You're Breathing Borrowed Air

Standard* Ubermat

SCORE: 102 | 80 COMMENTS | 15642 VIEWS | IN 45 FOLDERS

sadiuh says... #1

Even though Tymaret, the Murder King is not a human i think he would be good for this deck because of the sack outlet with necromancer. I would remove a chainwalker and a thrill kill assassin if you make this change. Cool deck and good idea with vile rebirth for zombie token ill have to try that :)

September 25, 2013 10:33 p.m.

Ubermat says... #2

That's a good Idea sadiuh I'll try that.

September 25, 2013 10:55 p.m.

GSalty says... #3

Coordinated Assault is an interesting new combat trick that can trigger two separate heroic abilities for only one mana.

Also, I dread the day I see someone put a Madcap Skills on an Agent of the Fates .

September 27, 2013 3:01 a.m.

Ti22_HipHero says... #4

sorry but enchantments dont trigger heroic i dont think.

September 28, 2013 3:06 a.m.

Ubermat says... #5

yeah they do Ti22_HipHero

September 28, 2013 12:27 p.m.

Snowblindblitz says... #6

I have two Tymaret, the Murder King if you want to try them.

October 8, 2013 1:46 p.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #7

Young Pyromancer instead of Akroan Crusader or instead of Rakdos Shred-Freak and Tymaret, the Murder King instead of the Gore-House Chainwalker and you have a really scary damn deck.

October 11, 2013 10:51 p.m.

denijsx90 says... #8

I like it +1

October 14, 2013 8:37 p.m.

therandommoron says... #9

Love this deck. I also think Agent of the Fates is a bad ass. I've got a deck that uses the same Xathrid Necromancer murder king combo red black humans (needs help). Take a look I would love some advice.

October 14, 2013 8:38 p.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #10

I say toss out the thrill kill assasin and maybe a few other spells to put in 4x Akroan Crusader and Purphoros, God of the Forge . it will give you a serious late game clock for your opponent. if you manage a curve of Xathrid Necromancer and Purphoros, God of the Forge hes gonna think twice about using a board wipe like Supreme Verdict or else all the zombies are gonna make him eat 2 damage a piece with purphoros on the field.

October 19, 2013 10:12 p.m.

Ubermat says... #11

Thanks RamonGrizzly for the idea!

October 20, 2013 1:13 a.m.

Sir_HC says... #12

Flames of the Firebrand would work well here. Target three of your */1 creatures with heroic... Xathrid Necromancer and Purphoros, God of the Forge could go nuts... No Akroan Horse ?

October 21, 2013 11:34 a.m.

Darkshar says... #13

Did you get any serious tesitng/events done with this deck? Looks really nice...


October 21, 2013 12:33 p.m.

tt6g72vr4 says... #14

Shrivel in the sb to combat Master of Waves/blue devotion? Purphoros seems kind of wonky. I get the idea that it can give you some reach, but the fact that it will almost never get turned on as a big beater could be a little loose; but then again, it is only a one of I suppose.

October 21, 2013 5:06 p.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #15

I think going to 23 lands and adding more creatures might be the thing here, too many ttimes while playtesting i had hands filled with combat tricks but no creatures. I love this deck though you had the right idea here, im gonna make it for fnm this friday

October 21, 2013 7:56 p.m.

Ubermat says... #16

RamonGrizzly would you care to share what you are changing for FNM? What creatures you are putting in and what you are taking out? Also where is your FNM?

October 21, 2013 9:10 p.m.

Ubermat says... #17

Also I added in Magma Jet for some scry so I could draw into what I needed. The same thing goes for Titan's Strength . I'm trying to find time for play testing, but I've been really busy with work.

October 21, 2013 9:14 p.m.

soccerboy98 says... #18

October 22, 2013 1:52 a.m.

Ubermat says... #19

as soon as I can lay my hands on some soccerboy98

October 22, 2013 7:54 a.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #20

I go to game academy in Orlando, I'm gonna move the removal to the sideboard and make it more of an engine deck. I picked up a play set of xathrid a on eBay for 5 bucks so once I get those I'm gonna start real time testing. I'm gonna take out Boon of Erebos entirely and throw in either Dynacharge or Weapon Surge because first strike death touch is nuts. Ill run a two of Purphoros, God of the Forge and a couple Molten Birth for shenanigans, and maybe two Hammer of Purphoros I gotta do some serious play testing to be sure though. Fanatic of Mogis is an option instead if I decide to run less red devotion.

October 22, 2013 9:36 a.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #21

Oh and Dark Prophecy as a two of for sure, black god is an option lol

October 22, 2013 9:39 a.m.

3mouse says... #22

Fit the Underworld Cerberus please! +1

October 22, 2013 8:52 p.m.

RamonGrizzly says... #23

RamonGrizzly its called b/r humans copy, doesnt let me link it.This is what i have so far, tell me any ideas you got; still need to brew a sideboard... and i think i want space for dark prophecy

October 24, 2013 10:20 a.m.

Has anyone considered trying Strionic Resonator in a deck like this. You would potentially Be looking at 3 manna and your opponent would be sacking two creatures with Agent of the Fates and say Titan's Strength . Any thoughts? Or am I mis understanding how the card works?

October 24, 2013 12:32 p.m.

denijsx90 says... #25

Why are you talking to yourself?

October 24, 2013 3:43 p.m.

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