefulness within a few turns. I was almost thinking of taking them out.

November 14, 2016 1:32 p.m.

MohenjoDaro says... #11

I agree that it probably isn't that needed, the deck is a pretty good ramp deck that puts most of my friends' ramp decks to shame. This one is also very consistent with the ramp it gets too, it works 90% of the time, or you'll get the combo by turn 8 because the combo cards were taking up space in your hand.

November 14, 2016 1:41 p.m.

forforforest says... #12

I wonder how Beck would work with this

November 18, 2016 5:40 p.m.

jonny909090 says... #13

Personally I dont think it would help that much, there are only 11 creatures in the entire deck. And if you use the call portion as well you are spending 8 mana to draw minimum 4 cards. I could spend 9 with mind spring and get a full hand.

November 18, 2016 7:02 p.m.

forforforest says... #14

you can imprint it for 2 and you can cast it with fuse and get the 4 triggers off the birds if I'm not mistaken.

November 20, 2016 8:13 p.m.

forforforest says... #15

and if you cant cast both halves, you can at least get 4 fliers for 2 mana

November 20, 2016 8:15 p.m.

MohenjoDaro says... #16

forforforest I had to look up the ruling for split cards. To imprint, you do pay which ever side you want, but you can only cast 1 side at a time, you can't cast both sides at once, so you're correct, it would be a 2 drop 4 1/1 fliers per turn until the main combo is done.

November 20, 2016 8:29 p.m.

jonny909090 says... #17

Maybe, but thats not the point. I'm not going to bother adding it. I have all the search/draw that I need and I dont really need more creatures.

November 20, 2016 8:31 p.m.

OccupyMy40oz says... #18

When using door to nothingness as a win condition a good combo is Channel the Suns + Doubling Cube. gives you all the mana you need instantly

November 21, 2016 7:08 p.m.

jonny909090 says... #19

Door to nothing was something I added after the fact. The main idea is Panoptic Mirror + Worst Fears and Bribery + Panoptic Mirror . I realized that since I was creating so much mana I might as well add a second win condition. I could also do Helix Pinnacle with the shear amount of mana this deck can produce. I was also thinking that Villainous Wealth would be evil once you have 40 or so mana to spend. I think I am going to make that into a deck at some point.

November 21, 2016 7:22 p.m.

partymunchkin says... #20

you need removal because Leyline of Sanctity wins every game vs this deck

November 23, 2016 1:41 p.m.

jonny909090 says... #21

Burn and cheap destroy cards also beat this deck all the time. Im not adding removal because its not part of the deck. If I try to make the deck invincible it stops being the deck.

November 23, 2016 1:52 p.m.

MohenjoDaro says... #22

I mean, you can always add 2 Privileged Position but that's 2 more things you have to search for, it doesn't protect you, waste of 10 mana to play, and, as you said, isn't what the deck is about.

November 24, 2016 11:19 a.m.

ZaneOlric3 says... #23

I'm just amazed at how consistent this deck is! It works for a turn4-5 win every time I've tried it. Nice work!

November 24, 2016 11:22 a.m.

jonny909090 says... #24

Thanks. I am very happy with how the deck turned out.

November 24, 2016 12:18 p.m.

hamiam says... #25

Very nice +1

November 27, 2016 1:02 a.m.

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